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THE FAIRIES: kikei:*looks like a fly XD* saki:*i hope she doesn't find out i edited her from rock lee ^^;* katsu:*omg he looks great in a dress XDD *dies laughing* *
Katsu: O.e
kira: owww but it looks good on u <3 doesn't it keiso-kun?
awsome n cute
Keiso: well- Katsu: *death glares at him* Keiso: O.O; no it looks horrible
me:10x ^^ mom:r u on the computer again?O.e me:0o; nu! *hides* kira: *psycho twich*in a demonic voice:dun look at him like that *cracks knuckles*
Katsu: =x= Keiso: ^^;
kira:*still demonic voice*well?
Katsu: well what?
XD I uploaded a bg plz look
kira: *psycho twich**punches him trough a wall O.o"* me:shoul i hide from mom or kira?hmmm.... kira:*death glare* me:0o; MUMMEH!!I LUV U!!!*runs away XD*
lol katsu: @_____@ ow.....
lol XD kira:*looks at keiso*ok im done now ^^ me:*under desk XD*is it safe to come out now?O.o
Me: idk D: Kaieso: dayum O.e Katsu: *nose bleed* =x=
me:*crawls from under desk* i think it is O.o kira:huh?what?im not that scary >>' me:*nods sarcasticly*
Hey Sakura-chan take a look at my latest pic in my gallery!
ok ^^
Thank you.
ur welcome ^^
I edited it myself the Kagome and Inuyasha one.
yes i saw it, it's cool did u make it on paint?
Nope I used my sony printer.It does creative prints.
Keiso: um...yeah XD Katsu: *holding his nose XD*
me:*nods* kira:u don't think im scary do u keiso-kun?T.T me:poor katsu completely ignored u.u NO WORRIES!I'll call kikei ^^
Bex-chan if you like Inuyasha you'll like my new picture.
I dunt like it, but I'll look anyways ^^ Katsu: O.e *poofs xD* Keiso well O.e
kira: *looks down* me: aww  and btw U CAN"T RUN FROM KIKEI!!XDD kikei:*poofs next to katsu*
Thanks Bex-chan.
Katsu: *punches him XDD* go away =x= Keiso: aww D: *hugs her*
kikei:WHAAAAAAAA!!!!!! no u.u kira:*hugs back*..............i'm not that scary........
Keiso: ^^; Katsu: *flicks him sends him flying*
kikei: AAAAAAA!!!*hits a tree*O.e oww kira:*smiles*
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