Beku 1.PNG 662x382(25KB) Beku ^^-6926 viewsyush, he hash a girls name XD and its my name in japanese...I'll come up with a bio on my next pic of him ^^
blaze goggleless Oo.png 704x396(75KB) Blaze's eyes-2423 viewsmuhahaha the lighting is bad XD I'm not sure weather its bags, eyeliner or from when he was a kid and used to rub his eyes after using oils and it stained xD
blaze.PNG 522x434(98KB) Blaze-3951 viewsForgot some stuff D:
Personality: obsessed with mechanics, understanding,helpful and forgiving
Likes: Cars, anything to do with mechanics and flame pattern type things
Dislikes: Carmen in a bad mood, dents in his car and Alcohol
put the wrong birth year, its 1989 O.e;;
Carmenbeforesheleftwhammy.PNG 704x396(97KB) Carmen before she left Whammy's House-4119 viewsName: Helena-Ingrid Smith
Alias: Carmen
Race: Human
Gender: female
Age: 14 years old(at debut and pictured), 18 years old(after time skip)(born August 22, 1990)
Hair: ginger
Eyes: amber
Height: 5'7"
Family: Orphan (raised at Whammy's House)
carmenwithboi.PNG 941x763(80KB) Bio-4895 viewsthat explains most of it, but I don't have that much of a story yet so...yeah <<;
plus I put the wrong year for her birthay @__@;
coal.PNG 396x396(18KB) Coal-4467 viewsThe last onw from Whammy's I promise *shot* x_x;
Name: Kyle Sayers
Alias: Coal /O (because its the main sound in Coal O.o)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 13 years old(at debut), 17 years old(after time skip and pictured)(born January 18, 1991)
Hair: (White with black streaks)
Eyes: one blue and one green
Height: 5'11"
Family: Orphan (raised at Whammy's House)
coal2.PNG 704x396(27KB) eh-3153 viewshe's supposed to be 12/13 here, its when he was having a fight with Mello, which happens quite alot, and Coal's about 2 years younger than him XDD
ensignia.PNG 229x243(2KB) HE IS B O.o-1568 viewsyeah, he's a serial killer...yay ^^
eye.PNG 480x362(14KB) yes 8D-1906 viewsI love editing Shinigami eyes ^w^ plus, you can see his eyeliner better. yey XD
fdfsfs.PNG 704x396(62KB) Ivy and Qoatl-2335 viewsIvy and her Shinigami Qoatl (ko-ah-tall, like Queatzalqoatl)
Ivy(like poison ivy 'cause I was being un original XD) is crazy and 7 years older than beku, she stalks hiom 'cause she wants to steal his death note O.o... Qoatl is a lizard man shinigami, and I drew that part on paint. I did it all on paint except the scales and eye make up.
iconwshinigamieyes.PNG 382x382(19KB) Shinigami Eyes ^^-4636 viewsyeah he has a death note, he was in hospital seeing his older sister who was dieing slowly and painfully because of it then when he was gonna get some snacks from the machine, this crazy old woman gave it to him, and he used it to kill his sister because she said she wanted to die....yeah <<; BTW, his full name is Bekuta (last name) Ryou (first name) but he doesn't like his name so he tells people to call him Beku ^^.
jen 2.PNG 323x396(11KB) Jen-1525 viewsshe normally wears something over the back top O.o
jen.PNG 355x456(19KB) Jen-1399 viewsdrew it then coloured it on paint...the eyes bug meh XD
Name: Jennifer Samuals
Alias: Jen/
Race: Human
Gender: female
Age: 16 years old(at debut), 20 years old(after time skip and pictured)(born september 17, 1988)
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Green
Height: 5'7"
Family: Orphan (raised at Whammy's House)
lol.PNG 640x360(27KB) D:-5390 viewshe's on the phone to his friemd that he gave a page of the death note to, and his friend's black mailing him and knows he has the shinigami eyes and wants Beku to tell him names, then Beku write's his name down and he dies ^w^
Mio.png 311x408(40KB) Mio-2464 viewsBeku's little cousin
Born: 17th june 2007 XD
olderbeku.PNG 484x396(22KB) Older Beku-3180 viewshe's about 19 here and he was gonna be with Tsunagi, but Tsunagi failed D:
yoyo.PNG 574x763(47KB) Carmen-2777 viewsCarmen with an iron Yo-yo O.e, the string is a chain type thing and the Yo-yo has hiden blades O.e, she uses it if she doesn't have any guns because it's heavy XD
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