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bianca? AWESOME PIC!!!!
Its a dude xD Thanks ^^
ur welcome! (gai stance) :3 I know he's a dude! what about...Haku? (bianca and Haku means white)
thats a dude I don't know what to comment about..buut its a nice edit
Oh lol, well i was going to try something more horrific cuz hes one of tsukimoni's teammates, and his specialty is illusions
oooohhh...how about...youkai?
What does it mean?
it means demon.
Well, I picked out some ones that I like, but now I dunno what too pick >///<
DOH! to me youkai sounds good.
Uh Blind light!
I dont know, cuz I found some cool names >//<:akuen = evil destiny, Mashu = evil influence, madou = evil ways, yohei = resulting evil
yohei sounds awesome!!!
I was thinking of that. xD So Yohei it is, now I need to edit there other teammate Emi.
yeah! ....sorry im known for butting in to conversations... heh
lol no problemo
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