ethyhj.png 472x355(200KB) Zakuro Hagane-13752 viewsThe youngest out of the Hagane siblings. She belongs to the Sun Dorm. She has incestrial crushes on her older brothers (XD) and has one on Xavier. She wonders why her brothers are in the Moon Dorm, but they never tell her anything.
Naito.png 539x304(110KB) Naito Hagane-16118 viewsMy VK Rpc. He's a vampire, meaning he's in the Night class and Moon Dorm. He's a loner who doesnt aprove of his siblings interacting with the day classes and cares deeply for his younger sister.
Roxas.png 1024x852(454KB) No.....-14992 viewsHe's remembering the first time he lost control........
Untitled 1.png 1022x552(679KB) Roxas-27630 viewsJUST LOOK AT HIS HAIR! XD Ok im done.
Roxas: *wonders whats wrong with his hair XD*
Untitled 1~3.png 324x255(110KB) My eyes....?-22691 viewsSomeone told Roxas his eyes were pretty and he's like "My eyes are.....pretty?" Cause he's not used to being complimented. 8D
Untitled 2~1.png 500x281(280KB) I've wanted you for so long.....(yaoi moment)-23490 viewsIs what I would say if it was actually yaoi. but its not. Just a friendly guy hug between Roxas and Zero. 8D
Vampire-Knight_Rika_179.png 421x365(132KB) Werewolf. O.o-143311 viewsYush. Instead of making another vampire, I thought what the hell? And made a werewolf. XD Yuki found an injured pup somewhere inside the academy. So she took him to Chairman to take care of him. She was allowed to keep him in her room for the night. The next morning when she came in, she saw a boy that looked about Zero's age and she freaked out and took him to chairman, where he explained that the boy was actually the dog she had found. He doesnt have a name. Any suggestions?
Zakuro.jpg 800x450(21KB) Crying.-26668 viewsShe is half vampire. And sometimes if her thirst is to great she loses control. DX