For the Serenity contest.png 407x345(92KB) For The Serenity Contest-1188 viewsDrew it by hand then colored it and added BG and Text in
naruto kids.jpg 611x645(77KB) Naruto kids-1101 viewsOKay i think my drawings are crap but my brother was all like post em and tem my friends were all like if you don't post them i'm gonna take your gloomy bears so yeah here it is
Narutofanart.jpg 420x375(21KB) random-435 viewsshe's just a random character i drew ^-^ i'm going to color her in soon
Narutofanart2.jpg 420x375(40KB) ^_^-755 viewsI colored it in i am reall quit proud of myself
steal and i don't care what site you are on i'll find you and send you a virus because reall it's not hard to do
Uchiha Angel.jpg 466x432(19KB) Uchiha Angel-1503 viewsI really don't know purely out of boredum i guess this is like a year old
^^^.jpg 414x534(52KB) ???-1030 viewsI got bored so i drew this the daughter of Kiba and Ino i ish a kibaXino fan because their personas are good for each other
^^^2.jpg 414x534(54KB) version two-1012 viewseh i just colored it in
^____62.png 498x578(116KB) ....-533 viewsit's the first one finished i colored it in paint and added that crappy back ground but i think she cam out nice
^____6~0.png 498x578(47KB) ..........-215 viewsi posted this in the wornge album the first time
~~.jpg 471x425(39KB) ....-223 viewsthe un colored version
~~2.jpg 471x425(45KB) ....-237 viewsthe colored version i should hace just left it back and white -_-'