hikaru.JPG 672x497(45KB) hikaru-742 viewsthis is a pic of a young vampire named hikaru on his first day in the leaf village hes about 5 or 6
hikarus mom:dont stay out too late ok hunny
hikaru:ok mom i wont
hikarus mom:by the way hunny you should try to make some new friends while your out
hikaru:ill try*mumbles- doesnt matter if i try no one lyks me anyways*bye mom
hikarus mom:bye hunny
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hikaruredo2.JPG 466x355(28KB) hikaru and sasuke-1354 views this is a pic of hikaru the young vampire and sasuke
they were talking to the doughter of hikarus moms friend
they thought she was kinda pretty thats y they're blushing
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indexQD.jpg 640x480(87KB) dream/memory-961 viewsthis is a dream hikaru was having one night but it turned out to be jus a memory from when he was 9
(in the dream)
hikaru:hey masa why do you think people here want to dress up in fancy clothes and stuff like that for one night only wats so special about to night you know?
masayoshi(a friend of hikarus):i dont know but its kinda stupid i agree
Mika(hikarus sister):who cares you 2 i even dressed up cuz its time to have some fun it a festival remember
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mine10.jpg 662x513(141KB) ahhhh!!!!-911 viewslol. hikaru and misa saw somthing very desturbing
misa:ahhhh*mouth dropped*
hikaru*clentching teeth*thats descusting
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mine12.jpg 640x480(131KB) other teammate-1301 viewsthis is Hikaru and his other teammate Madoka(they dont get along lyk sasuke and naruto the same deal parctically hate eachother but are best friends)
madoka:you thik your soo tough hikaru but guess what?
hikaru:*crosses arms*let me guess you think you could actually beat me at something
madoka:*puts fist in front of hikarus face*stop acting lyk your soo cool and stop using that stupid mental thing its cheating
hikaru:i wasnt loser you dont know anything
madoka:agh!*about to attack hikaru*
mine5.jpg 704x384(61KB) first meeting-913 viewsthis is a picture of when hikaru is about 14 and he meets his female teammate, Misa for the fist time (or so he thought)
misa:*blushing* hi im misa
hikaru:*eyes closed*hello.......im hikaru
misa*blushing more*so..um.. i like your highlights on the tips of your hiar its really cool.
hikaru:*glances in her direction*uh*starts to blush a little*thnx
misa:^^ btw is your hair naturally white like that or did you dye it
hikaru:its natural i only dye the tips
misa:oh cool
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mine8.jpg 631x470(84KB) school pics-1078 viewsthese are Hikaru and Misa's school picture combined together
they are about 14 in this pic
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room1.jpg 701x507(21KB) sleeep dream-1042 viewsthis is him while hes haveing the dream/memory
hikaru:*wakes up* *breathing hard*omg i knew Misa when i was younger *sigh* heres a story that'll just become annoying*falls bac onto pillows and stares at ceiling*aww man *closes eyes*my lifes screwd up*goes bac to sleep*
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room2.jpg 640x480(47KB) very last day-870 viewsthis is a pic of hikaru on the vary last day in his original home- the fang village a village of just vampires
hes only 5 and he wont miss much becuz he had no friends and the only thing worth missing is the familiarity
he walked out of that village and left bad memories behing lyk his birth parents deaths adn his only friend's death
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