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Aww poor him u.u He smexeh though xDD;;
hottie *hearts in eyes XD*
lol Thanx. X3
XD Raikou: I got the firecrackers! XD
I has....glue! 8DDDD xDDD
*holding duck tape* .___.
(takes out gun)
Raikou: *looking at all of yew like...."WHAT THE EFF?" XD*
(takes out bombs)
*has cucumber* O.o;
Raikou: Well......That'll have to do! *walks out of his office*
me: >:3 (evil laughter XD) I can't wait!
Wait! DX -holds up stapler XDDDD-
me: whats with the stapler!? XD
Its aweshome D8 In all its stapling glory >8D
I has no cucumber anymore o.o *about to cry*
don't worry..I have some in my butt pocket.
uhm...XD I dont think she wants one thats near your ass XDDD
*dies laughing at Yatta's comment*
Me: *has staple gun XD* *following Raikou XD* Raikou: I knows where all the Jounin gather daily! *walks onto a platform*
me: u sure u don't want any ino-chan?
yeah im sure kiki o.o
me: okay! now the prank!
Raikou: *looking over the rail*
me: (secretly behind hoshi and Raikou)
-following raikou like a fangirl XD- >w<
Raikou: *somehow doesnt notice them O.o* Wait for it...... Me: Owo *sees a bunch of jounin walks out under the platform*
me: (ready to throw bombs)
Raikou: Now! *throws firecrackers* Jounin: *hears loud cracking noises* OMG! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENING! *screaming XD* Raikou: *grins*
me: (throws bombs and laughs evilly)
Jounin: *screaming like girls XD* Raikou: *LHAO*
Raikou: Hellz ye-*falls off the platform* O_O! Me: OoO!
me: OH NOES!!! Raikou-dude!!!! u okay?
Raikou: *landed on his ass XD* Ow-*looks up* Jounin: Lord Raikage........WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! PULLING PRANKS! HOW CHILDISH! Raikou: -_-; Jounin: *continue to yell at him XD*
me:...(starts having a headache from all the yelling) ow...
<tackles jounin> I wants a piggy back ride. -w- <waves at Raikou> Cuttie. -w-
Raikou: *starts lauhin and waves back*
Ahh Hoshi, you DO know that Raikou is the name of a Pok*emon, don't you? I'm just wondering.
He's cute! Reeeally cute! XD ^-^
Yes. I do know. ^^ And thanks Uri. 8D
You're welcome. -waves at both you and Raikou- Hiya!!
Raikou: *waves back* Hey! ^^
Me: -smiles- How r ya? ^-^
Raikou: Got the day off! Whoo! *punches the air*
Me: -laughs- Thats the best part! XD
Raikou: *grins* Heck yeah! No paperwork!
Me: -laughs again- Being Raikage's that bad huh? ^-^ Paperwork...it's like that's all the Kages do XD ^-^
Raikou: For real. Im suppose to protect the village, yet all I get is paper and homework.
Me: Yeah. If i were a Kage..i would make someone else do the paperwork and go out and protect my village ^-^
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