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that position looks painfull.
She could make any guy fall... but she's my fav. evangelion character 'cause she's like me.
good greif! his her leg surpose to be doing that? Is it broke or something? (just over stating "uncomfortable's" comment)
I dunno if her leg is suppose to be in the position it's in or not, but (I'm trying not to sound perverted here) aren't females normally more flexible then males?
she might tear a quadricep(upper back leg muscle) in that position
Quadraceps refer to your ENTIRE upper leg, the hamstrings femorus refers to the back of it. Anyway, she'll be just fine in that position, I can do that with little trouble and I'm a guy. With her added flexibility (because Ryu is right, girls are more flexible), she shouldn't have a problem.
It's not that hard to just get down on the floor and do that  I can do it right now
thats true they are more flexable... i just have alot of care for thr ladies
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