!!!!!!!sakura.jpg 468x350(32KB) sakura vector 2-1545 viewsused to be ino orig pic here http:// www.animegalleries.net/img/ 171265
you my edit over this just give me credit if you do
!!!!!!!sakura~0.jpg 493x370(37KB) sakura vector-1190 viewsWORST ONE EVER! i doesn't really look like her at all but i tried XD even so it doesn't look like ino so feel free to edit over it just give me credit okay
!!!!!!Kiba!.jpg 450x338(30KB) XD-956 viewsKiba! i turned tsume into kiba i sux eggs at line arting animals so thats why the lines look suxish
tsume & kiba (c) orig artist
Line art and edit (done by) me
!!!!mydrawing2.jpg 502x518(34KB) er yeah-663 viewscrap anime verson of Joe jonas for a friend >_< doesn't look like him at all but she was happy with it so thats all the matters i guess
!!!INO.jpg 422x317(47KB) ino vector2-1094 views^^ feel free to edit over it just give me some credut okay
orig pic of sakura here http:// www.animegalleries.net/img/ 39138
!!!mydawing3.jpg 299x506(49KB) bad news kinda-787 viewsI'm probably not going to be editing for a while i'll still be on but i'll more than likely will be uploading my drawings and screenshots of my stories as promo for my quizilla acount ^^' but i'll still be commenting and stuff, also i am starting guitar lessons level three next week, painting my room (one wall) satarday, i've been slacking on my stories, school started back up and I have ot try twice as hard one of the reasons why homescshool suxs, anyway hope you happy with the drawing i'm planing on...
!!!mydrawing.jpg 299x504(45KB) XD-559 viewsI need a name for him XD a friend of mine on myspace said he looked like bill *rolls eyes* but she thinks everyoone looks like him so yeah XD anway way he needs a name i sux at names he didn't take me long to draw so if the drawing sux thats why.
!!!mydrwaing4.jpg 373x402(25KB) little fallen angel-895 viewsPoor little fallen angel....
anyway did this a few minutes ago hope you all like it
and do you guys think i'm good enough for a DA acount?
!!!Mydrwing5.jpg 292x538(27KB) Neko-902 viewssad neko girl drew her a few minutes ago as well
!!!YAY!.jpg 545x411(46KB) Ino vector-1698 views^^ i mades her from sakura ^w^ i think i did pretty good if you guys want too i can post the orig picture also you my edit over this as long as oyu give me some credit for it
!!!YAY!~0.jpg 545x411(47KB) Ino vector-2065 viewsthe same one as before but i fixed the eye color and added eyes shines ^^ it looks much better now, yu may edit over it just give me some credit plz
!!mydrawing.jpg 476x710(43KB) ^^-796 viewsI donno who it is or if it's one of my rpcs i just felt like drawing her so i did ^^ i think i'm getting a little better
!.jpg 493x370(53KB) XD-1927 viewstehehe random akatsuki girl ^^ i took shino's jacket and sakura's head and the back gorund i gots off of PB ^^ plz do not edit over i'll make you a sakura akatsuki rob thingie if you want me to just no edit over this plz *puppy dog eyes*
121065813263742.jpg 609x640(35KB) ^^-993 viewsXD i drew him by hand and colored him on paint.net i can draw fairly well in this style other styles i suck XD
15 years old.jpg 640x480(27KB) the REAL ME-1572 views^^ okay i'm so happy my mom wouldn't let me tell anyone anyhting about me untile 7 weeks after my 16th b-day (she didn't trust the net with good reason) so know i can let you guys know I have 3 man names and five main acounts on this site and msot of you already know me ^^ my first username was MissRolePlayTerra chan ^^ now most of you should get it i'm a rp whore XD i role played so much because it was fun now i'm comeing out clean. my names real names onyx just turned 16 7 weeks ago...
@@@render10.jpg 493x370(55KB) render 10-1628 viewswoot my tenth render! but it's crap T3T still feel free to edit over it just you know give me some credit ^^ also i take request
@@@render9.jpg 512x384(39KB) render 9-1656 viewsfeel free to edit over okay just give me credit
Anisucolored.jpg 370x384(31KB) colored-1085 viewsthe colored version of the first one
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