002.jpg 640x480(53KB) this is wolfie my dog-413 views this is my dog wolfie its a little blury but you can see him
a gift of girls.jpg 485x600(76KB) beth, tairei , chrissi , hoshi , and sana-2046 viewsok plz look at the name and where they match ok
beth belongs to me the other 4 belong to other ppl
i messed up on chrissi outfit by accident
beth: i love bows there so cute
tairei: i love my outfit
chrissi: i love my hair
hosi: i too love my outfit
sana: i love my hair too
plz rate and comment ( this one was hard )
beth hitting ino.jpg 600x400(43KB) beth hitting ino-843 viewsbeth: take this * punches her *
ino:gahh! * spits out blood *
beth i didnt think i have to use this but release * releases foxanta *
ino: w-wat are you * stunned in fear *
beth/foxannta: GRRR!
beth in trouble.jpg 600x400(38KB) beth in trouble-628 viewsbeth: * walking then someone grabs her hair *
sound ninja: haha your trapped beth now we well take you to orachiamaro ( miss spelled )
beth: ugh noo i will never go back
to be continued...
beth vs ino.jpg 622x471(65KB) beth vs ino-752 viewsthis is beth vs ino for naruto kita has the like naruto ino ok
foxannta,beth vs ino...jpg 640x480(47KB) foxannta/beth vs ino-901 viewsi got the orignale from devan art
foxannta/beth: TAKE THIS!!! * uses her chakra to go to her hands * SLICEING 11 TAILS!
ino: * got hit by it and is in very bad shape* w-wha-what are you * coughs up blood *
ino: n-no a chance h-hes MINE!
happy...jpg 490x375(27KB) beth is happy for some reson-389 viewsi did some of the hair on the polygone tool and i did the whole outfit on the polygone tool
inner beth vs ino.jpg 470x352(24KB) inner beth vs ino-485 viewsbeth: hehe time to use inner beth
ino: * in really bad condiction * w-wat i-in-inner b-beth
beth: * puts hands in front of her *kashi mo inner self * inner beth tackes over and grabs ino and starts sqeezing * now say it that naruto is mine or i sqeeze u till nothing
ino: * goes into panic* AHHHHH!! WHAT ARE YOU!! ILL NEVER SAY IT!
inner beth: you choose your fate * starts sqeezing * hehehe
ino AHHH!! * in pain
kaden for vivi.jpg 640x480(38KB) kaden for vivi-559 viewsthis is a gift to vivi ( scream ) i hope you like it
me !!.jpg 600x450(24KB) me-485 viewsthis is a edit of me
plz read.jpg 800x600(62KB) read plz-1329 viewsplz if you want your charater on the pic then plz comment and say so ok ^_^
sakura haruno.jpg 800x600(53KB) sakura haruno that i made-1130 viewsi made this but no touchy i marked this sakura haruno doesnt belong to me ok enjoy plz comment and rate ok ^_^
YAY!.jpg 1024x768(42KB) beth and haruka-1163 viewsthere happy for some reason