naruto_narutoteam0185[1].jpg 640x480(154KB) 1023 views
Naruto: Hey Shizuka-chan!!!
Shizuka: Hi Naruto, what is it?
Naruto: Are you going to see Sasuke?
to be continued
naruto_narutoteam0330[1].jpg 640x480(87KB) 1776 viewsShizuka: so sasuke when r u leaving?
Sasuke: i don't know...u?...come with me to Orochimaru i'll protect u and we'll find ur familly
Shazuka: thanks Sasuke but i can't stand in someone's shadow all my life...
Sasuke: what do u mean?...
Shizuka:...I...made up my mind...i'm going to join the Akatsuki
naruto_narutoteam0373[1].png 600x450(408KB) 1077 views ...continue...
Shizuka: Naruto don't be so loud... do u want to be heard by Sakura and Ino?
Shizuka: Better hurry...Izumi hates to wait to start her training...
naruto_sakura0013[1]-tile.jpg 948x355(196KB) ...what are u doing here?...-3777 views*that Ino can be sooo...hmpf...why am i thinking about what Ino said? no matter, i don't really care, do i?*
Yuki:cus', u should know better than to think so much, u'll burn ur brain.
Shizuka: w-wh-what?...*i hate u*...anyway why are u here?
Yuki: first i already know u hate me...and i just wanted to visit my favorite cousin...aren't i sweet?...and if u'r wondering i was the boy who asked about u
Shizuka: stop reading my mind and i'm ur only cousin
naruto_sakura0042[1].jpg 640x480(23KB) Shizuka Aki-4309 viewsokay lets see what can i say about her?...shizuka became an orphan at the age of 5 when her parents disapeard in a she's 12 and came to konoha in hope to find her parents...shizuka has an eye tehnique named re-da which enables her to read other people's mind...
naruto_sakura0054[1].jpg 640x480(108KB) my parents?...-899 viewsshizuka was walking when she heard some ninjas talking about her parents being seen in Suna
naruto_sakura0062[1].jpg 640x480(92KB) information...-710 viewsShizuka: hey i heard u talking about some members of the Aki clan
Kabuto: so?...i'm not going to tell u anything
Shaizuka: wanna bet on it?...
Kabuto: huh?
Shizuka: *turns around an starts wlaking away* well... see u around
naruto_sakura0071[1].jpg 640x480(136KB) i know that guy from somewhere-712 viewsShizuka: i-i know y-you...
Oro: u should...u were one of my recents experiments...
Shizuka: *looks scared*
Oro: u're mine and ur going to join me someday if u want to see your famully again
Shizuka: no i won't...i'll find a way...but i won't join u
naruto_sakura0230[1].jpg 500x375(88KB) tired and...very hungry...-780 viewsFirst training with Kisame and Itachi:
Shizuka: o_O can't train no more...hungry...sleep...
Kisame: *laughts* when did u eat last time?
Shizuka: -_- the day before yesterday morning...
Kisame: Itachi give the girl a break, look at her she'll die before her first mission
Itachi:...fine...5 minutes...
Shizuka: WHAT?!? just five minutes *reads Itachi's mind* ''take it or leave it " okay okay i'll take 5 minutes... they sound great...^^'
naruto_sakura0412[1].jpg 704x384(84KB) ^^ good start-991 viewsSasori was training Shizuka when Melody came and asked about Sizuka:
Melody: hey Sasori-sensei...Hello new Tomato Hair
Shizuka: *gets mad and tryes to punch Melody* cotton candy hair *get caught by Sasori's pupets* what the big id-...
Melody: Cotton candy? i love cotton candy
Shizuka: this means war
Melody: fine by me
naruto_sasuke0427[1].jpg 640x480(139KB) 843 viewsYuki was called by Kakashi in hope that he will tell them something about the powers of the Aki clan.Yuki heard someone call Shizuka a traitor:
Yuki: My cousin isn't a traitor! she's somewhere and she's searching for her familly, whats wrong with that? * leaves the room*
Gai: Kid wait!
naruto_sasuke0498[1].jpg 640x480(69KB) ...leaving so soon?-1740 viewsYuki: leaving so soon, sasuke?
Sasuke: wats up with u? u never talk...
Yuki: u're the one to talk...anyway mind if u tell me were Shizuka went?
Sasuke: i won't tell u and don't try too read my mind...
Yuki:hmpf...Shizuka gave u a seal right?
Sasuke:yeah...oh one more thing she's really strong so stop worrying
naruto_sasuke0726[1].jpg 576x735(47KB) maybe he looks a bit off...-3733 viewsi don'thave a name for him yet and don't have a story for him :P but he is Shizuka's cousin...tell how idiotic he looks...
neep-1[1].jpg 490x372(104KB) 1644 viewsItachi and Kisame came for Shizuka...-_- she was late an took a shortcut:
Kisame: *hears something behind, turns around and hits Shizuka with his sword*
Shizuka: auch watch it! my head hurts!
Itachi: Lets go...-_-"
Sakura%20vector[1].jpg 945x720(272KB) 6366 viewsyea...i know its a bit too early for a winter image but...enjoy...rate and comment pls...
Sakura[1].jpg 680x1024(346KB) ...after the time skip...-5496 views-_- finally the weekend...needed to add this...just a short view of the 3 of them in shippuuden :P
sasuke_eat[1].jpg 500x375(99KB) eat up ...-1845 viewsShizuka: Yuki r u hungry?
Yuki: a bit...why?
Shizuka:try this...
Yuki: um...okay...what is it?
Shizuka: An-Ya made it...i don't know why but sudenly she wants to learn how to cook
Yuki: well if i didn't die because of ur cooking i won't die from An-Yas
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