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Are they related? Nice piccie. x3
no thier not she's cheza's daughter but kiba'snot her father Darcia is
ZOMG! Darcia's her dad? that must suck D: nice piccy tho i like it!
O_O i know huh XD i don't like htis couple tho i think i'm gonna pair her up with Toboe or maybe Tavon
me: EWWWW! Darcia is old then D: BLEGH! i say Tavon depending on how old she is.
Lithiums 14 ^^
me: *dresses up like a theapist* sand hwat about Tavon?
XD i think he's 16 now
me: zomg! i'd say both! XD
XD okay
aww 5/5 check out my new upload plz
okey and thanks
if she can manage it XD i bet she can! YOU GO LITHIUM!
XD i was just kididng she can't take them both on so i think i'll pair her up with toboe i'm keeping Tavon single XD
XD i can see it now! *thinking about Lithium and Toboe's wedding* oh yeah....
XD wedding already Toboe: O_O i'm only 15! Lithium: do oyu know how old that is in dog years thou
me: BWAHAHAHAHA!! Toboe your old in dog years! 105 years old!
Tobeo: O_O holy! Tilly: laughs we're old people! Toboe: *pouts* i'm just going go bye human years
Ami: very old..... me: Nava would be..... 126.... Nava: o...m....g...
Tonic: *laughs* i told ya you were an old man! Lithium: yeah but your old to Tonic
Tonic: i"m nota pipsqueak! old man! Roro: Tonic what did i say about repect for your elders TOnic: your not my mom!
Nava: you are a pipsqueak!!!!
Tonic: no i'm not I am noraml sized for a red wolf!
Nava: psh just barely
Tonic: *pouts* your so evil
Nava: *evil grin* i know, and i'm proud of it kiddo
Tonic: *shrinks back* meep! Me: *huggles nava* aw theirs gotta be some good in you!
Nava: not really <<
Me: ^^' eh whatever i still thin theirs some good in you Tonic: he could me good if his life depended on it
Nava: *glares at Tonic* shut up you....
Me: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tonic: wtf!?!
Nava: *groans*
me: *calms down* you do have good in you or tonics last stament wouldn't have bothered you!
Nava: it did.....
me: yes it did, or else you wouldn't have gotten mad!
Nava: grrr
Me: muahahaha! i was right wasn't I
Nava: sort of... maybe........ no...
Me: huggles him* ha! i knew it!
Nava: *pouts*
Me: *pushes his fac einto a smile* no pouting it's a good thing to be good
Nava: *forced to smile*
me: XD okey i'ma leave you alone now
Nava: *groans* Ami: ZOMG!! you were just smiling! Nava: was not squirt.... Ami: dont call me that...
Tonic: WAS TO!! *pulls out photos* Me: oh my gawd my black mail sickness is contagious >_<
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