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the note.....jpg

the note.....jpg
the note-449 viewsok i used the gradital thing and i did it on the outfit and the blue stip ok thxs
beth: * reading the note *
note: * what it says * Dear beth you have to fight in the chuin exams
beth: * finishes reading* wow * scard*

beth and naruto walking together-528 viewsnaruto: u did good training
beth: * really red * t-thxs
naruto: * noctices something * hey do you have a fever you red * puts hand on fore head *
beth: *mega red * um no anyway so who do you like
naruto: well i dont
beth: oh * inner beth: YES!!!!!*
yuki and usagi at 12yrs old.jpg

yuki and usagi at 12yrs old.jpg
yuki and usagi 12-1217 viewsthey are 12 i cant belive it
yuki:finally im 12 im a ninja
usagi: me too
suki: they grow up so fast
dan: yes they do
23 pictures on 2 page(s) 2

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