angel.jpg 640x480(74KB) angel (the elf)-2500 viewsshe's a student at S.H highschool
bluebutterflies.jpg 674x530(84KB) Anabella ( the dark fairy)-4278 viewsshe's another student at S.H Highschool
caster.jpg 600x450(52KB) Devion ( the dragon trainer)-2846 viewsshe's a student.
danielcom.jpg 467x659(83KB) Jemina ( the shapshifter)-3140 viewsshe's a student
dawn.jpg 596x600(105KB) dawn ( the witch/furtune teller)-3093 viewsshe's one of the main people ( she tells the story in S.H highschool)
guys228~0.jpg 800x600(312KB) colen ( the werwolf)-3842 viewshe's a student