natsu.JPG 640x480(22KB) Natsu for Pink*Ninja-1229 viewsI think I may have messed up on his hair a little, but other than that, I think he came out good.
I hope you like it! ^-^
Reina and Mirage.JPG 957x722(129KB) Reina and Mirage for SerenitySoraDragon's contest-2396 viewsHere's my entry! I know I said I would only make Mirage, but I decided I like both and made them. I hope that's okay with you, and I hope you like it! ^-^
Request.JPG 915x480(50KB) Post you request here-4344 viewsWell, if you want me to make you a request, just post it here, and I'll make it as soon as possible.
rin%.png 377x495(21KB) Rin for _Anzu_-1499 viewsHere you go! I hope you like it, and I hope I got her right ^-^
Sakura-28.jpg 356x400(56KB) Original pic of Sakura-204 viewsHere it is, Kita. I made it biger when I edited it, though. XD
sasukago.jpg 380x374(39KB) Sasuke and Kagome for The SnowMan Dude-1895 viewsHere you go, I hope you like it! ^-^
shiina.jpg 300x464(39KB) Shiina for HybridAngels-1735 viewsHere's Shiina! I hope you like it! ^-^
sumomo.JPG 420x377(30KB) Sumomo for Pink*Ninja-1151 viewsHere's Sumomo. I hope you like it! ^-^
suzuka.JPG 731x589(68KB) Suzuka for ~BlissfulAngel~-1569 viewsI hope I got her shirt right. And sorry it long, I was busy ^-^
I hope you like it! ^-^
Zael.jpg 490x375(34KB) Zael for ♥Mizu♥-1814 viewsI'm sorry it took so damn long, but I've been really busy and my computer has been having troubles...
Anyways, I hope you like it! ^-^
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