yuko....PNG 745x892(467KB) Yuko?-269 viewsI drew this just now.... >.> 100% all myself
yuko~0.PNG 629x480(16KB) Yuko Kisirage-1511 viewsYuko: No,Kagome!! How can this--?!
Kiba: Oh my god... Kagome?!
Kagome: *cursemark* Heheheheh.... I'll kill all of you,for hurting the two people that matter the most to me.
Yuko: No,milady, I swore to protect you,and thats what im gonna do.
Kagome: But they hurt you,Yuko-kun. And Kiba. I wont forgive them.
Kiba: Kagome!
Kagome: No. I'll do it. I feel.... Power! I love this feeling....
Kiba: No,Kagome! Snap out of it!
Kagome: Het ready to die!!!
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