~Help.PNG 808x565(74KB) Help if u want-3209 views
~Rape1~~0.PNG 701x748(188KB) Kuroda-2705 viewsYay!! Shes not getting raped!!!
~Rape2~.PNG 577x430(384KB) I feel so bad for her-5417 viewsDont you feel bad
~Rape~.PNG 463x589(393KB) Rape-20846 viewsRape
This is a story about Kuroda (The one being raped)
She is a 15 year old girl and hates her life.
You wanna know why???
She is on the top 5 list that all rapeists target!! Boys or girls!!!
So almost every day she gets raped.
And she cant even help it because..
shes blind.
So sad *Tears fill up in eyes*