26234c000a79.jpg 318x640(150KB) Genji Kotone-1376 viewsHer normal look x)
My new RPC
3.jpg 860x496(249KB) My girls :3-1706 viewsLeft: Tanu Zoi
Middle: Shinzui Kitsune
Right: Genji Mekiko
Their latest looks =w=
D.jpg 1024x552(95KB) I drew this :3-774 viewsZoi shippuden and Prataaa(my mother's imagination=_=)
hare.jpg 417x761(27KB) Drawn on MSpaint-468 viewsFirst impression of Hare-kun...actually turns out to be like a girl...Ladies,hes all yours now =w=
kitandkoyu.jpg 640x480(152KB) Shinzui Kitsune and Nekozato Koyute-749 views:3
kitblush.jpg 640x480(225KB) Kitsune blushing-666 viewsxD kawaii
kitforest.jpg 640x480(198KB) Kitsune in the forest-509 viewscrappy bg
kitkitsan.jpg 640x480(119KB) Kitsune's random WTF moment-473 viewsYaRLY
kitLA-1.png 640x480(221KB) Kitsune shippuden-889 viewsomg her hair xD
kitla.jpg 442x432(97KB) Kitsune saw Sasuke o_O-1632 viewsKitsune:"So this is that Uchiha Sasuke everyone's talking about...Nothing special o_O"
kitosen.jpg 717x536(240KB) Kitsune in the Onsen-1162 viewsKoyute:"KITSUNE!ARE YOU IN THEREEEEE?!"
Kitsune:"T-that idiot..I'll just pretend theres no one named Kitsune here..."
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