emily_preview.PNG 1024x767(199KB) Emily Preview-1516 viewsOn Photoshop Elements 6.0
It Took Me Probably 2 Hours to Do All That... That's Cuz I Was Watching People's Editing Vids for Their FMA RPCs.....>.>
emily_s arm.PNG 835x1460(1012KB) Emily Shows Her Arm-772 viewsI Copied the One Picture of Ed Like This in the Manga. It's Shows Full Body of Her Almost...
emixed.jpg 600x428(73KB) Emily+Ed=Blonde Shrimps in Love-1476 viewsThe Weirdest Couple Evar
emi_ed.png 803x301(232KB) Emily vs. Edward-1126 viewsWhen Emily was Helping Ed Make the P's Stone, She Accidentally got in the Middle of the Circle on Which You Make the Stone,and Turned Evil. (The Same Thing Also Happened to Ed. Can't Remember Which Episode.) Then, Without Control,She Attacked Ed. He Tried to Stop Her, Then She Knocked Him Out,and Attampted t oKill Al and Melody,When Her Teacher,Hana,Stopped Her. Then,Hana Did Something to Her to Return Her to Normal. After,She Saw Ed,and Started Crying.
im greed,emily!.PNG 700x475(24KB) Im Greed!-752 viewsGreed: I'm Greed! Its Nice to Meet You!
Emily: You....Your...
Greed: Thats Right! I'm Here to Kill You. You Know too Much, Emily. And It'll Be a Great Pain if you Tell the FullMetal Boy What You Know.
Base by Obscure~Bases [if im correct]
Jay Mustang copy.png 583x479(207KB) Jay Mustang-837 viewsHe has a Crush on Winry and Emily and... >.> Ed..... [Kinda Makes Sense if he Likes Emily, Eh?]
joy.humonculi.JPG 873x1186(185KB) Joy-151 viewsJoy Was Made By Adam. She is Friends With Emily and Melody. She is a Nice Humonuculus, and Not Evil.
kanon.elric.PNG 283x499(10KB) Kanon Elric-265 viewsEmily and Ed are His Great,Great,Great,Great [?] Grandparents. He Was Possibly Born in the Year 1995. He Wants to Follow in Ojii-chama's Footsteps, So he Becomes an Alchemist.
Base by DiamondDisko on DA.
lawlness.JPG 1594x1183(425KB) FullMetal Alchemist & Friends + Brother-421 viewsFor CallMehAmy
Lawl. Immah Color This Later.
From Left to Right
Moon Amy [Amy] Ed [Hirou] Emily Melody [Me] Al [Hirou]
melody.PNG 623x515(14KB) Melody Howe-443 viewsShe is Emily's Younger Sister. Their Father was an Expert in Human Transmutation, and Tried an Experinment on Her. He Wanted to See if He Could Transfer Human Souls Into Other Bodies. He Was Sucessful,but Lost Melody's Real Body in the Process. So She is Stuck in a 13 Year Old Girl's Body.
I Was too Lazy to Finish This Pic.
melody_and_ed.png 480x356(165KB) Melody Howe-621 viewsEd: Hey,Melody,You Like Al,Huh?
Melody: No! I....I Just!!!
Ed: C'mon. You Cant Lie to me.
Melody: Yeah,Well You Like Emily.
Melody: Yeah,Suuuure,Ed.
Ed: I DONT!!!
Melody: Well,She Likes You.
Ed: Really?*Blushes*
Melody: Absolutely.But She Thinks its Weird,Because You Two Look Alike.
Ed: Heh.Well That's Not Our Fault.But Its Even Weirder for You and Al.Hes Armour.
Melody: Yeah,but Hes Still Human.
Ed: Yeah,Thats Right.
melody~0.PNG 260x398(45KB) Melody Howe-1036 viewsThis Was When She Got Her Body Back,and Al Saw,and He's All Love Strucken. Then Al Got His Body Back,and Melody is All Love Strucken Too.
mel_ed copy.png 480x356(171KB) Melody and Ed Convo-983 viewsMelody: How Can You Tell if he Likes Me?
Ed: Well,I Can Just Tell. But He Loves You.
Melody: He....Loves Me?Then...Why is That So Hard to Believe?
Ed: Its Hard to Believe,But Its True. I Can Tell.
Melody: What Did He Look Like?
Ed: Well...If I Had a Picture I Would Show You.
Emily: Were Back! Ed,I Got You Milk!
Ed: What?! You Better Not Have,or I'll Rip Your-
Emily: Haha!! Try and Get Me,Shorty!!
Ed: Hey,Dont Call Me Short! Were the Same Size!!
Melody and Al: Haha!*Pretty Moment*
new emi.PNG 352x384(10KB) Emily-366 viewsThis is Just Emily.
Base by Sona Wolf on DA
new emily.PNG 451x360(11KB) New Emily #1-370 viewsI'll Be Uploading New Emily Designs-ish. Tell Me Which One You Like. This was Actually Supposed to be Emi Older [Like Shippuden,I Guess] but Shwatever.
Base by Undead Pixels
sorrow.PNG 197x293(5KB) Sorrow-248 viewsSorrow is a New Homunoculus Made By Adam Howe, Emi's Dad. He Used to Help Emily Out, But Lust Brought Him on Her Side. So Now He is Her Enemy. Emily Threatens to Kill Him [She Knows How to Kill a Homunoculus], and Then Joy,an Homunoculus on Her Side [also made by Adam], Appears.
takemyhand.PNG 450x337(9KB) Emily Take My Hand-256 viewsBase by GrangerPixel
whoa.JPG 1700x1138(238KB) Meet Me-193 viewsAfter Two Years When They Last Saw Each Other, Ed Called Emily Because He Needed Her Help On Some Research He's Doing. So They Said That They'll Meet Up in Central at The Train Station. Ed Didn't Recognize Emily at First Until Melody Said Her Name. And He's All Awe Struck [Whatever That Means XD] Then he Falls Even More in Love With Her.
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