Please rate and comment... I'm lonely tonight.
cute ^-^
XD Thanx, and now I'm not so lonely anymore.
whoo! go me! xD
iv'e neglected this story Dx
Yeah, kinda like how I neglected my ninja story for awhile... Right now you only have that Froslass girl, right?
mhm i'm gonna make another but I can't think of a polemon =/
Well there are 493 kinds and 17 different types... I could name a few for you to consider if you'd like.
mkai I'm going too make a girl charecter and I won't know how she'll act till I get a pokemon to be her xD
*looks through a list of Pok*emon and picks some feminine looking ones* Nidorina, Chikorita or its evolved forms, Bellossom, Dewgong, Roselia or Roserade, Skitty or Delcatty, Beautifly, Persian, Wigglytuff, Clefable, Altaria, Lopunny... If you want a legendary, I suggest Manaphy Jirachi or Cresselia.
ohhh I like Cresselia =3 i'll use her ^-^ wanna rp when I get a picture uup? it won't take long
XDD Sure! I've been thinking of making a new character too of a sly Keckleon, think I should? I thought it'd be a fun Pok*emon to rp with cuz it can turn almost invisible.
oh that'd be cool =3 I love Keckleon's x] there so funky looking
=3 I'll get started on him as soon as I'm done with a pic I'm doing of Ryuko (the Dratini girl) and Tia shaped to look like her as a twin.
mkai =]
Aww cute!
OMG!!!! SO KAWAIIII! *Squee!*
OKAI! I got another pic
(Nice choice.) Ryuko: *giggles* You're making me repeat myself. Yes, I really think you'll make a great mom when the time comes already.
Saruya: Thanks Ryuko. *Hugs her*
Ryuko: *hugs her back* You're welcome. Konran: *swimming around with Hitohana and Aisu*
Saruya: *Wanna go back with the others and have them help us take the picks to trick Rei?
Ryuko: *giggles* Yeah, lets. *starts swimming back*
Saruya: *Starts swiiming with her*
Ryuko: *reaches them* Konran, Hitohana, Aisu, can you help me and Saruya with something? Konran: *cackles* Depends, what is it?
Aisu: Yea. Hitohana: What is it? Saruya: Were gonna trick rei!
Ryuko: *explains it to them* Konran: *cackles* You're a evil genius Saruya.
Saruya: Yes i am!
Ryuko: C'mon and lets do it. *swims back to shore* Konran: *follows*
Saruya Aisu and Hitohana: *Follow*
Ryuko: Who's gonna take the picture?
Aisu: Ill take it.
Ryuko: *hands the camera to Aisu* Konran: Ok Saruya, make yourself into a hot guy.
Saruya: Hmmmm whats a really sexy pokemon?
Ryuko: Other then Lucario? There's Wartortle, Floatzel, Gallade, Flygon, Luxray, Swampert...
Saruya: Ooooo Luxray's are sexy!
Ryuko: Luxray it is then. Konran: *cackles* Lets see it.
Saruya: *Transforms into the sexyiest guy youve ever seen with Luxray Ears and a Tail*
Ryuko: *trying to resist the sexyness- chanting "Its just Saruya" over and over* Konran: OMG, if you weren't a girl and if I wasn't with Yoru, I would so date you.
Saruya: *Laughs in sexy guy voice* Its ok Ryuko, you can hug Kaseki all you want.
Ryuko: *shakes her head really fast* Right, lets do this. *walks up to "Kaseki" and hangs off of him/her* Konran: *cackles*
Kaseki: *Huggs her*
Ryuko: *hugs him back and smiles at Aisu with the camera*
Aisu: *Takes a pic* You two look awesome!
Ryuko: *giggles and poses cutely in front of him with a peace sign*
Kaseki: *Huggs her from behind with one arand also holding up the peace sighn with the other*
Ryuko: Take another of us like this. *smiling at the camera*
Aisu: *Takes the pic* Were gonna trick Rei soooo bad! *Giggles*
Ryuko: *giggles* I know... You think two is enough?
Kiseki: Maybe one more?
Ryuko: Ok. *clings to Kiseki's arm looking cute*
Kaseki: *Smiles looking hot* Aisu: *Takes the pic*
Ryuko: Perfect! *giggles and lets go of Kiseki* Konran: Rei is so gonna freak.
Kaseki: I know. And i got another idea too. Just to mes with Rei we can like Hang out even though he knows its really me. *Laughs*
Ryuko: *shakes her head* I don't wanna go that far... These pictures should be more then enough.
Saruya: *Turns back- giggles* Sorry.
Ryuko: Its ok... *gets the camera from Aisu* I'll get these devolped right away.
Aisu: This is gonna be so funny!
Konran: *cackles* You can say that again. Ryuko: Yup... I can just picture the look on his face.
Saruya:I know!
Ryuko and Konran: *giggling and cackling respectfully* Storm: *comes running up* Jolteon jolteon! [Saruya, Saruya!]
(Sorry i left, i had to go shoping) Saruya: Huh? Hey storm, what is it?
Storm: *explained that Duko and Rei gave Denki the news and that Denki went missing*
Saruya: H-He l-left...
Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolteon jolteon... jolteon jol jolt jol teon. [We don't know where he went... He shut himself in his room and he must've snuck out sometime cuz he wasn't there this morning.]
Saruya: *Falls to her knees* I knew he wouldent take it well ...
Ryuko: *bends down by her* I'm sorry Saruya... Konran: Don't worry, we'll find him... Storm: ...
Saruya: *Her face falls into her hands* Its all my fault! Hitohana: No its not Saruya.
Ryuko: *puts an arm around her* Yeah, don't say that.
Saruya: Im Sorry i just ..... i just dont want him to leave me. *Starts crying*
Konran: There's no way he'd leave you... Storm: *nods slightly- can't really picture him leaving either*
Saruya: H-He said he cant handle a baby. *Crying*
Ryuko: ... Konran: Still, he wouldn't leave... He probably just got scared and went somewhere to think things out on his own...
Saruya: Are you shure he'll come back? *Crying*
Ryuko: Either that, or we'll find him ourselves... Konran: Yeah, want me to have my Ghost-types search for him? Storm: Jol jolt. [I do.]
Saruya: *Lets up on crying a little* Yea.
Konran: *pulls out her flute from seemingly nowhere- starts playing it and calls out a bunch of Misdreavus Gastly and a Haunter* Everyone, I need a full search of the area for Denki. You know what he looks like, so get on it. Report back if you find any trace of him. --Ghost Pok*emon nod and scatter off to search--
SaruyaL *Wipes the tears from her eyes*
Konran: We'll find him, don't worry... Why don't we go ahead and change out of these swimsuits while the Pok*emon are searching.
Saruya: *Nods- stands up* Aisu: Lets go.
Ryuko: *goes back to the house with them and up to her room- changing* Konran: *changing*
Saruya Aius and Hitohana: *Changing*
Saruya Aius and Hitohana: *Changing*
Ryuko: *finishes up* So how long do you think it'll be till they find him? Konran: It all depends on where he is and if they have a trail to follow. *finishes changing* Storm: *waiting outside of Ryuko's house for them*
Aisu and Hitohana Saruya: *Finish*
Ryuko: *goes back out with them* Konran: Any sign of them Storm? Storm: *shakes his head* Jol. [No...]
Aisu Hitohana: *Go out with them* Saruya: *Follows looking sad*
Storm: *also looking sad* Konran: Don't worry, we'll find him. *petting Storm* Ryuko: Yeah, he would'nt go far.
Saruya: .... *Thinkingg* I-I think i might know where he is!
Konran: *watching the sky for the ghost types* (If she's thinking the shack, then she's right.)
(XD) Saruya: G-Guys! I think i know where he is.
Konran: Really? Where? Storm: *looks up to her* Jolt?! [Where?!]
Saruya: On valentines Day when it rained we took shelter in this little shack.
Storm: *know's the place* Jol jolt! [The shack!] Konran: You really think thats where he is? Denki: *sitting in a corner inside the shack- has a blank look on his face and a few tears*
Saruya: *Nods*
Haunter: *comes floating up* Haun haunt haunter haunt ter haunter haun haunter. [Lady Konran, Denki is located in a small shack just by the woods and flower field.] Konran: Thank you Haunter, you may call of the search. Haunter: *nods and floats off* Ryuko: Looks like you were right, Saruya.
Saruya: I allways am.
Konran: Do you wanna go by yourself to see him? We understand if you do. Ryuko: *nods*
Saruya: *Nods* Ill se you guys later ok?
Konran: *nods* Later. Ryuko: Yeah, see you later and thanks for being at my party. Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolteon jol jolteon jol jolteon. [Tell him that I'm waiting for him at home, ok?]
Saruya: Ok. *Runs off to the shack*
Denki: *still in the corner in the shack- still has the blank look on his face and tears*
Saruya: *had run there really fast and knocks on the door*
Denki: *looks up and see's her- wipes his face* Its unlocked Saruya...
Saruya: *Opens the dor with tears on her face* Im sorry Denki ...
Denki: *looking down* Its not your fault...
Saruya: Yes it is. You dont want to be a father so ... so .... *Starts crying realy hard* Im SORRY!
(I uploaded a pic. please look at it)
Denki: *looks up at her* Saruya... Please don't cry...
Saruya: N-No Its all my fault! *Crying*
Denki: *tearing up too* No, its my fault... I should've pulled myself out before I came in you...
Saruya: *Crying hard* No, Im sorry.
Denki: *crying- shakes his head* Its both of our faults... We both made a mistake and now we have to pay for it.
Saruya: *Crying*
Denki: Its true that I don't wanna be a dad yet... But I will be a dad for you.
Saruya: *Still crying* You d-dont have to.
Denki: *still crying slightly* No, I will... I'm part of the reason why its coming, and I'll share the responcibility with you.
Saruya: *Crying* Thanks
Denki: Its the least I can do... I just hope I'll be a better one then my dad...
Saruya: *Wiping away her eyes- walks over and hugs him* Of corse you will.
(I'll go looking for the Aspen pic so we can RP on it... If you haven't noticed though, I'm rping on like 5 pics.) Denki: *hugs her back* You think I can?
(Ok ...) Saruya: Youll be the best daddy ever!
Denki: I don't know about that... I'll but I'll do my best for you.
Saruya: *Kisses him lightly* I KNOW youll be the best.
Denki: *kisses her back lightly* Thanks... *places a hand on her stomach* So how long is it untill I become one?
Saruya: Im thinking about .... 8 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 9 hours, 13 minuetts, and 45 seconds. *Giggles*
Denki: *laughs*
Saruya: No not really. I dono.
Denki: *laughs again* Well that sounds about right to me.
Saruya: I only guessed. *Giggles*
Denki: Well I'm sure your mom could tell you... *still has his hand on her belly*
Saruya: *Smiles- put her hand over his*
Denki: *looks down and blushes*
(Wanna timeship about a month or 2 so shes a bit bigger and how many is she gonna have and what hnd of pokemon are they gonna be !??????? XD)
(2 months, 1 child is more then enough and I was thinking it should an Eevee, cuz Denki's a Jolteon and Saruya's part Eevee. Also I was thinking that there parents could chip in and help turn the shack into a small home for them, what do you think?)
(Perfect and what sex should the baby be, Male?)
(Doesn't matter to me.) --Two months later-- Denki: *with Storm walking towards the shack to help out with making it into a home*
Saruya: *Allready there trying to take out all the old furniture* (KK)
(Oh, and what about Rei and Ryuko and the trick she was gonna play on him?) Denki: *approaches the shack* Storm: *runs up ahead*
(We can do it now too =3) Saruya: *About 2 or 3 inches bigger then the last time they were in the shack- draging a chair out*
Denki: *see's her pulling it- runs up to help- doesn't see how big she is cuz the chair is in the way* Here, let me help you with that. Ryuko: *walking along the river connected to the lake- has the pictures with her*
Saruya: *Giggles* Thanks. Rie: *Hanging out somewhere along the river*
Denki: No problem. *helps her bring it out* Ryuko: *thinking~ I'll "accidently" run into him and drop the pictures, then he'll freak out about it and then I'll reveal the prank. *looking around for him*
Rei: *Feet dangeling in the water* Saruya: We can put it down here
Denki: Ok. *sits it where she instructed* Ryuko: *see's him and places the pictures loosely in a pocket- walks up some* Hey, Rei! *giggled a lil*
Saruya: *Puts it down too* Ok now all we need is the tabel and the couch. Rei: Hey, whats up?
Denki: *finally see's how big she's gotten- laughs a lil* You've gotten bigger. Storm: *sweatdrops* Ryuko: Oh, nothing really. *walking up to him and stumbled to the ground- pictures falling outta her pocket in the process* Ow...
Saruya: *Giggles* Yea i think ive noticed. Rei: *Quickly got to his knees* You ok?
Denki: *laughs lightly- leans down a kisses her belly* Storm: Jolllll.... [Awwww...] Ryuko: Y-yeah, I'm ok... *sitting back up*
Saruya: *Blushes* Rei: You got alot of pictures *Starts to pic them up but sees her and this guy* R-Ryuko ... W-Whos this?
Denki: *laughs lightly again and leans back up* I couldn't resist. Ryuko: Uh, no one special...
Saruya: *Giggles* Rei: What do you mean no one special, your posing with him like HE'S your boyfriend!
Denki: So which do you wanna bring out, the table or the couch? Ryuko: *giggles* You really wanna know who it is?
Saruya: The table, the couch has to many memories.Rei: YES!
Denki: *blushes* The table it is then. *walks inside* Ryuko: *giggles* Its me and Saruya freaking you out. *giggle fit*
Saruya: *Walks in with him* Rei: What!? *Falls back anime style*
Denki: *grabs one side of the table* Ryuko: *giggles* Thats Saruya transfomed into a Luxray guy!
Saruya: *Grabs tthe other side* Rei: No ... way .... *On the ground*
Denki: *moves it with her out the door* Ryuko: *leans over him and strokes his hair* I'm sorry, but it was a prank we came up with.
Saruya: *Moving it out with him* Rei: *sits up* I am SO gonna kill Saruya!
Denki: *moves it to a clear area* Put it down right here. Ryuko: Don't say that...
Saruya: K *Puts it down* Rei: Sorry, this is to surprising ....
Denki: *put it down with her* Storm: *sitting in the chair they moved earlier* Jol jolt. [Nice work.] Ryuko: Like I said, I'm sorry... *pecks his cheek*
Saruya: *Giggles* Thanks Storm. Rei: *Kisses her back* Its ok.
Denki: *laughs* You could help to. Storm: Jol? Jol jolteon jol jolt. [How? I can't lift anything.] Ryuko: *blushing somewhat*
Saruya: You can .... i dono Rei: ...
Denki: Good point... Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolt joltee. [I'll just sit back and watch.] Ryuko: *picks up the pictures* I'll get rid of these if you want.
Saruya:What color should we paint the inside?
Denki: *shrugs* I prefer yellow or blue, but any color would be fine with me.
Saruya: Hmmm .... maybe we should wait till i know what gender the baby is....
Denki: *nods* Ryuko: *tosses the pictures in the air and uses Dragonbreath on them- destroying them*
Saruya: *Giggles* Rei: *Laughs a little*
Denki: Plus, weren't we gonna add on to this shack first? Its really just one room now. Ryuko: There...
Saruya: Yea, but how many rooms we need aliving room a bathroom a kitchen a playroom bedrooms and a cookie room. Rei: All done.
Denki: *laughs at the thought of a cookie room* Ok, now you're just being silly. A cookie room? Storm: *laughing in Pok*emon voice* Ryuko: *nods* You're the only guy for me... Remember that.
Saruya: Yea, so the baby and i can eat cookies. Rei: *Smiles* And your the ony girl for me
Denki: You can eat cookies anywhere. Ryuko: *smiles and pecks his lips*
Saruya: *Shrugs her shoulders* Oh well. Rei: *Pecks her back*
Denki: C'mon, lets get the couch out of here... If its too heavy for us, we might have to get someone to help. Ryuko: *kisses him back passionately*
Saruya: It looks kinda heavy....
Denki: Yeah, which take me back to what I said before... *gets on one end of it* And don't push yourself too much.
Saruya: *Nods- Grabs the other end*
Denki: *tries lifting it but only gets it a few inches off the ground*
Saruya: *Cant eveen lift it* Agh! whats in here? Gold bars?
Denki: *sits it back down* Feels that way...
Saruya: ... wanna check?
Denki: I doubt there are, but we can check. *walkng in front of it*
Saruya: *Giggles* *Walks with him.
Denki: *lifts up some of the cushions* Tell me if you see anything.
Saruya: *Picks up a cool looking rock about the size of a pokeball* This rock seems suspicous.
Denki: Hm? *looks at it carefully* Yeah, it does... *picks up a 10 dollar bill* Hey, I found 10 bucks!
Saruya: OMG! Its a Magical Lucky Rock!
Denki: What makes you say that?
Saruya: You found 10 dollars.
Denki: Yeah, but that was probably through luck.
Saruya: Lets look some more and ill prove it *Starts to lift more pillows*
Denki: Whatever. *moves the rest out of the way*
Saruya: *Sees a shiney gold coin- picks it up* I found a pwetty coin!
Denki: Yeah, and there's a few more over here. *picks them up* I wonder who left them here. Storm: *walks over and see's them*
Saruya: I want em! You got 10 bucks so their mine! =3
Denki: *laughs* Thats fine. *holds them up to her* Storm: *looking around to see if there's anything he can have*
Saruya: *Takes them* Shiney! Oh and storm, if you cant find anything im happy to share. *Giggles*
Storm: *digs down a little in the couch and pulls out a shiney pearl* Denki: Wow, who'd of thought that would be in there.
Saruya: Pwetty pearl! My rock is magical! I wanna dig more! *Starts digging deeper*
Storm: *puts the pearl to the side and digs out another for Ice* Denki: Maybe it is magical afterall... (Gotta go eat.)
(kk) Saruya: *Pulls out a gold locket* Ooooooo! Pretty!
Denki: *pulls out a couple 20 dollar bills and a gold watch* Wow... Whoever owned this couch last must've been loaded. Storm: *nods and pulls out a gold and silver chain*
Saruya: Yea... *Puls out a 50 dollar bill and a gold pocket watch*
Denki: *pulls out a diamond ring and blushes at it* A di-diamond ring?
Saruya: Ohhh! Pretty! *Digs some more and finds 2 gold weding bands* W-Wedding bands, why would someone leave these in a couch?
Denki: Who knows... Storm: *shrugs*
Saruya: *Puts them to the side and digs some more*
Storm: *digs a little more and comes up with nothing* Denki: Is that everything?
Saruya: Looks it.
Denki: *slipped the diamond ring he found into a pocket- stands up* Think we can carry it now?
Saruya: Maybe. *goes to one end*
Denki: *moves the pillow out of the way and gets at the other end- lifts it more then he was before* Its still pretty heavy...
Saruya: *Can hardly pick it up* Y-Yea.
Denki: Don't force yourself now... *puts it back down*
Saruya: *Puts her end down*
Denki: We'll just have to find someone to help us... I bet your brothers could lift it no sweat.
Saruya: Yea, but their reallk busy...
Denki: Then who could help us?
Saruya: Oh i know! maybe mew?
Denki: Maybe... I know Konran couldn't help cuz she's out of town with her family for a couple days.
Saruya: I dono
Denki: Well call Mew and see if she can help us...
Saruya: Mew! Mew: *Appears* Myu Myuu? [Whats up?]
Denki: Hey! We were wondering if you could help us move this couch with Psychic...
Saruya: Yea. Mew: Myuu [Shure]
Denki: Great. *gets down on his end again* (gotta go for a bit)
Saruya: *Gets to her end* Mew: *Uses psychic to hel*
Denki: *lifts it up*
Saruya: *Lifts her end* Mew: *Lifting with Psychic*
Denki: *carrying it out with them*
Saruya and Mew: *Carrying out*
Denki: *carries it past the table* Right here's good. *puts his end down*
Saruya: *Puts her end down* Mew: *Stops using psychic* Saruya: Denki, we need Mew's help with anything else?
Denki: Not that I can think of... But thanks for your help Mew. *smiles*
Saruya: So for your help in gonna give you a nice surprise. Mew: Myuu!? [Really!?] Saruya: Yep!. *Walks back in and comes out with one of the shiney gold coins* Mew: Myuuuu! [Yayyyy!]
Denki and Storm: *laugh in their own way*
Saruya: See ya later mew, i know how your so busy. Mew: Myu Myu! [Bye Bye!] *Telaports*
Denki: Bye Mew. Storm: Jol. [Bye.]
Saruya: So what should we do now?
Denki: *shrugs* Well we won't start working on the shack until everyone gets time to help us do it... So I guess we could just spend time together.
Saruya: Ok. (Hey Storm should go visit the Pregnant Ice xD)
Storm: Jol jolteon jolt jol jolteon jolteon jol jolteon. [I'll see you later Denki, I'm gonna go see Ice.] Denki: Alright. Tell her I said hi.
Saruya: Me too! Ice: *Laying on the porch, bored*
Storm: *nods and picks up the pearl and chain necklace he found earlier- runs off to her house* Denki: So do you want this baby to be a boy or a girl? *places a hand on her stomach*
Saruya: Id like a boy, how about you?
Denki: Either one is fine with me, but a son would be nice. Storm: *arrives at Ice's cuz he's super fast- jumps up on the porch*
Saruya: We gotta think of names. Ice: *Looks at Storm* Storm!
Denki: Yeah... I was thinking if its a girl, Unmei (Fate) would be pretty... Storm: *walks up to her and places the pearl and necklace by her* Jol jolt. [For you.]
Saruya: Aww, cute. What would you like for a boy? Ice: F-For me?How were you able to get this!?
Denki: I'm not too sure... Maybe Sora or Hayashi? (Sky or Forest) Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolteon jol jolt jol jolteon jolteon joltee jolte jolteon. [Me Denk and Saruya found a bunch of stuff like this in the couch of the shack.]
Saruya: I like Hayashi. Its cute, just lke you. Ice: Thanks Storm, its beautiful.
Denki: *blushes a lil- pecks her lips* Storm: Jol jolteon. [You're welcome.] *lays beside her*
Saruya: *Giggles- pecks her back* Ice: Guess what, i should be laying them in about a month or so. *Smiles*
Denki: *pecks her back with passion* Storm: Joltee? [Really?]
Saruya: *Kisses him back* Ice: *Nods* Yep.
Denki: *lips in sync with hers* Storm: Jol jolt! [Thats great.]
Saruya: *Kissing him passionately* Ice: I know.
Denki: *licks her lip* Storm: Jol jol joltee jolte jolteon jolt. [So how many do you want?]
Saruya: *Opens her mouth* Ice: Hmmm ... i think 3
Denki: *inserts toungue* Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolteon. [Sounds good to me.]
Saruya: *Letting him roam* Ice: What should we name them?
Denki: *roaming her mouth- slides his toungue against hers* Storm: Jolll... Jolt, jolte, jolt, jolteo? [Hmmm... Rain, Hail, and Cloud?] (If I disappear again its cuz mom got the computer.)
Saruya: *Slides hers against his* Ice: *Giggles* I like those.
Denki: *roaming her mouth passionately and faster* Storm: *laughs in the Pok*emon voice* Jol jolte jolteon jolt. [I'm glad you do.]
Saruya:*Moans slighty* Saruya: *Giggles*
Denki: *puts an arm around her shoulders- kissing pretty much the same speed- moaned slightly* Storm: *picks up the chain he had in his mouth and puts it around her head as a necklace- was already hooked*
Saruya: *Kissign back* Ice: *Smiles* Thanks Storm.
Denki: *kisses her a little faster- moaning* Storm: jol jolteon. [You're welcome.]
Saruya: *Moans* Ice: Hey Storm.
Denki: *same* Storm: Jol? [Yeah?
Saruya: *kissing back* Ice: Do u think I'd make a good mom? (hey, wanna get the Aspen pic to rp on?)
Denki: *same* Storm: *nods* Jol jolteon jol jolt. [Of course you will.] (Sure if I can find it... Or we could continue the RP on a pic of Riven or Mira.)
(I'll get a pic of Mira) Saruya: *Same* Ice: Thanks Storm.
Denki: *slows down the kiss some- still moaning slightly* Storm: Jol jolteon. [No problem.] *gives her a small kiss*
Saruya: *Moans a bit also* Ice: *Smiles and kisses him lightly back*
Denki: *slows it down a little more and pulls away- breathing heavy* You always take my breath away kissing. Storm: Jol jolteon jol joltee jol jolteon jol. [Oh yeah, Denki and Saruya says hi.]
Saruya: *Breathing heavy also* You too. Ice: *Giggles*
Denki: *laughs a lil as he catches his breath* Storm: Jol jolteon jolteon jol jol jolt jolteon. [Wanted to tell you before I forgot.]
Daruya: *Looks at him smiling* Ice: Ok.
Denki: *smiles back at her* Storm: *looks around* Jol jolte jolte? [Where's Aisu at?]
Saruya: So are you Shute we can't have a cookie room? Ice: Oh, Shes inside painting the walls.
Denki: *laughs* You don't need a special room to enjoy cookies in. Storm: Jolt. [Cool.]
Saruya: Then in our room can we have a pillow that looks like one? Ice: Yea.
Denki: *sighs* If you really want one, we can. *Thinking~ This cookie obsession is getting a rather crazy.
Saruya: *Kisses him* thank you.
Denki: You're welcome. *looks at the shack* I can just picture this place being more of a home, can't you?
Saruya: Yea.
Denki: *laughs* I guess I've grown more used to the idea of a dad.
Saruya: I knew you would, you just needed some time.
Denki: *nods slightly* Yeah.
Saruya: *Nods slightly* Yea (Shes coppying himxD)
Denki: So what do you wanna do now? (XD)
Saruya: So what do you wanna do now?
Denki: I asked you first.
Saruya: I asked you first.
Denki: *sweatdrops* Are you copying me?
Saruya: Are you copying me?
Denki: What are you a Mime Jr.?
Saruya: What are you a Mime Jr.?
Denki: *gets an idea and walks off*
Saruya: *Follows him*
Denki: *looks back to see her following him and keeps going*
Saruya: *Folllowing*
Denki: *eventually arrives outside of the cafe and stops*
Saruya: ... *Glomps him* You know my weakness!
Denki: *is glomped- laughs* Well I thought if I treated you to something, you'd stop copying me.
Saruya: Aww =3= I was only playing around.
Denki: And the fact that I was getting a little hungry myself. C'mon. *walks in* Ikou: *behind the counter wiping it off*
Saruya: *Walking with him, clinging to his arm* Hi Ikou!
Denki: Hey. Ikou: *looks up* Oh, hey you two. *finishes wiping the counter* Can I get you something? (Gotta go, mom's getting the computer.)
Saruya: Hmmmm. What do you want Denki?
Denki: I'll take a club sandwhich and a chocolate shake. Ikou: *nods* And you Saruya?
Saruya: Ill have ... my usual Penutbutter and Jelly sandwich with ... 3 chocolate chip cookies.
Ikou: *nods* Coming right up. *goes to the side and starts fixing their orders* Denki: Thanks man. *sits in a stool*
Saruya: *Sits next to him* After this im gonna have ta cut down to a cookie a day. (Hey i gotta go ill be back on around  \
Denki: Why's that? Cuz you're pregnant? Ikou: *still fixing their orders*
Saruya: *Nods* I dont wanna hurt the baby. *Rubs her stomach*
Denki: *smiles a lil* I understand. Ikou: *finishing up and puts their food in front of them* Thanks for waiting.
Saruya: No problem. *Takes a cookie from the plate* But i know the baby will take my love of cookies.
Denki: *laughs* Probably. *takes a bite of his sandwhich* Ikou: *laughs* It most likely will after all the cookies you eat.
Saruya: *Giggles* Yea. *Takes a bite of her cookie*
Ikou: So when is it due? Denki: Around 7 more months to go I think. *sips his shake*
Saruya: Yup. *Takes another bite*
Ikou: *nods* I bet you can't wait. Denki: I can... I'm still pretty nervous about it even though I'm more used to the idea.
Saruya: The only thing im worried about is Labor and when i phisically have the baby. *Bites her sandwich*
Ikou: Thats understandable... But its a part of what makes a life. Denki: Yeah... I don't know if I could handle it, but I'll try to be there when that happens... Holding your hand for you.
Saruya: I know you will. *Kisses his cheek*
Ikou: *chuckles* Denki: *blushes and eats more of his sandwhich*
Saruya: *Picks up another cookie and takes a bite*
Denki: So how've you been Ikou? Ikou: Oh uh, things are going pretty good...
Saruya: *Eating her cookie*
Denki: Thats good. *sips his shake* Oh here, let me go ahead and pay for our food. *takes out the 10 he found earlier and hands it to Ikou* Ikou: *put it in the register and gave him change* Thanks for the business... Its been slow lately.
Saruya: *Looks up- crunbs all over her face* Why?
Ikou: *shrugs* Not sure... Guess people don't like hanging in cafes anymore. Look around and you'll see your the only customers here. Denki: *looks around* Yeah, you're right. (Sorry if it takes a while, I'm watching something online.)
(Wacha watchin ^-^ Amy wansta know) Saruya: *Still crumbs on her face* Yea....
(Naruto Shippuden from the official site. I'm on the episode when Asuma dies and gives his last words to his students.) Denki: *grabs a napkin and wipes her mouth for her* Well maybe if you did something to make it more fun. Ikou: Like what?
(Aww so sad, im watchin Junjou Romantica on meh iPod xD) Saruya: *Giggles* Cookie shaped bean bags!
Ikou: *sweatdrops* I don't think so. Denki: *sweatdrops* I was thinking more on the line of a pool table or a pinball machine... Ikou: That'd be nice.
Saruya: I like pool, oh how bout a hot tub! But .... can we have a cookie shaped bean bag for the baby?
Ikou: Not that kind of a pool... Its a game you play. Denki: Guess I should've said billards... And if we can find such a thing, I guess.
Saruya: No! I I know the game pool but we should put in a hot tub too!
Ikou: *shakes his head* I don't think my mom would go for that.
Saruya: *Giggles* Thats ok.
Denki: But you think she'd go for a pool table and pinball machines? Ikou: Maybe... If its for the cafe, I'm sure she will.
Saruya: Yea. *finishes her sandwich with more crumbs on her face*
Denki: *was already done with his- wipes her face with a napkin again- has a few crumbs on his face himself* Ikou: *takes up their plates and puts them away* (Mom's getting the computer.)
Saruya: *wipes away his with her hand*
Denki: Thanks. Ikou: *laughs a lil* Its like the two of you are perfect for each other.
Saruya: *Giggles* I thiink we are.
Denki: Me too. Ikou: *laughs* (Hey, I'm not gonna be able to comment on the Mira pic cuz I've got young nephews running around and I don't want them catching onto the nature of it. >.> <.< They're smart like that.)
(Ok thats ok, how long are they gonna be there?) Saruya: *Giggeles*
Denki: *finishes up his milkshake* Ikou: I guess if there aren't any customers soon, I'll lock up for today. (No idea... I'll comment on it when I can though.)
Saruya: *wispsrs out loud* We need a pool table! (hey I gotta go for a bit I need to work on this project*
Denki: Are you talking about for our place?
Saruya: *Wispers loud* Yessssssssss!
Denki: *sighs* I don't think we can... Our parents are already putting alot into making us a home... Do you really think they'd get us a pool table? Ikou: ...
Saruya: No, but thats ok.
Ikou: *take up his cup from the shake* You can come play pool here if we get the table. Denki: Yeah, we can do that.
Saruya: Ok =3 (Hey i gotta eat ill be back)
Ikou: *chuckles* Maybe we could get a jukebox too, for some good music. Denki: Yeah, that'd be cool.
Saruya: That'll be fun!
Ikou: I'll ask my mom about all this later. Denki: *nods*
Saruya: *Giggles*
Ikou: *leaning against the counter- glances at the clock* If no one comes in in the next 5 minutes, I'm closing it up. Denki: *nods* Yeah, but what are the chances of that?
Saruya: You never know.
Ikou: *watching the clock* Denki: *swiveling in his stool a little* (Wanna bring Rei and Ryuko in?)
Saruya: *Spinning all around* Rei: *Walkimg with Ryuko*
Ikou and Denki: *same* Ryuko: *walking with him* Hey, wanna grab something to eat at that cafe? *point to it*
Rei: Shure.
Ryuko: *walks in with him* Ikou: *looks away from the clock and see's them* Denki: Hey. *waves to them*
Rei: Sup
Ikou: Welcome... Ryuko: *giggles* I didn't know you two would be here. *sits in the stool next to Saruya*
Saruya: Yea, we finished a lil while ago. (Hey, i gotta go for a bit again TT.TT)
Saruya: Yea, we finished a lil while ago. (Hey, i gotta go for a bit again TT.TT)
Denki: Yeah, we were just hanging with Ikou. Ryuko: *giggles* Ikou: So what'll you have? Ryuko: Oh, I want a chicken sandwhich and a glass of water please.
Rei: Um, Roast beef sandwich with a Vanilla milkshake.
Ikou: Coming right up. *goes to the side to make their orders* Ryuko: *swiveling in her* So how's the shack coming along? Denki: Well we just got the furniture out earlier, so were just getting started.
Saruya: Yea, but Denki wont let me put in a cookie room but im gonna look around for cookie shaped bean bags.
Ryuko: *giggles* A cookie room? You really are a cookie addict. Denki: *thinking~ You're telling me... Ikou: *still working on the orders*
Rei: No duh. Saruya: Its my Anti Drug!
Denki: *laughs* Ryuko: *giggles* Ikou: *puts their food and drinks down* Here you go. Ryuko: Thanks Ikou, it looks great.
Rei: Yea. *Picks up his sandwich and takes a bite* Saruya: *Giggles*
Ryuko: *takes a bit of hers* Ikou: You're welcome... (Gotta go, mom's getting the PC but probably not for long.)
Rei: *swallows* So how big are you gonna make the shack?
(Ok, so it was longer then she said it would be...) Denki: *shrugs* Not too big... At least two bedrooms.
(No prob i ocupied myself with Vic Mignogna xD) Rei: Cool. *Takes a sip of his shake*
Denki: Yeah, but its gonna take alot of work... Ryuko: *gulps down alot of water*
Saruya: But were all gonna help and work really hard. *Glared at Rei* Right Rei? Rei: *Sweatdrops and gulps* Y-Yea.
Ikou: *laughs a lil* Ryuko: *giggles* Denki: *laughs*
Saruya: *Cheerfull again* Good! Hey Ikou ... >.> <.< Shhh! When Denki's not looking hand me another cookie.
Ikou: *sweatdrops* Denki: I heard that... Ikou: *sweatdrop gets bigger*
Saruya: Shhhhhh! While Denki's not talking!
Denki: Saruya, I can hear you.... *thinking~ Maybe she should go through some intervention.... Ikou: ... Ryuko: *drinking more water*
Saruya: Aw come on Ikou! Rei: Hw many cookies have you had today? INCLUDING this morning! Saruya: .... 7
Ikou: That many? Denki: 7... Thats it Saruya, this cookie obsession is getting out of hand... Ryuko: *agrees but staying quiet about it*
Saruya: *Head hangs* Im sorry .... ill stop. Rei: ....
Denki: You don't have to stop eating them, just cut back. Ryuko: *nods*
Saruya: *Head still hung movig her head back in forth for no* I cant ... its either no cookkies or cookies with me. Rei:Yea, shes like that.
Denki: ... Ikou: Its ok for her to eat some cookies, but too many and obsessing over it can't be good.
Saruya: *Head hung in dissaprovial of herself* Rei: Its true Saruya
Ryuko: Well there might be a reason why she's eating them in the first place... You know like a way of venting troubled feelings or stress... Denki: Have you been stressing lately?
Saruya: *Shrugs her houlders- head still hanging*
Ikou: Theres gotta be something... Denki: Is it that your worried about having this baby, or us eventually being together on our own? Anything like that?
Saruya: *Headnstill hung* B-baby
Denki: *holds her hand* Hey, I'm worried about it too... Theres always a chance that things will take a turn for the worse...
Saruya: *Nods and Hugs him*
Ryuko: *whispering* Awww... Denki: *hugs her back* But we'll get through it one way or another... Thats what I believe anyway.
Rie: *Pats Ryuko's head* Saruya: *Hugging him* Yea....
Ryuko: *looks at Rei- giggles and hugs him* Denki: *hugging her* And try not to stress over it... I don't think its good for you to be stressing when you're pregnant.
Rei: *Hugs her back* Saruya: *Nods* Ill try.
Ryuko: *hugging him* Denki: *smiles while hugging her* Ikou: *just watching them*
Saruya: Psssss. Denki. Ikou needs someone to hug!
Denki: *sweatdrops* Ikou: *chuckles* Its ok, I get enough hugs from Amai and my mom... *doesn't have a dad*
Saruya: *Giggles*
Ryuko: *giggles* What about your dad? Ikou: ......Well I don't have one really... *adjusts his glasses*
Saruya: Awwwwwwwwwww so sad. (Hey im gonna head to bed =3 see ya tomorow)
Denki: ... Ryuko: Yeah, that is sad... What happened to him? Ikou: Uh... I'd rather not talk about it. (-k-)
Saruya: *Lets go of denki* Are you Shuuuuuuure u dont want a hug?
Ikou: No, I'm good... Ryuko: *let go of Rei and drank more water*
Saruya: Kay. Rei: *Takes another bite of his sandwich*
Ryuko: *eating her sandwhich* Denki: So what were you two doing before you got here?
Rei: We were just takin a walk.
Ryuko: *nods- finishing up* Denki: If you say so... *thinking~ I was wanting to bug him like used to bug me all the time... Ikou: *watching out the window*
Rei: Whats that suposed to mean? Saruya: Here he goes again.
Ryuko: ... Denki: Its nothing... I just thought now that you have Ryuko as your girlfriend, you were making out. Ikou: ...
Rei: What? Yea we kiss a bit! But we dont go all the way like you two irrisponsible kids did! Saruya: *Got ofeneded stood up* So you think Im Irrisponible!? Rei: Yea i do! Saruya: Fine! *Runs out of the cafe*
Ryuko: Rei... Denki: *stands up* Thats not what I meant! *walking to the door* I know we made a mistake, but we're not irrisponcible! *runs out after her* Ikou: *staying quiet* (Gotta go.)
Rei: *Puts his hand to the back of his neck* Crap ... i didnt mean to say that ....
Ryuko: I know you didn't... Ikou: Still, you did say it... And now Saruya's upset. Denki: *chasing her* Saruya wait up!
Rei: I reall gotta apoligise when i get home. *Still rubbing the back of his neck* Saruya: *Still running*
Ryuko: *nods* Ikou: Yeah... Denki: *runs faster and catches up to her* Saruya stop!
Rei: ... saruya: *Stops, crying*
Ryuko: *finishes her water* Does your neck hurt? Denki: *stopped with her* Come here. *hugs her* Please don't let what he said get to you.
Rei: *Staps* Ah no. Saruya: *Hugs him back* but its true .... i am immature. im just lke a child
Ryuko: Making sure... But I would've massaged it for you if it was. Ikou: *takes up her plate and glass* Denki: *sighs* So what, I still love you.
Rei: *Blushes* N-No, its ok. (Sorry i didnt comment back my mom bought me tickets to go to Gwen Stefani and Paramore for my 13th b-day! xD)
Ryuko: *giggles a lil at him blushing* Ikou: You done with your food and milkshake, Rei? Denki: *still hugging Saruya* (Ok, now you're just making me jealous... I've never been to a concert before... T_T)
Rei: Uh yea. Saruya: *Lets go of him and wipes her eyes* (Me niether xD but im super excited! but you should go, i hear their super fun!)
Ikou: *takes up his plate and drink* Denki: *kisses her forehead* (Yeah, if I had the money and one came near my small town... Anyway I gotta go eat.)
Saruya: *looks up at him* (Yea i gotta take a shower)
Ryuko: So what do you wanna do after this? *getting out the money for her meal* Ikou: *leaning against the counter* Denki: *smiles at her* I actually like the fact that you're a child at heart.
Rei: *Gets out his money* I dono.... Saruya: *Looks at him* Really?
Ryuko: *handed the money to Ikou* Me niether... Denki: Yeah, I do.
Rei: *Hands his money to Ikou* Maybe we could ..... I dono. Saruya: *Giggles*
Ikou: *put the money in the register* Thanks for coming by. Ryuko: *giggles* You're welcome, Ikou. And I guess we could go for a walk or something. Denki: *laughs*
Rei: Yea, no prob Ikou. Saruya: Can you let go of me now?
Ikou: *leans against the counter again* Ryuko: It doesn't matter to me what we do... Denki: Oh... *lets go of her* Sorry...
Saruya: Its ok!
Ryuko: *stands up and stretches* Denki: Ok... *thinking~ Is this another mood swing?
(you wanna time skip about another few months later or keep going?)
(If you want to, then go ahead...)
---3 months later--- (so she's 5 months xD now) Saruya: *Suttong on her porch, reading*
(Hey how far should the shack be done?) Konran: *floating nearby* Denki: *sleeping under a tree with Storm*
[[ psstt vrs told me too tell you bolth she had too go]]
(Sorry i disapeared last night, i fell asleep and i say about atleast half done)
(Its ok, and alright. What about Ice and her eggs?) Konran and Denki: *same*
(She laid em xP) Saruya: *Reading*
(-k-) Konran: *floats up by Saruya* What'cha reading? Denki and Storm: *same*
Saruya: Oh, *Holds up the book* Twilight. Im a little slow.
Konran: *cackles* Its ok, I still haven't gotten into those books yet.
Saruya: Oh. *Giggles*
Konran: *floating around carelessly* So how've you been lately?
Saruya: Good but last night i hardly got any sleep. the baby kept kicking (Hey ill be right back i need to clean the kitchen)
Konran: Aww... Hey, do you know what your having yet? Storm: *waking up*(-k-)
Saruya: *Wispers* Dont tell Denki but ... its a Boy.
Konran: Cool! And don't worry, I won't tell him. Storm: *wakes up and nudges Denki to wake up* Denki: *still somewhat asleep* What? I already cleaned my room... Storm: *sweatdrops*
Saruya: *giggles*
Konran: *cackles* Speaking of which, have you seen him lately? Storm: *nudges him again* Joltee? [Denki?] Denki: *is hard to wake up* Told you I'd beat you in a race... Storm: *bigger sweatdrop*
Saruya: Not for about a week.
Konran: Really? Oh yeah, he was sick for a few days, wasn't he? Storm: *zaps him* Joltee! [Denki!] Denki: *absorbed the electricity- laughs in his sleep* Stop tickling me, Saruya... Storm: *even bigger sweatdrop*
Saruya: Yea. (XD Denki xD)
Konran: Guess you couldn't be around him. Storm: *thinking~ If this doesn't wake him, I don't know what will. *gets some distance from him and gives him a Quick Attack* Denki: *wakes up* Agh! Storm, what'd you do that for?! Storm: *laugh in his Pok*emon voice* (XD Yay, I'm making you laugh!)
Saruya: Nope, we dont want the baby sick now do we? *Looks at her stomach and rubs it* (Yey i gotta take a quick shower ill be back in like 15 minn)
Konran: Nope. Denki: Whats so funny? Storm: *shakes his head* Jolt jolteon jo jolteon jolte joltee jolteon. [I thought you might wanna go see Saruya now that your better.](-k-)
Saruya: *Giggles*
Konran: *cackles and goes to standing* Denki: Yeah, I do wanna see her... *stands up* Guess I fell asleep. *starts walking to her house* Storm: *thinking~ Yeah, a very heavy sleep...
Saruya: *Looks at her stomach* So what should mommy eat for baby today, huh?
Konran: *cackles and shrugs* Denki: Wanna race? Storm: *laughs a in Pok*emon voice* Jol jolt! [You're on!] Denki: Ready... Set... Go! *races with Storm to her house*
Saruya: Hmmm. Help me and baby Konran! Its a Dilema!
Konran: What do you mean? Denki and Storm: *still racing with Storm in the lead*
Saruya: Help me chose something to eat.
Konran: Uh, how about a salad? Thats healthy. Denki: *gets neck and neck with Storm* First one to touch the porch wins! Storm: Jolt! [Right!] *almost there*
Saruya: I dont like salad. How about .... veggie pizza?
Konran: That'll work. Denki: *runs out of some bushes and tags the porch before Storm* I told you I'd win! Storm: Jol jol... [Yeah, yeah...]
Saruya: Denki!
Denki: *turns and see's her* Saruya! *jumps up on the porch* Konran: *cackles*
Saruya: Are you feeling better?
Denki: *nods* Much better, especially now that I can see you. Konran: Awww... Storm: Jollll... [Awww...] (Moms taking over and I gotta get a shower now... Later.)
(KK) Saruya: Ih yea, while you were sick i went to the Ultrasound. And i goot a picture of Baby! *Points to her stomach*
Denki: Cool! Did you find out what it is? Konran: *cackles*
Saruya: Yea, but you dont get to know yet, its a secret.
Denki: Say what? Konran: *trying not to cackle cuz she knows what it is*
Saruya: You cant know yet.
Denki: Why not? Konran: *same* Storm: Jol, jol jolt? [Yeah, why not?]
Saruya: ... cause! *Hurry and walks into the house*
Denki: ...Saruya... Konran: Don't feel bad, she probably just wants it to be a surprise for you. Storm: *nods* Jol jolteon jo jol jolt. [Thats probably what it is.]
Saruya: *Inside getting Pizza out of the frezer* Konran! Want any Pizza!?
Konran: Oh sure! *floats in* Denki: ... *sits on the porch and sighs*
Saruya: Denki! Wnt some too!? *Puts it in the oven for 10 minn*
Denki: Yeah, I guess... *stands back up and walks in with Storm* Konran: *sitting at a table*
Saruya: *Goes to the frige and takes of a black picture with white outlines* (Wanna go get Mira and Riven?)
Denki: *sits at a table* Whats that? (I'll searc for it)
Saruya: Its ... *Dramatic pause- then a picture of the waist up* Your, i mean our BABY!
Denki: Oh, cool! *looking at it* But your still not gonna let me know what it is, are you?
Saruya: We need a trade =3
Denki: A trade? Konran: *pettng Storm- cackles*
Saruya: Yea, of somesort =3
Denki: Well what is it? What do you want?
Saruya: Hmmmm.... I dono...
Denki: *sweatdrops- thinking this is impossible... Konran: Why don't you take his jacket?
Saruya: Why would i want his jacket Konran? The watch we wound like 3 months ago maybe
Konran: *shrugs* Its the only thing I saw he could give you... Denki: The watch? Oh, its back at my house...
Saruya: Hmmmm. Oh well, il tell you for .... A kiss? *Looks cute and puts her finger to her lips*
Konran: *cackles* Denki: *blushes* Yeah, I think I could give you one of those.
Saruya: Really?
Denki: *nods and stands from the chair- moves her fingers out of the way and kisses her lips* Konran: *trying not to cackle* Storm: *trying not to laugh*
Saruya: *Giggles* You wanna know before or after the pizza?
Saruya: *Giggles* You wanna know before or after the pizza?
Denki: What do you think?
Saruya: Well you wanna know so .. what do you think?
Denki: I think you keep coming up with excuses and delays just to torture me... Konran: *cackles*
Saruya: *Giggles* --The Bell rings for the Pizza--
Konran: Yay, the pizza's done! Denki: ...
Saruya: *Puts two oven gloves on and takes the pizza out of the oven, puts the tray on the counter and gets out a knife*
Denki: *sits back in the chair* Konran: Need help cutting it?
Saruya: I got it. *Starts cutting it with sissors* (I do it with sissors xD)
Konran: *nods and watches her* Denki: *laughs a lil at the fact that she's using scissors* Storm: laying on the floor* (XD)
Saruya: *Giggles* Shut up Denki. I use sissors.
Denki: Sorry...
Saruya: *Puts two pieses on eatch of the 3 plates- picks up denki's and puts it infront of him* Boy. *To confuse him gets konrans and puts it infront of her* Girl.
Denki: *sighs* Whatever... *takes a bite* Konran: *cackles*
Saruya: *Giggles* I just told you what sex it was! *Laughs and takes a bite*
Denki: You mean boy? Konran: *cackling*
Saruya: Yeshhh!
Denki: We're gonna have a son? Thats awesome!
Saruya: Horay! *Eats another piece of pizza*
Konran: *cackles and starts on her second slice* Storm: *looking at them with a begging expression* Denki: Here. *tears him a piece and gives it to him*
Saruya: *Giggles* Sorry storm.
Storm: *eating it up* Denki: *laughs and continues eating* So we're gonna name him Hayashi, right?
Saruya: Maybe....
Konran: *gave Storm the last peice of her 2nd one and starts her 3rd* Hayashi is a nice name... But I like Yami, cuz its dark and mysterious... Denki: Thats cuz you're a Mismagius. Konran: *cackles* Probably.
Saruya: Yea. *Giggels*
Denki: *now on his 3rd piece* So are you the only one here? Its kinda quiet.
Saruya: No, My mom's doing laundry in the basement but Duko and Rei are out somewhere. (I dont have my laundry in the basement though xD)
Denki: Oh. *gives Storm a lil more* Konran: *finishing up* (I don't even have a basement. If you want me to be Amaya, just tell me.)
Saruya: *Finishes and puts her plate in the sink* (KK)
Denki: *finishes and puts his up as well* Konran: *gave the last of hers to Storm and put hers up* Thanks for the pizza.
Saruya: No problem.
Storm: Jol jolteon jolt jolteon jolt. [And thanks giving me some.] Denki: You're welcome buddy. Konran: *cackes*
Saruya: *Giggles- then the baby kicks a little bit* Ah,.
Denki: Whats wrong?
Saruya: Baby kicked. *Giggles*
Denki: Oh. *laughs and feels her belly* Konran: *cackles*
Saruya: *Giggles* Baby: *Kicks for him* Saruya: Oh. I think he wants you to be his daddy.
Denki: *laughs* Maybe. Konran: Can I feel it kick?
Saruya: Shure. (Sorr i left. my little brother wanted me to play monopoly .... i went bankrupt xD and Can you be Amaya now?)
Denki: *moves his hand* Konran: *feels her belly* Amaya: *coming up from the basement with laundry* (-k- and I'm probably gonna disappear around 8.)
(Oh .... ant then no one will talk to me! im only staying alive with you!) Baby: *Kicks lightly* Saruya: ah. I guess he likes you too Konran
(I'll probably be gone for an hour at least. Mom will take over.) Konran: *cackles lightly* I know, I'll be like his godmother. Denki: *laughs* Amaya: *can be seen walking through the livingroom*
(Ok) Saruya: *Giggles* Hes gonna have a lot of god mothers and fathers. *Giggles*
Denki: Yeah. Amaya: *put down the clothes and comes to the kitchen* Oh hey Denki, feeling better? Denki: Alot better. Konran: *had moved her hand*
Saruya: *Giggles* Hi Momma.
Amaya: *giggles* Hey sweetheart, what are you up to?
Saruya: Baby feelin *Giggles* He's kicking today.
Amaya: *giggles* I hope not as much as your brothers did when I was pregnant with them. Denki and Konran: *laugh and cackle*
Saruya: *Giggles* So i was the innocent one?
Amaya: Well yeah... It was like your brothers were fighting each other inside me sometimes. *giggles* Denki: *laughs*
Saruya: *Laughs* It must have been hard with twins.
Amaya: *nods* It was... Which is why I'm glad you came by yourself. *pats her head*
Saruya: *Giggles*
Amaya: Well I better get back to the house work. *starts to head back to the laundry she left in the livingroom*
Saruya: Bye momma.
Denki: Later, Mrs. Amaya. Konran: *nods* Yeah, later. Amaya: *waved and left to put the cloths up*
Saruya: So wada ya guys wanna do?
Denki: *shrugs* I don't know. Konran: Me niether. Storm: Jolteon jolt jolteon jol jolte jol jolteon. [We could go see Aisu so I can see Ice and her eggs.]
Saruya: *Giggeles- says scarcastically* and I WONDER who got her pregnant
Storm: *sweatdrops* Denki: *bends down and pats his head* Its ok, we can go see her if you want.
Saruya: Yea!
Konran: *cackles* Yeah, we can. Storm: *ears perk up* Jolt. [Thanks.] Denki: *heads for the livingroom door*
Saruya: *Walks wit them*
Konran, Storm, and Denki: *go outside and head for Aisu's*
Saruya: *Wals with them* (I might dissapear in about 45 minn cause i have to go to a B-Day party for my cusins that are turning 1 and 10.
--Later at Aisu's-- Denki: *walking up to her house* Koran: *floating up to her house* Storm: *running up to her house* (-k-)
Ice: *In the house watching her 3 beautiful eggs* Saruya: *Walking with them*
Denki: *knocks on the door*
Aisu: *Goes, and opens the door* Hey guys, whats up?
Denki: Oh nothing much... Storm wanted to see Aisu and we thought we'd drop by for a visit. Storm: *eager to see Ice* Konran: *cackles and nods*
Saruya: Yea. *Giggles* Aisu: *Moves* Come on in, Ice is just staring at them in the living room.
Denki: *walks in with Konran* Storm: *runs in to the livingroom*
Saruya: *Folows* Ice: *See's Storm and stands up quickly* Storm!
Storm: *walks up to her* Jol jolte! Jol jolteon jo jolt? [Hey Ice! How are the eggs?] Denki: *sits on a couch* Konran: So how've you been Aisu?
Saruya: Yea? Aisu: Good. Ice: Their perfect.
Konran: Good. Storm: *nods and gives her a small lick on the cheek*
Aisu: You guys wanna see the eggs, their adorable. Ice: *Licks him back* Im glad your here, i need your help to figure ouw itch names go to witch egg.
Denki: Yeah. *walks over to them* They have Eevee paterns on them. Konran: *nods and floats up to them* So cute! When are they gonna hatch? Do you know? Storm: Jolteon jol jolteon jolt jolte jolteon. [How am I supposed to do that? They're practically identical.]
Saruya: I bet 5 dollars on 4 months! Aisu: Actually, about 3 or 4 months. *Giggles* Ice: *Shurgs* I have no clue.
Konran: Cool! *cackles* Denki: Yeah... Then we'll have Eevee's running all over the place. Storm: Jol jolt jolteon jol jolt jolte. [Lets just wait till they hatch.]
Aisu: Yea but it'll be ok. Where i used to live i had a neibor who was an Eevee breeder so their were like a milion running all over the place. Saruya: Really? I have a friend who's an Eevee breeder too! Ice: Ok.
Denki: *laughs* That, and the fact that Saruya could very well have an Eevee child. Konran: *cackles* So many Eevee's! Storm: *lays by the eggs*
Saruya: *Giggles* Lots and Lots! Im hoping our child is gonna want to be a Leafeon, what do you think Denki? Aisu: Leafeon's are adorable. IceL *Lays with him*
Denki: Maybe... With a name like Hayashi there's a good possibility cuz it means forest. Konran: *cackles*
Saruya: Yay! (Oh yea speaking of meanings guess what!)
Denki: *laughs* Konran: You really want him to be a Leafeon? Storm: *watching the eggs* (What?)
Saruya: *Nods* Yea cause out of all of our friends the only evelutions we need is a kid Flareon, a Vaporeon and a Leafeon. (I got a airbrush tatoo today and guess what it means)
Denki: Well my mom and your dad are Flareon, but I see your point. (I don't know... What?)
Saruya: Yep. Aisu: So many eeveelutions. I hope their arent any more. (Crazy xD)
Denki: Why not? (XDD)
Aisu: I maen type wise like Rock or Bug. Theirs way to many to rember but i do know all of them. Saruya: *Giggles* me too but it would be cool if their was a Ghost type for Konran.
Konran: *cackles* Yeah! Denki: Unfortuantely that probably won't happen... Konran: Why not? Denki: All of the Eeveelutions so far are of the original special category of the 17 types out there... It may not seem like it but the ghost type was in the physical category. If there's gonna be another it'll most likely be from the special group too, and the only special type thats left is the Dragon type. (<-- This is all fact.)
Saruya: Aww Denki stop being a sour Glameow. =3=
Denki: Just stating facts... But it doesn't mean there couldn't be a ghost type Eeveelution... Konran: I hope there is...
Saruya: *Giggles* Yea! (Do you wanna make onbe pink xD)
Denki: *looks at the eggs again* So what were you gonna name them? Storm: Jolt, jolte, jol jolteo. [Rain, Hail, and Cloud.] Konran: Cute names. (Nah, but one could be a Shiney Eevee... That means it'd have a grayish color to it, and that one could be Cloud.)
(pssts escuse me but amy-chan waht color r rei's eyes??? im makeing a pic of the poke' boys well as many as i cna xD --6-- nad reis one so i need hi eye colro .-.)
(Yea xD) Saruya: Very cute! Aisu: Hail is Storm and Ice put together. (Red but Vrs i was reading u and ringo erlier.. i AM in room 105 AND im on the navigators =.='
(srry ididnt know ^.^" and thnx :3 ull likey the picture i promise *holds arms out for hug innocnet face* :3 --btw pink had to go)
(Will u comment with me? im bored! *Hugs*)
(:3 go to my pic i have of kage and vaireto and tehir parents we cna rp saruya meeitng akge or soemthing i dont think they've met yet o.o)
nuuuu i wanna do that and they did and i wanna do >.> <.< SA!!!)
(i dont wanna do them rihgt now >.< it gets boring of palying shinigami all the time!!)
(sa but not as him but .... SA ? =3)
(*shake head* =.=" it wouldnt be sas if im not palying shinigami!)
what about danno and aisu, she was allready R'd couple times)
(=.=" how bout vaioreto and aisu k? cuz i really dont feel like playing danno or shinigmai.. and if its yes jsut go commetn o ntehpicture of them and thier parents)
(Fine! 8N corner mumbeling about SA*)
(shinigmai-x-Aisu, that waht it stnad for holly xD)
ohhhh lol
(But ish no SA it DA an SH xD)
Denki: *laughs* Yeah, the names are perfect. Konran: *cackles* Storm: *nods*
Saruya: Yep. Ice: *Giggles.*
Konran: *looks at the clock* Oh, I've gotta be somewhere. Denki: Really, where? Konran: Its a family thing... *floats up some* I'll see you guys later though.
Saruya and Aisu: See ya Konran.
Denki: Yeah, bye. Konran: Later. *flies out through the wall* Denki: Konran has left the building. *laughs*
Saruya: *Pats the table like a drum set in a comedy act* Aisu: *Laughs*
Denki: *laughs* Very funny.
Saruya: Yea. .... now im bored *Giggles*
Denki: Uh well... Whats there to do?
Aisu: Not much...
Denki: Well we could always go and see if theres something we can do at the shack.
Saruya: I wanna paint!
Denki: Paint?
Saruya: On the walls! (You wanna do Mira nad riven?)
Denki: Oh. *laughs* For moment I thought you meant paint a picture. (I guess, just let me find it.)
Saruya: You wanna?
Denki: Sure we can.
Saruya: You wanna come Aisu? Aisu: Ive actually done alot of painting this week so no thanks. Saruta: Ok.
Denki: *stands up* Thats ok... You coming Storm? Storm: Jol jolt... [I guess...]
Ice: Se ya storm. Aisu: *Opens the door for them* See ya guys later. Saruya: Bye Aisu.
Storm: Jo jolt jolte. [Good bye Aisu.] Denki: Bye. *walking out with Saruya*
Saruya: *Walks out with Denki* Aisu: Bye.
Storm: *follows them* Denki: walking towards the shack* I think we should start calling it a house cuz it not really a shack anymore.
Saruya: Ok than let's go paint some of our allmost home!
Denki: *laughs* So what are we gonna paint?
Saruya: I was thinking our room.
Denki: *smiles* Our room it is. Storm: *following behind them*
Saruya: I was thinking the top halfof the wall yellow and the botom half pink and then it would be seperated by a black line.
Denki: That'll be colorful.
Saruya: Yea!
Denki: *approaching the house* Storm: *runs up ahead*
Saruya: Tjis is gonna be fun!
Denki: *nods* Yup! *walks up to the door and opens it for her* Ladies first.
Saruya: *Walks in* where did you put the paint buckets?
Denki: *walks in after her* They should be in the hallway.
Saruya: *Walks to the happway and looks for the pink black and yellow paints*
Denki: *goes with her and grabs some sheets and brushes* Find them?
Saruya: I just need to find the black.
Denki: *looks around* There it is. *points to it a little further down the hall* Guess it got moved by someone.
Saruya: *Carrying the pink and yellow, walks over to it* Ok. Now ill come back and get it in a sec. *Walks to their room.
Denki: *walks to their room and sits the brushes down- starts spreading the sheets on the floor*
Saruya: *Helps spread the sheets*
Denki: *finishes* There we go. I'll get the black paint for you. *goes to the hall and gets it*
Saruya: *Starts to open the lids of the others*
Denki: *comes back with it and sits it down* We'll save black for last. *helps Saruya open the others*
Saruya: Ok. *Grabs a brush* Pink or yellow first?
Saruya: Ok. *Grabs a brush* Pink or yellow first?
Denki: Lets start from the bottom up, so its Pink. *dips his brush in the paint*
Saruya: Kay. *Dips hers in the pink*
Denki: *walks over to the wall and starts painting* Storm: *laying on the outside of the room*
Saruya: *Starts painting as well*
Denki: *painting up and down the bottom of the wall* Storm: *watching them- looking bored*
Saruya: *Coppying Denki* --About 2 hours later the whole room's botom half is pink and finished*
Saruya: *Coppying Denki* --About 2 hours later the whole room's botom half is pink and finished*
Denki: That half is done. *grabs a clean brush and dips it in yellow* Now time for my favorite color. Storm: *outside watching a few Butterfree in the sky*
Saruya: Lets get to it! *Dips her brush in yellow and starts*
Denki: Course it might get hard to reach after awhile. *starts painting* Storm: *same*
Saruya: Yea. *Still painting* (who needs to comment back on Mira?)
Denki: *painting up and down th upper part of the wall* Storm: *still watching the Butterfree*
Saruya: *Painting* --2 and a half more hours later they finish the top half-- Saruya: *Covered in pink and yellow paint*
Denki: *covered in paint too- looks at her* You've got paint all over you. *laughs*
Saruya: *Giggles* You too
Denki: *looks at himself* Good point. *laughs* Storm: *fell asleep outside*
Saruya: We could save the last black line for another day, im tired and baby is to. *Yawns*
Denki: *nods* We'll do that then if your tired... *put the brush he had down*
Saruya: *Puts her brush down- in a lazy tone* Do we havvveeee to clean?
Denki: Not if you're that tired... You should get home and rest.
Saruya: Kay. *Leans up and kisses him* Ill see you later.
Denki: *kisses her back* Yeah, later. (Sorry... We had a small power outage and the pic I was working on was lost. T-T)
(Is it raining over there? and do you wanna make her about a week from having the baby? and Ice's eggs hatched?)
(No its not raining, we don't know what caused it... And sure.) --around 4 months later-- Denki: *with Storm going to see Aisu and Ice*
Aisu: *Painting on the porch* ice: *starts yelling from the living room* Aisu! Aisu! Get in here! (well make it now, and what genders did we say?)
Denki and Storm: *almost there* (We didn't, but I think Rain should be a girl.)
(Id like Hail to be a girl so Cloud can be the boy =3) Aisu: *Runs in* What!? ICe: *Excited* Their hatching! Their Hatching! Aisu: OHMIGOSH! NO WaY! We need damp towels! *Runs into the kitchen and wets some towels with warm water*
(-k-) Storm: *runs up to porch* Denki: *walks up and knocks*
Aisu: *Sees them through the window and runs to the door and opens the door and rushes while she speaks* Guys Guys! Hurry get in the living room Ice's eggs are hatchening! *Runs in there and puts the towels down*
Denki and Storm: *look at each other and run into the livingroom* Storm: *runs up beside Ice- excited voice* Jol jolteon! [They're Hatching!] Denki: *kneels down behind Storm* How exciting is this?
Ice: I know I know!! 1st Egg (gonna be Hail x3): *Hatches* Aisu: Awww so adorable!
Storm: *smiling at her* Denki: Incredible cute. (Who's gonna rp which Eevee?)
(U wanna be hail and ill be the other 2?) Ice: My loveley baby!
(-k-) Storm: Jol jolt! [Mine too!] Hail: *looking around at everyone- takes a small step* Eevee... [Mommy...]
Ice: Right here swettie. *Has a warm motherly smile*
Hail: *walks up to her* Storm: Jol jolt jolteon. [And I'm daddy.] *has a warm fatherly smile* Hail: *smiles* Eevee vee eevee. [Mommy and daddy.] Denki: *smiling*
Ice: What should we call her Storm? Aisu: So cute!
Storm: *looks at her then at Ice* Jolte, jo jolt jolteon jol jolte jol. [Hail, cuz she has your pretty eyes.] (Wanna have Hail have the eye color of a Glaceon?)
(Ok) Ice: Ok, Hail it is. 2nd Egg: *Hatching* (Gonne be Cloud bow =3) Ice: The other one's hatching!!
Hail: *looks curiously at the hatching egg* Storm: *watchng it eagerly*
Eevee: *Hatches-and looks around a little* Eevee? [Momma? ] Ice: *With another warm smile* Right here.
Denki: He's a shiney... Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolt. [And daddy's here too.] Hail: *looking at her brother curiously*
(I gotta eat brb) Ice: *Nods toward Hail* And your sister Hail too. Eevee: Eevee, Eevee, Ee, Eve [Momma daddy and hail]
Storm: Jol jolteon jol jol jolte. [You name this one Ice.] Hail: *walks up to her brother some*
Ice: He's shiney grey so .... we'll call you Cloud. Cloud: Ee Eev Eev Eevee. [I like that momma]
Hail: Eevee eee! [Brother Cloud!] *giggles in a very cute Pok*emon voice* Storm: *smiling*
Cloud: *Giggles in a cute boyish pokemon sort of way* Eevee Eve! [Sissy Hail!] Ice: *Looking at the last egg* Somethings wrong. *Nudges it with her nose*
Storm: *walks up to the egg* Jol jol jolteon. [Its not hatching.] *nudges at it gently* Denki: Thats not good.
Storm: *walks up to the egg* Jol jol jolteon. [Its not hatching.] *nudges at it gently* Denki: Thats not good.
Aisu: Not good at all. Ice: *Tears in her eyes* No, It has to hatch! Please! Hatch for me!
Storm: ... Denki: *rubs a hand on the egg* Its kinda cold, we might need to warm it up.
Aisu: *Wraps a warm towel around it* I hope this works. Ice: *Tears in her eyes* M-My baby. ---Half an hour later--- (Dont worry Rain will LIEV!!!)
Storm: *laying by Ice trying to comfort her* Hail: *fell asleep laying by her daddy*
Cloud: *Fell asleep next to Hail* Ice: *Crying* Egg: *Starts hatching slowly* Aisu: Ice! Its Hatching!! Ice: *Head lifts up* M-My BABY!
Storm: *perks his head up* Jol jolt jolt? [IIs it ok?] Denki: I hope so. (g2g I'll be back if your patient.)
Egg: *Hatches and out pops an Eevee about 1/4 smaller than the other 2* Ice: *Tears in her eyes that it finally hatched*
Storm: *sighs of relief* Denki: It made it... *compares it to the other two* But its smaller then Hail and Cloud.
The Slightly smaller Eevee: *Sitting in one place* (Can talk like Ice) M-Mommy? Ice: *Tears in he eyes* Im right here baby.
The Slightly smaller Eevee: *Sitting in one place* (Can talk like Ice) M-Mommy? Ice: *Tears in he eyes* Im right here baby.
Storm: *smiling at her* Jolteon jo jolt. [Daddy's here too.]
Eevee: *Stads up on her feet a little wobly* Mommy and daddy. Aisu: *Small tears in her eyes*
Storm: *see's the tears and looks at Eevee* Jolt jol jol Jolt... Jolt jolteon jo jolteon jolteon jolt teon. [We'll call you Rain... Because of the tears that fell for you to be here.]
Ice: *Wipes them away* Its perfect Storm. Rain: Rain Rain! Im Rain! *Cheerfully dancing around* (What if the tip of her tail was blue? xD)
Denki: She's cheerful, for someone who almost didn't make it. Storm: *laughing at her a little* Hail: *waking up* (XD Sure and maybe she could evolve into a Vaporeon later on.)
Ice: *Laughs lightly* Aisu: Reminds me of Saruya a bit, oh how is she? Cloud: *Also waking up* Rain: *Chanting her name*
Ice: *Laughs lightly* Aisu: Reminds me of Saruya a bit, oh how is she? Cloud: *Also waking up* Rain: *Chanting her name*
Denki: *laughs a lil* She's big to say the least, and could have him any day now... Hail: *wakes up and see's Rain* Eeevee ee eevee. [You hatched out.]
Aisu: Wow, im so happy for you two. Cloud: *Wakes up too* Eev Ee Eevee Eev Ee? [But arent you kinda small?] Rain: No, you two are just big!
Denki: *nods lightly* Yeah... But I'm still nervous as I can be about it... I just try not to show it in front of her. Hail: *walks up to her* Eevee eee vee eee. [Well I'm you big sister Hail!]
Aisu: It'll be ok. Ill come and wait in the waiting room. So will Ice her new kids. Ice: Yep. Cloud: *Walks up* And im big brother Cloud. Rain: And im Rain! TeeHee.
Storm: Jol jolt. [Me too.] Denki: *smiles* Good, cuz I'll need all the support I can get when he comes. Hail: *giggles cutely*
Aisu: Everyone else will give you support but i think its Saruya who needs it the most, she's phisically having the baby. Cloud: Laughs cutely but boyish* Rain: *Giggles*
Aisu: Everyone else will give you support but i think its Saruya who needs it the most, she's phisically having the baby. Cloud: Laughs cutely but boyish* Rain: *Giggles*
Denki: *nods* I know, and your right. Storm: *smiling at his children* Hail: *looking around the room curiously*
Aisu: *Nods* Ice: *Watching them* Cloud: Is this our house Momma?
Aisu: *Nods* Ice: *Watching them* Cloud: Is this our house Momma?
Denki: Yeah speaking of which, how are we gonna do this with Storm being with me and Ice being with you? Hail: Ee vee? [Is it?]
Aisu: Im not shure ... Ice: Well kind of. ---Denki's Cell phone rings--- ((Babeh time xD))
Denki: Uh hold on for a sec. *pulls it out of a pocket and answers without seeing who it was* Denki here. Storm: Jol jolteon jolte jolteon jol jol jolteon. [Its one of your homes, and you'll see the other later.] (XD)
Saruya: Agh! Denki! Get people and meet me and my mom at the hospital Asap! *hangs up quickly* aisu: Who was it?
Denki: O_O; *hangs up* Its time... Storm: Jol jolt? [You mean?] Denki: *nods* Saruya's in labor.
Aisu: Ah!? Now!? We gotta Get Konran, amd Ryuko, and Rei, and Duko but i bet their with saruya allready, nd we need Hitohana, and and and. *All confused* @.@ Ice: Ok kids, were going on a little trip. Rain: What kind of a trip? Cloud: Yea? Ice: A trip to a hospital.
Denki: *shakes his head fast to get snap him into gear* Konran can help. *stands up and dials Konran's number* Konran: *answers* House of Spirits, Konran speaking. Denki: Konran, Saruya's in labor! I need you to call out those ghosts of yours and spread the word. Konran: OMG OMG OMG! So exciting! Leave this to reliable old Konran! Storm: *getting the lil one's ready with Ice*
Aisu: Ok lets go lets go lets go! Ice: *Has Rain on her back* Ok Want me to carry Hail and you get Cloud?
Aisu: Ok lets go lets go lets go! Ice: *Has Rain on her back* Ok Want me to carry Hail and you get Cloud?
Storm: Jol jol jolt. [I got them.] Hail: *jumps on her daddy's back* Denki: *hung up the phone* Right. *runs and opens the door* Konran: *sent out a ghost Pok*emon to everyone they know to spread the word* Ryuko: *ran into a Haunter while in the lake with Tia* Its now?! Haunter: *nods* Ryuko: Lets go Tia! Tia: *nods and swims them back to shore*
Aisu: *Runs with Denki* Come on you guys! Ice: Coming! Cloud: *Jumps on her back with Rain* Ice: *Goes and follows Aisu and Denki*
Denki: *running as fast as they can to the hospital- ahead of everyone* Gastly: *runs into Hitohana and gav her the news* (Want me to be Amaya now?)
Hitohana: Ah! No Way! *Gets up and starts running to the hospital* ---At the Hospital--- Saruya: *Walking around in circles* Agh! Wheres that spinal tap thing! (Im gonna head to bed after i comment back on Riven and Mira, Night night)
Denki: *same* Misdreavus: *gave Duko and Rei the news* Ryuko and Konran: *on their way there* Amaya: *grabs her shoulder* Calm down, they've got you a room a ready. *nurse comes with a wheelchair for her* Shuppet: *gives Honoka the news* Honoko: *drops some clothes she was folding* Its time?! Thanks for telling me. *gets some shoes on and heads out for the hospital*
Duko and Rei: No way! Sriously!? *Start runnung* Saruya: *Sits in the weelchair and looks at her mom* You Think, Ah, Denki will get here in time?
Denki: *almost there- way ahead of everyone else* Amaya: I'm sure he'll be here any minute. Nurse: *rolling her to a room* How close are the contractions?
Saruya: C-Close! (You mean how close the baby is XD I fergot XD)
Nurse: Then we need to hurry. *rolling her into a room and up to a bed* Denki: *runs into the hospital- skids on the floor to a stop- looks around fast* Where is she? (Well if the contractions are close together, then the baby's coming fast.)
Nurse: You mean Saruya _____ *Fill in the last name xD* Last door on the right that way *Points in one direction* Saruya: Ahhh! Mom Look for Denki!
Denki: Thanks! *runs to where she directed* Amaya: *peaks out the door and see's him running* He's here, he's coming. --Couple nurses help Saruya on the bed-- Storm: *running up to the hospital* (XD)
Aisu and Ice: *Run together and Ice has Rain and Cloud on her back* Saruya: Ahhh! I-Itss c-coming!
Nurse: *removes her lower clothes so they won't get in the way* Denki: *runs in the room and by her* I'm here, I'm here... Amaya: Just in time too. Storm: *runs in with Hail on his back* Jol jolteon. [We made it.] Honoko, Konran, and Ryuko: *almost there*
Saruya: D-Denki! Y-You ma- Ahhhh! I-ITs C-Coming!
Saruya: D-Denki! Y-You ma- Ahhhh! I-ITs C-Coming!
Denki: *holds her hand- staying by her side* Right here for you. Nurse 1: *gives her a quick shot of somthing for pain* Nurse 2: Breathe and push. *in front ready*
Saruya: *Holds his hand and pushes* AHHH! Hitohana: *Almost there*
Nurse 2: Keep going, his head is coming. Denki: *watching- trying not to freak out* Konran: *floats in* Ryuko: *came in right after her* I can't believe its coming! Konran: Me nither. Storm: *waiting in waiting area*
Saruya: *Pushes harder and holds Denki's hand tighter* AGHHH! Hitohana: *Still running* Aisu: Im so excited! Ice: *Sits down to then Rain and Cloud slide down her back* Rain: Weee!
Nurse 2: Almost, just a little more. Denki: *holding her hand- still trying not to freak out or faint* Amaya: *on the other side of her* Konran: *see's Storm and Ice with the lil one's* OMG, little Eevee's! *float up to them* Storm: *nods* Jol jolt jolteon. [They hatched earlier.] Ryuko: So cute! Hail: *looking around on her daddy's back- as curious as ever*
Saruya: *Pushes again* AHHH! Cloud: *Points a paw at Konran* Eevee Eve Eev? [Momma who that?] Ice: Thats our friend Konran, can you say Konran? Cloud: E-Eevee. [K-Kaoran.]
Nurse: *holds the baby as he comes out crying* Denki: *same* H-he's here, Saruya... He's...here *feeling lightheaded* Konran: *cackles softly* Close enough. *pats his head lightly* Hail: Eevee ee vee? [And who's that?] *looking at Ryuko* Ryuko: *giggles* I'm Ryuko, a freind. Honoko: *walking in*
Saruya: Haaaa. *Head falls back onto the pillow and loosens her gip on Denki's hand* A-Are you ok? *Looks at him* Rain: Kaoran an Roko an aunte Aisu! Aisu: *Giggles* I guess mynames easy to pronounnce.
Denki: *holds his head up* Feeling... faint... Nurse: Have a seat. *pushes a chair up to him* Denki: *sits down and does a big sigh* Nurse 2: *drying off Hayashi on a table nearby* You just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Ryuko: *giggles* Konran: *see's Honoko* Mrs. H! Honoko: Konran, thanks for sending the message. Konran: *cackles*
(i g2g for a bit sorry) Saruya: *Smiles with tears in her eyes* Im so happy. Aisu: *Laughs slightly at the little eevee's*
Denki: *looks up at him- smiles* Yeah, me too... Nurse 2: *wraps him up in a small blanket- walks him to Saruya* Do you have a name picked out? Denki: Hayashi, right? Amaya: *Smiles* I'm gonna go let everyone know he's here. *steps out* Honoko: *laughs at them too*
Saruya: Yea. Hayashi. Rain and Cloud: *Play tackeling eatchother*
Nurse: Thats a nice name. *writing it on a birth ceritficate* Nurse 2: *hands him to Saruya* Denki: *nods* Amaya: *walked to the waiting area* Honoko: How is it? Amaya: Saruya gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Hayashi. Honoko: *smiles* I'll bet he looks just like Denki when he was a baby.
Saruya: *Holds her newborn in her arms* Isint he adorable Denki? Aisu and Hitohana: Awwwwww.
Denki: *sits beside her- nods* Yeah, he is. *can't help but smile at him* Konran and Ryuko: Awwwww. Honoko: To think I'm a grandma now... Amaya: So am I... And Rei and Duko are uncles. *looks around* They're still not here yet?
Saruya: *Staring at her newborn boy with tears in her eyes* *Duko and Rei run in at the sam time* Duko: Sorry, Rei got us lost. Rei: *Sweat drops* Yea .... Did she have it yet!?
Denki: *wipes them for her* Tears of happiness? Amaya: *nods with a smile* You're now officially uncles of little Hayashi.
Saruya: *Nods* I cant believe it. But you know ... we still have to finish the black line in our room for the house to be fully finished. Rei and Duko: Seriously!? Can we see? (O g2g for a WHILE so ill be on around 11 iff yiull wait for me )= )
Denki: Yeah... I'll get on that as soon as I can. Nurse: Only close relatives at the moment. Amaya: Then you can. Honoko: I'm coming too. (-k- I might be on, but I do need to get to bed early tonight.)
(ok I'm on my iPod so if I dissapear my mom killed me cause if bad progress report and I don't have my laptop) saruya: We both can do it. *Giggles- and looks back to her baby* Duko and rei: Lets go! *Start walking*
Denki: *looks back at him* Honoko: *walks to the door- knocks opening it* Denki, can I see my new grandson? Denki: *laughs a lil* Yeah, come on in.
Duko and Rei: Were here too. Saruya: *Giggles* You two can come in too. Dump and Rei: ^Walk in*
Honoko: *walks up to the bed* Denki, he's precious... Denki: *nods looking at him* Yeah... He is. *smiling*
Duko: Yea... Rei: now we got another little buddy. saruya: *Giggles*
Honoko: *giggles* He looks just like his dad did when he was born. Denki: *blushes a lil in embarresment*
Saruya: *Giggles* Its ok Denki.
Denki: Well he is an Eevee like I was... *puts a finger in his tiny hand* Honoko: *nods*
Duko: Hes pretty cute though. Saruya: Thanks Duko. *Giggles* Wait a minuette......
Denki: Hm?
pssttt vrs had too go she told me too tell you all
Saruya: Since I had the baby, I can eat cookies again! Duko and rei: *Sweat drops*
Denki and Honoko: *sweatdropped* Nurse: *comes in with a bottle prepared for Hayashi* Here, have him drink this. *hands it to Saruya*
Saruya: *nods* Thank you. *Holds the bottle in place for Hayashi*
--Hayashi started sucking on it-- Denki: *moved his finger- watching him* I just can't take my eyes off of him.
Saruya: Me neither, but how can we not? We were the ones who brought him into this world.
Denki: Yeah... To think I didn't even like the idea of being a father, but now I'm looking forward to it. Honoko: *smiling*
Saruya: Youve changed your mind so many times that can)
Denki: *sighs* I know... Honoko: Well all of us didn't like the idea of it to start with, but I think we all changed our mind. *to Rei and Duko* Right boys?
Duko and Rei: Yea... Saruya: Its ok guys.
Denki: *nods* Yeah it is. Honoko: *smiling a lil*
Duko and Rei: Thanks Saruya: *Looks back at her eating baby*
Denki: *smiles looking at him* Honoko: Your gonna be busy in the next few days with a new baby. Denki: Yeah, but I think I can handle it. Konran: *floating invisibly into the room*
Saruya: You mean WE can handle it. *Giggles*
Denki: Right, WE can handle it. Konran: *hovering over them looking at Hayashi- trying her best not to make any noise or cackle* Ryuko: *in waiting area- looks around* Where did Konran go?
Saruya: *Can tell* Konran, i know your in here and your not suposed to be. Aisu: I dono.
Denki: Konran? *looks around* Konran: *sweatdropped* How'd you know I was in here?
Saruya: I can tell. *Sill watching her baby suck an the bottle*
Denki: Sorry, but you're really not supposed to be in here... Konran: I know, but I could'nt help myself... *sighs* I'll leave... *floats out*
Saruya: I know how she feels. I had a freind when i was little and her older sister had a baby and i really wanted to see it but i wasent able to.
Denki: *nods* I guess everyone's anxious to see him. *looking at Hayashi* Honoko: *had stepped out* Konran: *back in the weighting area* Ryuko: Where were you? Konran: I uh... Kinda snuck a peek at Hayashi...
Aisu and Hitohana: No Fair!!!
Denki: Can I hold him after your done feeding him? Ryuko: Yeah, that was cheating! Konran: I know but I couldn't help it. He's so CUTE!
Saruya: Shure. He's almost done. (I gotta go take a shower, ill ba back)
Denki: *nods- watching her feed him* Honoko: *chatting with Amaya* Ryuko: *playing with the lil Eevee's*
Saruya: *Finished feeding him and holds him out to Denki* Heres your son. *Giggles* Hitohana and Aisu: *Playing along with the little eevees*
Denki: *smiles and takes him- holding him close* Daddy's got you.
Saruya: I still can't believe how adorable he is.
Denki: *nods* He has your nose. Ryuko: I wonder when we will get to see Hayashi?
Saruya: An he's got your Mouth. Hitohana: I really wanna see him.
Denki: *laughs a lil* Yeah... *looks up at Rei and Duko cuz they've been quiet* You wanna hold him? Amaya: You can see him when we check out of here later this evening. Ryuko: Really? Honoko: *nods*
Duko: Naw it's ok. Rei: I don't trust my hands I drop everything. Hitohana and aisu: Horay!!!
Denki: *nods- thinking~ Wow, they said something seperately for once... Ryuko: *giggles* Storm: *wanting to see him now*
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