awwww how cute!
aww so cute!
Thank You, Teal-chan!
They look cute! Saruya is really pretty and Denki is hot
no problem ^-^
Thanx Anna-chan and Rei-chan! -^-^-
your welcome, Pink
It adorable! Wanna RP?
Sure, but I might take a while... My nephew keeps bugging me to let him do something. Denki: *sitting out on the steps at night- staring at the stars*
(How old is he? If hes yung or something have him watch TV or draw xD) Saruya: *Walking to Denki's house*
(He's 5, and he's wanting to edit like I do which all he does is scribble over pics without saving. In a minute his mom should take him to bed.) Denki: *same*
(Awww he must be adorable xD) Saruya: *Gets to denki but hides wanting to scare him again*
(Yeah, when he wants to... But he can be such a cry baby.) Storm: *comes walking out of the house looking around* Denki: Hey buddy. *pets him*
(xD i know what u mean xD) Saruya: *Desides t make him laugh instaed and turns into pachirisu girl* (Ill eventually make an edit of her xD)
(I know you will eventually.) Denki: *looks around* What was that? Storm: *shrugs and walks out to the yard*
Saruya: *Walks out from the forest and uses that adorable voice no one can resist* Um excuse me? Denki-Kun?
Denki: *blushes faintly* Oh, its you Saruya... What are you doing here?
Saruya: Agh! Your suposed to laugh!
Denki: Oh... *laughs at her* You look cute like that. Storm: *laughs in Pok*emon voice*
Saruya: *Blushes*
Denki: *stands up and walks to her* But I prefer the original, most of all.
Saruya: *Turns back* Then hows this? *Blushing lightly*
Denki: *confused look* How's what?
Saruya: *Kisses him*
Denki: *blushes deeply* Uh... That would make me blush...
Saruya: *Giggles*
Denki: *laughs lightly and takes her hand* Well tomorrow is Valentines, and your my girl, so would you like to do something with me?
Saruya: Hmmmm. Ok. what do you want to do?
Denki: *thinks for a moment* Lets go on a picnic, just the two of us at that flowery field.
Saruya: Yea! That sounds like a great idea!
Denki: *smiles and kisses her* Can't wait. Storm: *sad that he won't be able to go- wants to spend the day with Ice*
Ice: *At home wanting to be with Storm* Saruya: *What are we gonna pack?
Denki: Just leave that to me. *kisses her again and laughs*
Saruya: *Giggles*
--The next day-- Denki: *spreading out a large blanket in the field* Storm: *laying out on the porch sleeping*
Ice: *Walking in the forest* Saruya: *Walkking to the flower feild*
Storm: *same* Denki: *setting out some sandwiches and drinks*
Ice: *Same.* Saruya: *Gets there* Denki! Happy Valentines Day!
Denki: *laughs* Happy Valentines Day! *holds out a yellow rose for her* I hope yellow it alright, they were out of pink. Storm: *wakes up and stretches*
Saruya: Its fine, ITs yell just like my favorite thing. (Im sorry i gotta go xD)
(its ok) Denki: *blushes* Storm: *looking around when he catches Ice's scent nearby* Jol jolte. [Its Ice.]
Ice: *Walks around looking for Storm* Saruya: So im really happy its yellow.
Storm: *runs out into the yard looking around* Jolte?! Jol jolt jol? [Ice? Are you here?] Denki: I'm glad. *hands it to her*
Ice: Storm!? Saruya: *Takes it and smells it- Giggles*
Storm: *follow his nose and finds her* Jolte! jolteon jolt jolteon jol! [Ice! Happy Valentines Day!] Denki: Want something to eat? I got some sandwhiches and... *takes out a plate of cookies* cookies!
Ice: Yea! Happy Valentines Day STorm! Saruya: Cookies!
Storm: *laughs in a Pok*emon voice* Jol jolteon jolte jolteon joltee. [Just wanted to tell you that for some reason.] Denki: *laughs* I knew you'd want one. *hold one up taunting her with it* Come and get it.
Ice: Me too. Saruya: *Gets on all fours actling like a pokemon about to pounce on its prey*
Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolteon jolteon joltee jolte? [So what are you doing out here Ice?] Denki: *laughs and tosses it up in the air for her to catch it*
(OMG My mom made me cookies!) Ice: I came here to look for you* Saruya: *Jumps in catches it in her mouth*
(XD) Storm: *curious look* Joltee? Jol jolt? [Really? What for?] Denki: *laughing at her* You're my lil Cookie Monster!
Ice: Well .... um .... Saruya: But me not blue. *Eatc cookie*
Storm: *laughs a lil in Pok*emon voice* Jol jolteon jol jolteon jolte joltee jolteon. [Was it to wish me a happy Valentines?] Denki: *laughs* I'm just kidding, but you are a lil monster when it comes to these things. *eats a cookie*
Ice: Yea. Saruya: But their just so good!
Storm: *laughs again* Denki: Well your not kidding there.
Ice: *Blushes* Saruya: *Lays down*
Storm: Jol jolteon? Jol jolteon jol jolteon joltee jolteo. [Wanna do something? I'm bored cuz Denki went out with Saruya.] Denki: *lays down with her- stares at her*
Ice: Kay. Saruya: *Looks at him* What?
Storm: *laughs in Pok*emon voice and thinks for a minute* Jol jolteon. [Follow Me.] *runs into the woods* Denki: *shrugs* I don't know... I just think your beautiful.
Ice: *Follows* Saruya: *Blushes* And your very VERY handsome
Storm: *runs faster and ends up at the mouth of a cave* Jol jolteon jolte. [Its in here, Ice.] Denki: *blushes and smiles* Really, whats so handsome about me?
Ice: A cave? Saruya: Your hair, your eyes, ... maybe even your old Levi's *Giggles*
Storm: *nods* Jol jolteon jolte jolt jolteon. [There's something amazing in here.] *walks in* Jol jolt. [Stay close.] Denki: *laughs* And when we kiss I'm hypnotized! (XD)
Ice: O-Ok *Walks with him, verry close* Saruya: You make me laugh, you make my cry but i guess thats both ill have to buy. *Giggles*
Storm: *leads her to the back where there's a large stone hard to see* Jolt. [Watch] *shocks it with electricity and it lights up in brilliant shimmering colors in the cave* Denki: *holds her hand* Your hand in mine when were intertwined everythings alright.
Ice: Wow. Saruya: I wanna be with the one i know.
Storm: *nods* Jol jolt... jol jolteon jolte. [Its pretty... l-like you Ice.] *keeping it lit with electricity* Denki: And the 7th thing, I like the most that you do...
Ice: *Blushes* Y-You think I-im P-pretty? Saruya: You make me lo you.
Storm: *keeping it lit and looks at her* Jol jolt. [W-well y-yeah.] Denki: *said "You make me love you." at the same time she did- laughs* You really do.
Ice: T-Thank y-you. Saruya: You too. *Kisses him* (Sorry pink i gotta take a shower ill be back in a few =3)
Storm: *blushes* Jol jolteon jolte. [Y-You're w-welcome, Ice.] Denki: *kisses her back*
Ice: *Lightly kisses his cheek* Saruya: *Kisses him back*
Storm: *stops the electric flow when she kissed him and the cave goes dark- blushes deep but you can't see it* Denki: *pulls away and flips on a small boombox he had hiding behind the basket- romantic music playing* I think I thought of everything.
Ice: I-Im sorry! Saruya: Did you forgetthe Egg salad, every picknick has egg salad. *Giggles*
Storm: Jol jolte jolteon jolt. [No, its ok Ice.] *shakes the blushing off and re-energizes the stone* Denki: *shakes his head really fast* No, I hate that stuff...
Ice: N-No im really sorry, i-i cough you off guard. Saruya: *Giggles* I dont like it either.
Storm: *thinking~ Now I know how Denki felt when he was like this with Saruya... Denki: Good. *stands up and offers his hand* Care to dance?
Ice:v .... Saruya: *Stands- Takes his hand* Id love to
Storm: *starts looking tired from keeping the area lit* Denki: *slow dances with her to the music like in the pic above*
Ice: Hey Storm, you shouldent push yourself. Saruya: *Closes her eyes and dances like in pic*
Storm: Jo jol jolte... jolt jollt. [I know Ice... but I'm fine.] Denki: *pulls her close and dips her*
Ice: No, stop. Saruya: *Dances smoothly along with him.
Storm: Jol jol jolte jol. [If you want me to.] *stops the electricity* Denki: *twirls her around*
Ice: Thank you. Saruya: *Opens here eyes and looks at him*
Storm: *walks back out of the cave with her* Jol jolte jolteon... jol jolteon jol jolt jolte. [It is tiring... to keep that thing lit for awhile...] Denki: *trips over a stone and stumbles on top of her* Agh... Sorry...
Ice: Its ok, it was really pretty. Sauya: *Blushing* I-Its ok.
Storm: Jol jolteon jol. [Glad you thought so.] Denki: *blushing deeply- lifts himself off of her*
Ice: *Your welcome* Saruya: *Also blushing- Sits up*
Denki: *still blushing- thinking~ I hope she didn't notice anything sticking out when I fell on her... *sits up as well- embarresed* Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolt. [What do you wanna do now?]
(... HE WAS HARD !? XD) Saruya: *Thinking* ~That was so ... embarasing at the same time incredible* Ice: We could ... Oh, i could make you laugh!
(Once again, I just had an idea and went with it... Lets just say it was happened automatically.) Denki: *trying not to look at her* Again, I'm sorry... *thinking~ What is she doing to me?! Storm: *nods* Jol jolteon jol jolt. [Give it your best shot!]
(xD I like it =3) Saruya: Y-You d-dint mean to. Ice: *Spins around acting like saruya* Cookie Cookie Cookie Cookie Cookie Cookie!
Denki: *sighs and tries to shake off the embarresment- thinking~ I hate this awkward feeling! Storm: *laughs a lil* Jol jolteon jol jolteon jol. [Do someone other then Saruya...
Saruya: *Stands up* Ice: I dono .... oh. *Starts walkiing and cackeling like Konran*
Denki: *stands up and stretches some* I-I'll be right back... *runs into the woods* Storm: *laughs* Jol jolteon jol jol jolte jolt. [Thats just like Konran's witchy cackle.]
Saruya: ? *Wts for him to com back* Ice: *Giggles* Myu Myuu!
Denki: *splashing his face with water after using a tree- talking to himself* Get a grip would you! Storm: *laughing* Jol! [Mew!]
Saruya: *Same* Ice: La Latias! (Laughting over here- A TREE! xD xD XD O-O What if they .... naw ... *Thinking bout stuff* xD)
Denki: *wipes his face and walks back from* Sorry, I had to take care of something... Storm: Jol! [Tia!] (Well there out in a field near the woods, what did you expect? Get your mind out of the gutter... But I'm not one to talk. XD)
(Well he got hard xD)Saruya: Its ok. *Nibbles on a cookie cutely* Ice: Hmm ... I cant think of any more ...
(My point exactly why I'm not one to talk... And Denki's all confused about it probably cuz he doesn't have a decent dad to talk to about the subject.) Denki: *laughs a lil at her and sits down* Storm: *thinks for a moment* Jol jolt jolteon? [Who am I?] *runs around and jumps in the air playfully and spinning* [Yeah, this is fun!]
(xD Oh yea xD) Ice: Hm .... Verry hard.
Denki: *gets a cookie and starts eating it* So... You having fun on this picnic? Storm: *continues jumping up and diving back to the ground- thinking~ Come on, its SO Ryuko!
Saruya: Yep. Ice: Oh! I see it now!
Denki: *mumbles* Glad you are... Storm: Jol jolt jolteon? [Who am I?]
Saruya: Huh? What do you mean? Ice: Ryuko!
Denki: Its nothing... Just forget about it... *looks away* Storm: *stops the jumping* Jolteon! [Correct!]
Saruya: Tell me! Im not gonna give up till you tell! Ice: Yay!
Denki: *shakes his head fast* Its just too awkward... Storm: *laughing in Pok*emon voice*
Saruya: *Now serious* (Seriousssssssss! *Says like Flapjack* xD) Well, im allways here for you K? Ice: *Also laughing*
Denki: I know you are... *small smile* And I love you for that. Storm: *calms down the laughter and looks to the sky being cloudy* Jol jolteon jol jolte? [Wanna watch the clouds?] (*can't stand that cartoon*)
Saruya: *Smiles* Ice: Ok. *Lays down*
Denki: I might tell you about it sometime... But not right now, ok? Storm: *lays on his back and watches the clouds drift by* Jol jolteon jol jolte jolteon? [Do they look like anything to you?]
Saruya: Oh Okay. Ice: *Points to one that looks like a lightning bolt* I see you.
Denki: *smiles bigger* Storm: *laughs- points to one like a snowflake* Jol jolteo jol jolte. [And I see you, Ice.]
Saruya: *Smiles- Holds out plate with the samwiches* Want one? Ice: *Giggles*
Denki: Sure. *takes one* Storm: *points to another with his paw* Jol jolte jol jolteon jo jolt. [And that one looks like a cloud.]
Saruya: *Puts the plate down and eats one herself* Ice: So does that one.
Denki: *eating one* I made these myself, I hope you like them. Storm: *laughs* Jol jolt jolteon jol jolt joltee jolt. [And that one looks like a storm cloud...] *thinking~ Don't tell me its gonna rain...
Saruya: Their really good. Ice: Awww i dont want it to rain on valentines day ...
Denki: Thanks... Guess I got my cooking skills from my mom. Storm: Jol jolte jolt. [Neither do I...] *stands up and watches it- remembers what happened last time he was out in a storm*
Saruya: *Giggles* Your moms an awesome cook. Ice: *Stands up also*
Denki: *notices the wind picking up some and looks around* Storm: *hair on his back stand up more then usual* Jol jolte jolteon jol jolteon. [It is gonna rain, lets go find some shelter.]
Saruya: Is it gonna rain? Ice: In the cave from before?
Denki: *ears pops up and hair bristles- points to it* This always happens when its gonna rain, so yeah. Storm: *nods* Jol jolte jolt jol. [Its all we got.] *runs back to it as thunder rolls*
Saruya: *Giggles* *Starts to pack up* Ice: *Runs with him* (Hey im getting tired so im gona head to sleep)
Denki: *helps her* I should probably be a meteorologist. Storm: *standing in the mouth of the cave* (Ok, goodnight.)
Saruya: *Starts laughing* Ice: *Walks in* Com on.
Denki: *puts everything away and gets the blanket up- drops of rain start falling* I know a place nearby for us to take shelter. Storm: *walks in a lil deeper to where they can still see light coming from outside- lays down* Jol jolteon jolt jol jol. [Guess we'll just wait it out.]
Ice: Kay. Saruya: *Stands up* Ok
Storm: *same- watching the rainfall from where he is* Denki: *leads her to a small abandoned shack at the edge of the field and forest* Me and Storm came accross this old shack not too long ago... It might be old, but its sturdy and a roof over our head.
Saruya: *Giggles* Its ok. Ice: Rain is so pretty, but makes me sad somtimes.
Denki: *lets her in- and puts the stuff on a table* Storm: Joll. [Yeah.]
Saruya: Seems ... cozy. *Giggles* Ice: It makes me think of Angels Crying, like Aisu's parents.
Denki: Yeah I know... I once thought about fixing this place up for something, but I don't know what. *sits on an old sofa* Storm: Jol jolteon jol jol. [Yeah, that is sad.]
Saruya: Maybe just a little house, for .... i dono. Ice: Yea ....
Denki: I donno either... *looks out the window at the rain falling* Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolteo jol jolteon jol jolteon jol jolt. [Rain also once made me really sick...]
Saruya: *Thinking* ~Hmm, what whould happen if i do this?~ *Walks over to him and sits in his lap* Can i sit here? *Giggles* Ice: Yea, Aisu told me about that. (Hey i gotta go fo about a half an hour or sunthin, my brother wants me to play Pokemon Channel with him and im excited cause we lost it but now we found it xD)
Denki: *blushes* Uh... I guess you can... yeah... Storm: Jol jolteon jolte. [It was awful.]
Saruya: *Giggles* Ice: Was it worse than what i went through?
Denki: *looks back out the window thinking~ Her being on me like this... I hope it doesn't happen again... Storm: *shakes his head no*
Saruya: *Giggles* Hey Denki? Ice: Good ...
Denki: Y-yeah? Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolt... jol jolteon jolte jolteee [No its never good... I wish niether had ever happened.]
Saruya: I love you. Ice: Me too.
Denki: I-I love you too... *hugs her in his lap* Storm: *watching the rainfall with her*
Saruya: Your stuttering, is something wrong? Ice: *Also watching*
Denki: *shakes his head* No... N-nothings wrong... *thinking~ Your just sitting right on top of me! Storm: *looks at Ice*
Saruya: You shure? Ice: *Watching the rain fall*
Denki: Well you sitting on me is a lil uncomfortable, but its ok... Storm: *same*
Saruya: Oh, im sorry. *Stands up* Ice: *Same*
Denki: *sighs and sits up more* Storm: *just staring at Ice*
Saruya: Im sorry, Ice: Looks at storm* What?
Denki: Don't be. Storm: *looks away fast* Jol jolte. [Its nothing.]
Saruya: No i am. Ice: Kay. *Looks back at the rain falling*
Denki: Its ok... But I prefer you right here next to me. *hold out his arm to his side for her* Storm: *notices the rain letting up alot*
Saruya: *Sits next to him and puts her head on his shoulder* Ice: *Same*
Denki: *holding her close to him- smiling at her* Storm: *stands up and walks to the mouth of the cave* Jol jolte jolt. [Rains going away.]
Saruya: *Smiling at him* Ice: Yea.
Denki: *laughs a lil and kisses her* Storm: *watching it let up and the sun shine a lil- rainbow peaking out*
Saruya: *Kisses him back* Ice: Look Storm! A Rainbow!
Denki: *kissing her* Storm: *looks in awe* Jol jolt jolteon.... jol jolteon. [I've never seen one.... its beautiful.]
Saruya: *Kissing him* Ice: really?
Denki: *asks for permission with his tongue* Storm: *nods* Jol jolte jolteo jol jolte. [Makes it worth sitting in that cave, doesn't it?]
Saruya: *Obeys and opens* Ice: Yea.
Denki: *invades with his tongue fast* Storm: *gazing at it* (I'll be back in about an hour.)
Saruya: *Was to slow so he automatically won* Ice: We should go find the pot of gold*
Storm: *laughs* Jol jolteon jol jolt? [Isn't that a myth?] Denki: *roaming her mouth fast and passionately- moaning a lil*
Saruya: *Moaning and loving how fast hes going* Ice: Please?
Denki: *moaning alot loving it- gliding his tounge fast but smoothly in her mouth* Storm: Jol jolt jol... jol jolteon! [Oh alright... to the rainbow!] *runs towards one end of it*
Saruya: Moaning- slides her tounge fast against his- slides her hands under his shirt feeling his chest* Ice: *Runs wiht him*
Denki: *blushes deeply a bit thrown back at what she's doing- still kissing her- moaning* Storm: *continues running* (You know a long time ago when I was at my uncles, there was a rainbow that actually appeared in the field by his house and you could see it touching the ground up close. It was SO cool!)
Saruya: *Blushing- Moaning- Felling all over his chest as she kisses back* Ice: *Following*((Oh! im jelous, but i rember one day i went to get pizza with my mom and after a storm their was 3 rainbows on top of eatcother over the city! It was so cool! xD)
Denki: *hold her around the waist- somehow ends up kissing her neck- doesn't know what he's doing* Storm: *gets closer and see's a large shadow fly out from it* Jo Jol jolt! [A Ho-oh!] (We were gonna go see if there was treasure where it was, but there were alot of bulls in the field that we didn't wanna risk running into.)
Saruya: *Moaning- feeling his chest* Ice: Oh my god! Ive never seen one before!
Denki: *pulls away* Sa-saruya... I... Do you think were going too fast? Storm: Jol jolteo jolteon. [Neither have I!] Ho-oh: *flying off through the air in magnificent colors*
Saruya: *Nods her head back and forth* No... do you? Ice: Its so pretty.
Denki: I don't know... I'm kinda afraid of going too far... Storm: *nods watching it* Jol jolte jolt jolteon. [Lets look for any treasure.]
Saruya: D-Denki ... I wanna go f-further ... *blushes* Ice: Kay *starts looking*
Denki: *blushes deeply and surprised face* You do...? Storm: *digs around a lil where the color of the rainbow can be seen*
Saruya: *Nods* Yea. Ice: *Walks over and helps him*
Denki: *kisses her* But what if you get pregnant? Storm: *digs a lil more and a Diglett pops out of the ground* Diglett: Diglett diii? [What you want?]
Saruya: *Kisses him back* Ill take a pill. Ice: Treasure! (Can we make it detailed? Im like a yung Jaraia xD)
Denki: ... *pulls his shirt off showing his scarred up body again- kissing her* Diglett: *goes back down an pushes out a couple of shiney coins for each of them* Dig diglett dii. [Come back again.] *goes back under* Storm: Jol jolte. [Thank you.]
Ice: Treasure! Saruya: *Kissing him back- feeling all over his chest*
Storm: Jolt! [Yay!] Denki: *kissing her passionately- adjusts to where she's laying on top of him*
Ice: These are really shiny. Saruya: *Kissing him back- Thinking* ~Should i take off my dress or is he gonna do it?~
Storm: *nods and picks his up on his head* Jol jolteon jolt jolt. [Look, I'm a Meowth.] Denki: *pulls away a lil and unties the back of it for her- kisses her again*
Ice: *Giggles- Stands on hind legs and holds it in one paw* And im a human. *Giggles* Saruya: *Kissing him- Undoes the back of her bra too* (im so excited xD xD)
Storm: *laughs in the Pok*emon voice* Denki: *slides the dress off of her- staring at her* Yo-you're beautiful... (Me too, believe it or not.)
Ice: What do you think id be like to be Human? Saruya: Y-You think? (Yay! Im not the only one, Pssss so Is VRS shes reading it too xD)
(shh im invisible >.> <.< ur not supost to know im here)
(XDDDD I won't say anything.) Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolteon jol jolte. [You'd probably look like Aisu.] Denki: Y-yeah... *holds his hand up and strokes one of her breasts- getting hard*
(Im getting all gitty inside xD) Ice: And you look like Denki. Saruya: *Sees that he got hard- undoes the button of his pants*
(XD) Storm: *laughs* Jol jolteon jo jolt. [But I'd have purple eyes.] Denki: *sits back and unzips them- pushes them down some with his boxers- blushing hard- thinking~ I can't believe this is happening...
Ice: Yea. *Giggles- goes back to all fours* Saruya: *Leans in and starts licking his dick* (*Spazing* I read to much Hentai xD)
Denki: *squeezes his eyes tight and reopens them* I-I didn't think you'd even wanna do this... *stroking her hair back out of the way*
Saruya: *Giggles* Well i am. *Opens her mouth and starts sucking on it*
Denki: *closes his eyes and moans- reopens them watching her*
Saruya: *Eyes closed- sucking on his Dick*
Denki: *moaning* Ahh Saruya... *dick really hard now*
Saruya: *Stops and takes it out* Im sorry.
Denki: *shakes his head* Don't be... *smirks a lil- caresses her breasts with his hands*
Saruya: Mnnn *Moans a lil*
Denki: *rubbing them back and forth- licks the nipples one after another*
Saruya: Mnnn! Ahhh. *Moaning*
Denki: *really hard- grabs dick- adjusting it* I'm gonna put it in, ok?
Saruya: O-Okay.
Denki: *rubs to feel how wet she is and slides it in- moaning*
Saruya: Ahh. Mnnn. So .... Good. *Moaning*
Denki: Y-yea... *thrusting it in her smoothly* *moaning*
Saruya: Mnnn. Faster! Please!
Denki: A-alright... *thrusts in faster in her- dick inching all the way in- moaning*
Saruya: Ahhhh! Mnnn! Ahn~♥ Haa *Moaning with Delight*
Denki: Mmmnn... Haaahha... ~♥~ *thrusts it as fast as he can* S-Saruya! I-I'm gonna cum soon!
Saruya: Ahhh Cum as much as you want! Mnnn Ahn~♥ Mnnn Haaa Ahh-♥
Denki: Ahh... Its cumming... ~♥ *releases a stream of cum inside her- moaning alot in the process*
Saruya: Ahnnn~♥ So Warm! Mnnn~♥ Haaaa♥ Ahhhhh~♥
Denki: Haaaahhhaaah... ~♥ That was alot...
Mnnnn Yea ~♥
Denki: Haaa... Ha... *moans a lil more as he pulls himself out of her* (Hey... I'm going to bed... Its 4: 30 in the freaking morning!)
(Night xD)Saruya: Mnnn.
Denki: *sits up from under her- wipes some sweat off his face* Storm: (forgot about him and Ice o.e) *watching the rainbow fade in the sky*
Saruya: W-Waas i o-okay? Ice: Its so beautiful.
Denki: *smiles softly and strokes her hair* You were perfect. Storm *nods*
Saruya: *Smiles* Ice: *Staring at it*
Denki: What about me? Storm: *looks back at Ice*
Saruya: Fantastic. Ice: *Looks at him and smiles*
Denki: *smiles* Happy Valentines Saruya. *holds her hand up to him* Storm: *smiling at her*
Saruya: *Smiles back* Happy Valentines Day Denki. Ice: Wada ya wanna do now?
Denki: *laughs softly- moves a lil with her on top of him* Its the best valentines I've ever had. Storm: *shrugs*
Saruya: Mine too. (OMg! What im gonna do is when she goes back home ... the mommys back xD)
Denki: *nods* Think we should be getting out of here? Storm: *walking down a path with Ice* Joleon jol jolteon jojolte jolt. [Are you having a good Valentines?] (More drama!)
Saruya: Yea. *Gets off him* Ice: *Nods* Its been a lot of fun! Do you like yours?
Denki: *sit up and starts putting his clothes back on* Storm: *nods* Jol jolteon jol jolteo jolte. [Its great spending it with you.] o_o; realizes what he just said*
Saruya: *Puttinmg hers back on* Ice: *Blushes a lil* I love spending time with you too Storm ...
wow..now this is something...I absolutely love this...the colors are nice and her expression shows gentle features...keep this up
Denki: *stands up pulling his pants back on* I guess we did make something of this place afterall... Storm: Jolte? [Really?] *blushing*
Saruyag: *Giggles- Gets her bra and puting her dress back on* Yea, i guess we did. Ice: Y-Yea, i enjoy myself ... even more than a lot of other people, except for Aisu of course.
Denki: *ties her dress back up* Storm: Jol jolteon jol jolteo jol jolt jolteon. [Same here... except Denki of course.]
Saruya: Thanks. Ice: *Giggles*
Denki: Your welcome. *walks out of the shack to the start of a sunset*
Saruya: *Sees the sunset* Its so pretty.
Denki: Yeah, it is... Want me to walk you home?
Saruya: Ok. *Starts walking with him*
Denki: *walking with her* Storm: *laying under a tree near his house with Ice*
Saruya: *Almost there* Ice: *Sitting with storm* (Hey giving u the heads up, if i leave i had to go get new glasses, im gonna take pickkies of meh!)
(Ok) Denki: *approaches her house* I've had a wonderful time with you today. Storm: *watching the sunset with her* Jol jolte jolteon jolt jol. [You look nice in the sunset.]
Saruya: Me too. Today was great. Rei: *Runs out of hous yelling ruining their moment* Saruya! Saruya!!!!! Ice: *Blushes* Really? You look even nicer.
Denki: *stops in his tracks with her* Storm: *blushes* Jol jolt. [No you.]
Saruya: What do you want Rei? Rei: Moms back! Saruya: *Frezes* W-W-What? Ice: Well your handsome in the sunset. *Then covers her mouth to what she just said*
Denki: *eyes go wide* ... Storm: *blushes* Jol jolte jolt jole. [Well your very attractive in it...] *can't believe he said that*
Rei: I said moms back. Saruya: B-But i thought she l-left for good a-after i w-was born. Rei: Aparently not. Ice: *Blushes even more- now a very dark shede of red*
Denki: H-how is that even possible...? Storm: *gives her a small kiss on the cheek* Jol... jol jolte jol jolte. [I... Th-th-think I like you.]
Rei: I dono. She said she was tired of being so alone that she came back to this house to see if we were here. And we were so ... and then she said that she wanted to see you Saruya so she told me to go get you. Saruya: I-I Tought id never be able to see her ... Ice: *Kisses him back* I-I l-like you do Storm.
Denki: Well don't just stand here... Go see her. Storm: *blushing- kissing her* (Hey, since Storm and Ice are more wild then Denk and Saruya wanna give them a "hot" valentines together? It might seem wierd though...)
(Like ... "Making Eevee's" xD) Saruya: Will you come Denki? Rei Can he come too? Rei: Uh ... Yea i guess. (Hey its gonna be hard being 4 well 5 if i put duko in there so can u be the mom? its ok if u dont wanna i can still be her)
(Yeah, and sure... I somehow seem to get most of the characters anyway, so now its your turn. XD) Denki: If you want me to. Storm: *licking Ice's neck*
(xD and "MAKING EEVEES!!" XD) Rei: *Starts walking* Saruya: *Takes Denks Hand* Yes i do. Ice: *Moaning a lil*
(We'll call them Rain and Hail! XD) Denki: *walks with her to the house* Storm: *continues licking down her body* Jol jolt jol. [You taste so good.] *getting turned on*
(O I member that! xD) Rei: *Opens frnt door* Mom! I got Saruya, And she brought her booooooyyyyyy fffffrrrriieennnndddd *Says taunting* Saruya: Rei! Shut up! Ice: Ahh Mnnn~ *Moaning- Geting wet*
Denki: *blushes as he walks in- thinking~ He never changes does he? Storm: *licks her lower area- dick comes into view from his fur*
Rei: I got her *Points to Saruya* Saruya: *Sees the beautiful Black haired women with blue lucario ears sitting on the couch* *Thinking* ~Moms even prettyier than the pictur we have~ Ice: *Moaning* Ahnn~
(Ok, your gonna halfta fill me in on why she disappeared and all that, and whats her name?) Saruya's mom: Is that really you Saruya? *stands up with a small tear in her eye* Denki: *lets her hand go and steps back* Storm: *adjusts himself on top of her- doggie style*
(She really coulden stand living with the dad an left an her name is Amaya) Saruya: *Nods- tears in her eyes* Ice: Put it in! Mnnn.
Amaya: *runs up and hugs her close- tearfully* Your so big now... How's my baby girl? Denki: *watching* Storm: *slides it in her- kinda rough cuz of his spikey fur- moaning*
Saruya: *Hugs her back starts crying* G-good. Ice: Ahh! mnnnn Ahn *Moaning*
Amaya: *not letting her go- crying* G-good. Denki: *has a small smile on his face* Storm: *moaning in his Pok*emon voice- thrusting it roughly* Jol joltee... [So good...]
Saruya: *Crying* Ice: You ... mnnnn said it Ahnn~♥
Amaya: *tearfully* I've missed you so much... Storm: *goes faster in her and almost came* Jol jol jolte? [Can I cum?]
Saruya: *Crying* i-ive missed you too mom. Ice: Yes! Mnnnaaahhhh~♥
Amaya: *lets go of her some and looks her in the eyes* I promise I won't leave you again... Denki: *smiling* Storm: *cums inside her* Jolll jolllll [mmmhhuh mmmmhaaa] ♥
Saruya: *Wipes he eyes- Nods* Thanks mommy. *Looks at Denki and smiles* Ice: Mnnnn Ahnnnnn Ahhhhhh Ahhnnnn~ ♥ (Hey i gotta take a shower b bac soon xD)
Denki: *smiling back at her* Amaya: *wipes her eyes and see's Denki* Who's this? Denki: Well uh...
Saruya: Uh this is ... my boyfriend, Denki. *Lightly blushes*
Denki: *blushes* Wh-what she said... Amaya: *giggles* I guess I have been gone too long... Its nice to meet you. Denki: Same here... *waiting for Rei to jump in and start teasing*
Rei: Yea right, I bet you allready had sex with him. Saruya: *Blushes red* Shut up Rei! Go get yourself a girlfriend and stop bothering me!!!
Denki: *sweatdrops and blushes* Amaya: Rei, don't tease your sister like that... Saruya, we will have a chat about that subject later on. Storm: *panting while on top of Ice* Jol jolteon jol. [That was soooo good...]
Saruya: O-ok *Thinking* ~Oh Shit, Rei almost found out!~ Rei: Fine Fine. Im going out to buy milk. Saruya: We dont need milk. Rei: Yea we do, Duko drank it all thats why hes sleeping like a baby over there. *Points to Duko asleep on a diferent couch* Ice: I loved it .... (OMG You know what would be scary. If Guy raped her and then she got pregnant and didnt know by who O_O xD)
(It'd be scary, but I'd rather not go with it. What if Rei bumped into Ryuko while he was out, so he would be getting a girlfriend? Or Rei would be bugging Denki if they left at the same time? XD) Denki: *laughs at him sleeping* I should be heading out, its getting late. Amaya: *nods* Ok, it was nice meeting you. Storm: *hops down off of her and lays by her- licks her face*
(Id have Rei bother Denki xD) Saruya: *Walks over to Denki and kissses him on the cheek* See you tomorow? Ice: *Looks at Storm and smiles*
Denki: *blushes* L-later. *waves and walks out* Amaya: *smiled and sat back on the couch next to Duko* Storm: *smiling back at her- doesn't even realize its getting late*
Saruya: *Giggles at Duko* Rei: *Follows Denki out the door* So Denki? Ice: *Gazing into his eyes* Today was fun.
Denki: *walking off the porch- looks back at him* What is it? Amaya: I'm so glad to be home with you all again. Storm: *nods* Jolt. [Very.]
Rei: What DID you do with Saruya today? She said sumthing but a picknick. Saruya: I missed you. Ice: *Smiles*
Denki: Yeah, we went on a picnic... Amaya: Me too. *strokes Duko's hair gently* Storm: Jol jolte jol jolte jolteon? [Think we should be heading home for tonight?] (I'm going to bed. *is mega tired and has a mega headache from staring at the PC all day* goodnight.)
(Night night!) ReiL And it rained, whatd you do then? Saruya: *Starts playing with a strand of hair* Ice: Yea, we should *Stands up*
Denki: *walking- getting nervous* W-we took shelter and waited it out... Amaya: *laughs* I've got an idea... Want to whip up a batch of cookies? Storm: *stands up* Jol jolt jolte jolteon jol jolteon? [Want me to walk you there?]
Rei: What you do while you waited, hmmmm? Saruya: Cookies .... *With stars in her eyes* Really!?
Denki: Uh... We t-talked and... kissed... *trying not to look at him* Amaya: *nods* I think we've got the kind that doesn't need milk. *stand up* Lets make some together.
Rei: What kind of kiss? Saruya: Yay!
Denki: Th-the... french kind, now would you stop bugging me? *walks away* Amaya: *laughs and walks to the kitchen* I think you love cookies as much as I do.
Rei: Fine Fine *Walks off toward the store* Saruya: What kind are we gonna make? (Hey i gotta go, ill be back soon)
Denki: *sighs and walks towards home- thinking~ Saruya's right, he does need a girlfriend of his own. Amaya: We've got chocolate chip and sugar cookies, so take your pick. Ryuko: *walking close to where Rei is*
Rei: *Walks into the store* Saruya: Shugar Cookies! Sugar Cookies!
Ryuko: *stops close to the store and watch a Volbeat and Illumise fly around happily in love* Denki: *found Storm laying on the porch like he was when he left- laughs* Did you spend the whole day just laying around? Storm: Jol jolt. [Uh yeah.] *stands up and walks back inside with him- thinking~ If only he knew. Amaya: *laughs* Sugar it is then. *starts making them*
Rei: *Walks to where the milk is* Saruya: Can i lick the spoon?
Ryuko: *walks into the store and goes towards the dairy section- hugs herself from the cold cuz she's wearing a tanktop like usual* Amaya: *giggles* Of course you can. *hands her the spoon*
Rei: *Looking for a carton thats not expired* xD Saruya: *Takes the spoon and licks it* (Hey do u know an anime with a girl with short hair? Im making another Pokemon person xD)
Rei: *Looking for a carton thats not expired* xD Saruya: *Takes the spoon and licks it* (Hey do u know an anime with a girl with short hair? Im making another Pokemon person xD)
Ryuko: *still hugging herself and reaches for a carton of milk* Amaya: *put the cookies in the oven* Now we just gotta wait. (Not really... Just go to photobucket and look up anime girls or anime girls short hair and you might find someone.)
(KK xD) Rei: *Reaches for the same carton* xD Saruya: *Finished licking the spoon* Kay!
Ryuko: *hand bumps into his* Oh sorry... *blushes faintly when she see's who it is* Amaya: *giggles* So what are you into now besides cookies? Its been so long.
Rei: R-Ryuko, Hey. *Blushes* Saruya: Um ..... I love being outside, um .... i like playing with Mew, you rember Mew dont you?
Ryuko: *giggles* Hey to you too, Rei. *giggles cuz it ryhmed- grabs a different carton of milk* Amaya: Of course I remember Mew.
Rei: *Chuckels and grabs that carton of milk* You getting milk too? Saruya: And i like Hanging around with friends ... i think thats it ... i think.
Ryuko: Yeah... *giggles* I always drink a glass of chocolate milk when I wake up in the morning, so it goes pretty fast. Amaya: I'm glad you've got some friends to hang with... And what about Denki? He seems pretty nice.
Rei: Well now we got 5 people living in our house so now i bet im gonna hve to get a carton everyday. *Laughs* Saruya: Oh Yea, Denki's the BEST.
Ryuko: *giggles* Well you've got a big family... Its usually just me and Tia since my parents are rarely home. Amaya: *giggles and takes the cookies out of the oven- sits the down to cool* Which reminds me, do I need to give you a specific talk about boys and girls and them coming together?
Rei: Really? You must get lonely. Saruya: *Says Quickly* No!
Ryuko: Sometimes... *shivers from being in the dairy section for awhile in a tanktop* Amaya: Good... But you can come to me anytime if you have questions, ok? (I think I play a good mom, don't I?)
(Your awesome!) Rei: Hmmmm Saruya: Wel i sorta have one ....
Ryuko: *walks out of the dairy section and to the check out* Amaya: What is it?
Rei: *Walks behind her* Saruya: Um .... how long does it take .... to find out when a girls preganant after she does it ... *Says nervously*
Ryuko: *pays for the milk and walks back out* Amaya: It kind depends, but you can usually tell when you've missed your minstrel cycle. Why, you haven't done IT have you? (Don't tell me your planning on making her pregnant?)
Rei: *Pays for his* H-Hey Ryuko? Saruya: N-No *Nervous* (>.> <.< Maaayyyyyyybbbbeeeeee)
Ryuko: *looks back at him* Yeah? Amaya: Thats a relief. *picks up a cookie* I think we can eat them now. *takes a bite* (Could you hold out on her finding out she's pregnant for another sexy round? I'll have Denki use protection but it won't work so he'll seem more innocent in the affair.)
(kk xD ... can we do it soon xD) Rei: Y-You wanna hang out later? Saruya: Ok. *Takes one*
(Maybe... Maybe the next day.) Ryuko: *smiles* Sure we can hang out later. Amaya: *eating cookies with her* I think you get your love of cookies from me. *giggles*
(Whoo! I Like xD but its gonna suck cause tomorow i need to get 2 teeth pulled and im not shure if im gonna be in to much pain to go on ^w^") Rei: W-What time? Saruya: *Smiles* Yea *Takes a bite*
(I meant the next day in the rp, but that sux!) Ryuko: You can come by the lake tomorrow around noon... Is that ok?
( I know TTmTT) Rei: Uh yea ... shure.
--The next day-- Denki: *running to the shack from yesterday cuz he forgot the picnic stuff- carrying a brown paper bag with him* Ryuko: *relaxing by the lake- dangling her feet in the water*
Saruya: *Had gone to the shack erlier that morning but fell asleep there* Rei: *Walking to the lake to meet Ryuko*
Denki: *arrives and walks inside- see's Saruya sleeping and smiles* Ryuko: *looks up at the sky- waiting for him to arrive*
Saruya: *Asleep* Rei: *Arrives* H-Hey Ryuko.
Denki: *places the bag on the table- looks around for the picnic stuff and noctices all the cookies were eaten* That lil cookie monster. Ryuko: *looks over* Hey Rei. *giggles at the ryhming again*
Saruya: *Same* Rei: So what if my name rymes with hey? (Hey can you give VRS a message for mr? Tell her that I'm on my iPod and it won't let mr on the teal yuki pic so it'll be hard for mr to post on it)
Denki: *sits down next to her- watches her sleep* Ryuko: *giggles* Its not like its a bad thing, I just find it funny. (Okie)
Saruya: *Same* Rei: true.
Denki: *watching her sleep- gently strokes her hair* Ryuko: *looks up at the sky* So whadaya wanna do? We could swim, or go for a walk, or just stare at the sky.
Saruya: *Starts to wake up* Rei: I don't mind just watching the sky.
Denki: *laughs* Morning sleepyhead. Ryuko: *giggles* Have a seat then.
Saruya: Mnnn morning my prince charming. Rei: *sits next to her*
Denki: *laughs* In that case, I change sleepyhead to Sleeping Beauty. *strokes her hair again* Ryuko: *staring at the sky with him- dangling her feet in the water*
Saruya: *Smile* So wacha doin here? Rei: I see a Psyduck.
Denki: I forgot the picnic stuff yesterday, so I came to get it... And I see you finished up the cookies. Ryuko: Where? *looks around*
Saruya: I couleent help myself!*sees he brought a paper bag* what's in the bag? Rei: Points upward toward a cloud*
Denki: Oh, uh... Just a little protection just in case. *picks it up and opens it- takes out a box of condoms* Ryuko: *looks up and giggles* Oh, now I see it.
Saruya: *Blushes to the thought of doing it again* Rei: I can to a really good Psyduck impression. Psy-Psyduck-Duck
Denki: *blushes* Like I said it was just in case... Ryuko: *in giggle fit*
Saruya: *Lighhtly kisses him* Rei: *Laughs*
Denki: *kisses her back* Ryuko: *still giggling some* That was a pretty good impression.
Saruya: *Kisses him back* Rei: Really? What else you wanna hear? (OMG i fergot to tell you that today when i was in the car i saw a cloud shaped like a Ponyta! xD)
Denki: *holds her face and licks her lips* Ryuko: *shrugs* Uh how about a sleepy Snorlax?
Saruya: *Opens her mouth- Hugs him but puts her arms up the back of his shirt*
Denki: *inserts toungue- places his other hand around her waist* Ryuko: *waiting for him to do a sleepy Snorlax*
Rei: *Flops on his back and starts snoriing- in bettween snores* More .... like .... my .....brother ..... Duko ..... Saruya: Saruya: *Kissing him passionately*
Ryuko: *giggles* Thats so funny... Does your brother really sleep like a Snorlax? Denki: *roaming her mouth- moaning passionately*
Rei: Nah, but he sleeps as much as one after he drinks milk. Saruya: *Moaning- letting him roam*
Ryuko: *giggles again* Denki: *moves his arm up the back of her shirt and feels for her bra- moaning as he kisses her*
Saruya: *Moans- Slides her tounge against his* Rei: Anyone else you want me to be?
Ryuko: How about just being yourself? Denki: *unhooks her bra and feels for a breast with his other hand at her chest- slides his tounge against hers moaning*
Rei: Kay. *Staring at the sky* Saruya: *Moans as he tuches her breast*
Ryuko: *giggles* And I'll be myself. *stands up and dives into the water* Denki: *pulls away from this kiss and pulls his shirt off for her- laughs* There so soft... *rubs one of her breasts and caresses a nipple with his finger*
(I got a new Username xD) Rei: *Sits up and watches her* Saruya: *Moans- unzips his pants and feels his dick* And your so hard. *Giggles*
Ryuko: *swims up fast and does some spins in the air landing back down in the water giggling* Denki: *moans a little from having his dick handled with* That feels so good...
Rei: *Awestruck* Saruya: How about this? *Leans down and starts licking it*
Ryuko: *jumps up again with an elegant twist- giggles* I love doing tricks in the water, its so much fun. *dives back down* Denki: *moaning* Ahh yea... *closes his eyes moaning*
Rei: *Laughs* Enjoying yourself? Saruya: *Licking ans sucking it*
Ryuko: *jumps out from the water in a flip back to the shore- poses like a gymanst would and giggles* Maybe a little. Denki: *moaning* Do it any faster and it'll cum... Ah haa haaa...~ (Hey how do you do the little hearts? Last time I just copied yours and pasted them.)
(It depends, are u on a regular comp or laptop?) Rei: *Laughs* Saruya: *Giggles and keeps licking it*
(I'm on a desktop computer) Ryuko: *wrings out her wet hair and giggles* I like an acrobat in the water. Denki: *moaning in pleasure* Haaaahh... *dicks releases a spray of cum*
(You hold down Alt and then click the 3 over on the right side of the keyboard then let go of them at the same time and u get a heart ♥) Rei: *Laughs- stands up* I can do some stuff. Saruya: *It gets all over her face- Starts trying to lick it off*
(♥♥♥ Yay, thanx!) Ryuko: And what kind of stuff is that? Denki: *calms down his moaning and laughs a lil* Sorry... But I couldn't help myself...
(Your welcome ♥) Rei: Maybe this. **Flips backward to his hands and starts walking backward* Saruya: Its ok. *Wipes it off with her hand and licks it*
Ryuko: *giggles* Cool! Denki: *laughs* Looks like you got a little wet down there. *points to her pussy*
Rei: *Laughs- then lifts a hand and hiping around on one hand* Saruya: *Blushes* Maybe~
Ryuko: *giggling* Thats cool, and you must be strong to be able to do that. Denki: *smirks and places a couple fingers on top of it* Could I finger you a little? I didn't get to do it much last time.
Rei: *Hops back to heis feet anf flexes his muscles* Yea. *Laughs* Saruya: *Smiles* Please
Ryuko: *giggles and feels his muscle* Wow, you're ripped. Do you work out, or is it because your a Lucario? Denki: *spreads her legs open and pulls her panties down- starts slow rubbing it open and inserts a couple fingers* Its so wet down here.
Rei: I spar with my brother every morning, so i guess. Saruya: Ahhhh♥ Mnnn♥ Ahhnnnn~♥
Ryuko: It must be a little of both then. Denki: *laughs* You like that? *rubbing them in deeper and a little faster*
Rei: Maybe. Saruya: Ahhhh~♥ Mannnnn Ahnnnn Ahhh♥ Ahnnnn♥ Mnnnnnn!!♥ ♥
Ryuko: *realizes she's still feeling his muscle and moves her hand away- blushes* I'm sorry. Denki: *goes a little faster- fondles one of her breasts with the other hand- licks her other breast*
Rei: No, its ok. Because Im so Irisistably Sexy! *Jokes* Saruya: Ahhhh! ♥ Mnnnaaaa ♥ Ahnnnn ♥ Mnnnnn♥
Ryuko: *blushing and looks away cuz she thinks its true* Denki: *laughs and pulls his finger out- drips some wetness on the nipples and licks it off- goes back to fingering faster*
Rei: *Ears twitch sensing another pokemon nearby* You got any friends around here? I sense another Pokemon. Saruya: Ahnnnn ♥ Mnnnnn♥ Mnnaaa~ ♥ Ahhhhnnnnn~♥ (Hey are u busy with other RPs?)
Ryuko: Well there's Tia... And alot of water Pok*emon live in this lake. Denki: *laughs* Just a little more and I'll put it in for you... ok? *touches the head of his hardened dick- continues a fingering her* (Not at the moment.)
(You wanna RP on Hitohana with me? im really bored but u dont have to )Rei: Tia? Saruya: Ahnnn~ ♥ Mnnnnn ♥
Ryuko: You know Tia, the Latias I hang out with a lot. Denki: *takes out his finger and open up a condom* Wanna put it on me? *hold it up to her*
Rei: Oh yea. Saruya: Mnnn. Kayy~ *Takes it from him and slides it on his Dick lightly*
Ryuko: She usually stays in a cavern by the lake, but she also sleeps at my house sometimes. Denki: *gets it in position and pushes it in- starts to moan* Yeah, I got the wetness just right... ~♥
Rei: Oh. Saruya: Ahhh~♥ Mnaaa Whaa~♥
Ryuko: Yup! Tia: *can be seen floating over the lake* Denki: *thrusting her* Ahhh haa ~♥ Yeaaahh... ~♥ Mmmnhhaaa...~♥
Rei: Shes cute. Luke: (His Lucario) *Walking toward the lake to see Rei* Saruya: Mnahhhh~♥ Annnnn~♥ Sooooo Gooooooood♥
Ryuko: *see's her out there* Yeah she is. Tia! Tia: *comes flying over* Denki: *goes faster and harder* Mmnahhaaa haa haaahh ohhh... Its like heavennn... ~♥~♥~♥
Rei: *Ears twitch again hearing another pokemon but its to far away to tell what it is* Hmmm Saruya: Yeaaaa!♥ Hannnnn♥ Ahhhhhnnnn♥ Mnaaaaa♥
Ryuko: What is it Rei? Tia: *looks at him curiously* Denki: Howw do you like this? *rubs he breasts together in sync with the thrustin* Mmmhhh ♥ Hmmhhaaa
Rei: I sense another pokemon comeing but i can tell what it is yet, its to far away. Saruya: Ahhhhh!~♥ Mnnnnaaaahhhhh~♥ Ahhhhnnnnnn
Ryuko: Oh... Tia: *flies up high and looks around for any sign of a Pok*emon nearby* Denki: *goes faster with her- keeping up the breast work* Ahhh haaaan! ~♥ Its gonna cum soon... Mmnnn haaa ~♥
Rei: *Trying to figure out what pokemon it is* Saruya: Hannnn~ Ahhnnnnn~♥ Mnnaaaaaa~♥
Ryuko: Do you see anyone Tia? Tia: La tias. [Not yet.] Denki: *hits the back of her with his dick and came- condom tore a little in the process and leaked into her* Its cumming... Ahhh.. ♥ Mnhaah ♥ haah ♥ ha huhaaaahhh! ♥
Rei: Hmmmm. Luke: *In view now but only to Tia* Saruya: Ahnnn~♥
Tia: Tia tias ti Latias. [I see its a Lucario] Ryuko: A Lucario? Denki: Haa haaah haa haa... Th-that was amazing... haa haa *pulls out of her*
Rei: Dose it have a torn Right Ear? Luke: *Still walking* Sareua: Ahnnn~ Fantastic
Tia: *nods* Tias. [It does.] Ryuko: Do you know it? Denki: *lays back on the couch with her* Yeah... Haa ha...
Rei: Oh Yea, Its Luke. Saruya: Mnnn~ I love you Denki.
Ryuko: *giggles* Is he a friend of yours like Tia is to me? Tia: *comes flying back down* Denki: *laughs* And I love you Saruya. *goes to take the condom off*
Rei: Yea, weve been together since Birth. My mom had a lucario who laid an Edd around the same time i was born. Luke: *Almost there* Saruya: *Giggles*
Ryuko: Cool... But I haven't been with Tia that long. We kinda found each other here at this lake. *hugs her* Denki: *notices a tear in it* Saruya there's a tear in it...
Rei: *Smiles* Luke: *Appears- using Telepathy* Rei! *Waves* Rei: Haey Luke! Come on over. Saruya: *Stits up* W-What!?
Tia: Laah latias tias latias. [Wow he uses telepathy.] Ryuko: Thats so cool. Denki: Y-yeah... Did you feel like anything leaked in you?
Rei: Yea, hes awesome. Luke: *Comes over* Rei: Luke, this is Ryuko and her friens Tia. Luke: *Waves* Hi. Saruya: ... I-I think .... i dono.
Ryuko: *giggles* Hi, nice to meet you Luke. Tia: *floating around him* Denki: Stupid cheap condoms! *tosses it in a trashcan*
Luke: Likewise. Rei: *Laughs at Tia* Saruya: I bet nothing happened.
Tia: Laah lati tias. [Yay more friends.] Ryuko: *giggles* Yeah you've got a couple more friends, don't you? Denki: You did say you were gonna take a pill last time right?
Rei and Luke: *Laugh* Saruya: Yea. (Hey Pink i gotta go, be back later)
(( o.o pink did yew die on messager? ))
(I've been buzzing you are you not getting them?)Ryuko: So how did you get that tear in your ear? Denki: Well I hope you did cuz I'm nowhere near ready to be a dad yet.
Luke: I got in a fight last year. Saruya: Why? Do you not like Kids?
Ryuko: Oh that must've hurt. Denki: Its not that... I just don't think I'm ready for it... *starts getting dressed*
Luke: It Did. REi: But he still won. Saruya: Why? You dont think you'd be a good father?
Ryuko: *giggles* Good, cuz it would've been terrible to walk away with a losing scar. Denki: I guess not... And I don't really wanna be one yet... I'm still young, and I wanna stay that way for a little longer...
Luke: Yep. Saruya: .... *Starts putting her clothes on*
Ryuko: So do you fighting types get in fights alot? Denki: *putting his shirt back on* You know what I mean?
Luke: Only if the other pokemon challenges the other. Sayuya: ... Yeah ....
Ryuko: Thats kinda cool. Denki: But I'd love to have a family with you... just a little later on.
Luke: Well if you totally LOVE fighting. Saruya: Shure ....
Ryuko: Well I'm not much of fighter, but I did manage to beat up this one guy who was attacking my friend. I sent him flying with walloping Twister. Denki: *smiles softly and walks out with the picnic stuff*
Luke: Really? Rei: How far did he go?
Ryuko: *thinks back* Maybe somewhere around 20 miles... Tia: *nods* Denki: Anyway, I should be heading back... My mom wants her basket back and Storm's was acting funny earlier.
Rei and Luke: WOAH! Saruya: Kay.
Ryuko: *giggles* Well you can imagine how much I wanted to protect my friend... So I guess it was very powerful that day. Denki: I'll see you later. *kisses her and walks off towards home*
Rei: Who was your friend? Saruya: Bye. *Walks out and towards home*
Ryuko: It was Aisu... This creepy stalker guy tried to rape her and me and came to her side.
Rei: Gosh, And Aisu's so quiet so that makes her a really easy Target. And hasent there been a lot of thing goning on that have to to with the Rapeing thing? Saruya: *Gets home and walks inside*
Ryuko: Yeah there has. Konran has been working with her ghosts trying to catch this guy and lock him up, but so far no luck. Denki: *arrives and meets Storm on the porch again asleep and sighs* Maybe he's getting sick. *doesn't know about his relationship with Ice* (want me to bring out Amaya?)
Rei: Hope we get him soon. I dont want him getting at Saruya *Dosent know about his sister getting Raped* Saruya: *Sits on the couch* (Kay but ill be back soon i gotta take a shower)
Ryuko: I don't want him getting at anyone... But I'm sure Konran will find him. *giggles* She may not look like it but she can be a good detective. Denki: *walked inside and put away the basket- came back out and carried Storm in* Amaya: Hey babygirl, where've you been?
ReiL Really? Saruya: Uh, hanging with Denki.
Ryuko: Yeah. She once used her ghosts types like a bunch of spies and have them search out an entire area to find Denki's dad when he escaped, and tipped off the police. Amaya: You really love him don't you?
Rei: Wow. Luke: I would very much like to meet this Konran person. Saruya: Yea.
Ryuko: *giggles* I'd love to introduce you to her. Amaya: *giggles* Kinda reminds me of when I was dating your dad.
luke: Cool. Saruya: Really?
Ryuko: Actually, she's probably out in the wood right about now. Wanna see if I can find her for you? Amaya: Yeah. We'd spend all our free time with each other, like you guys do.
Luke: You don't have to go to the trouble. Saruya: Oh.
Ryuko: Its no trouble at all. Besides there was something I wanted to tell her about. Amaya: *giggles* I even remember our first date... He took me on this romantic night on the town, with a dinner and movie. That might seem old fashion, it was the best night of my life.
luke: uh, ok. Saruya: It must have been wonderful.
Ryuko: *giggles* Well follow me then. *leads them into the woods* Amaya: It was and I'll never forget it.
Rei and luke: *follow* Saruya: *giggles*
Ryuko: *leads them to a clearing* Konran, you out here? Konran: *a little farther ahead with a Haunter* Amaya: I'm sorry to say I probably missed your first date... What was it like? (Sorry I disappeared, but my brother took over the computer.)
(What was their first date xD?) Rei: Must be hiding*
(It was the party at Konran's, and also both Rei and Duko know about Saruya being raped by Guy... Denki told them at the hospital after he was shot, remember?) Ryuko: *walks a little further with them* Konran? Konran: *floats out of a tree towards them* Yeah, I'm here. *cackles* Whats up?
(oH yea.... well mommy not know yet xD) Rei: Hey Konran. Luke: *Awe-struck* Saruya: It was fantastic, we were invited to this big party, and we danced and ... we ate cookies.
Konran: Hi. *cackles* Whats the matter lil Lucario, never seen a ghost type before? Ryuko: *giggles* Amaya: *giggles* Sounded like fun.
Luke: Not many. Rei: Konran this is Luke. Saruya: *Giggles* It was.
Konran: *cackles and nods* Nice to meet you Luke, its a thrill meeting you. *lands to her feet* Amaya: I'm glad it was. The first date is always a special one.
Luke: Really? Saruya: Yea.
Konran: It is. *cackles* The only other fighting/steel type I've really met is Rei here. *points to him* Ryuko: *giggles* Amaya: Well anyway, I'm glad you've found someone special.
Rei: Huh? Really? Awesome! Hi five Luke! Luke: *Gives Rei a Hi Five* Saruya: *Smiles* Yea.
Ryuko: *giggling* Konran: *cackles* So was there anything you needed from me? Ryuko: Well I wanted to ask you if you'd help with my birthday thats coming up fast... I was thinking of a party first then a sleepover at my place with just us girls. Konran: Awesome! I'd love to help out!
Rei: *eats flicker* Party?
Rei: *eats flicker* Party?
Rei: *eats flicker* Party?
awsome pic
Ryuko: Yeah, I'm turning 16! Both you and Luke can come if you like.
Rei and Luke: Awesome!
Ryuko: *giggles* Could you tell Saruya when you see her to come too. It'll be this weekend and the party will start around 3 and end around 7 where it'll turn into a sleepover. Konran: I can't wait.
Rei: Ill tell her. Luke: Sounds like fun.
Konran: I'll be sure to tell Denki. Ryuko: Great! The more the merrier! Tia: *saw something run in the woods and went after it*
Luke: Huh? Rei: Whats Tia Doing?
Ryuko: Tia?! *runs after her* Konran: *does the same* Tia: *chasing after Guy* (Yes I'm bringing him back for a little bit to shake things up.)
Saruya: *Told her mom she was goiung to buy some stuff to make more cookies and in the woods walking to the store* Rei and Luke: *Running too* (I Luff U xD)
Guy: *being chased after by Tia- running right in the direction of Saruya* Crap! What's a Latias doing in the woods anyway?! Tia: *on his tail* Laah tias tias latias! [Its that stalker guy!] Ryuko: Say what?! Konran: *goes to floating in the air- flying through tree's to catch up* Way to go Tia! (I know XD)
Saruya: ~♪Gonna make cookies. Gonna make cookies♪~ *Singing and walking* Rei: We gotta catch him. Luyke: *Running*
(XD Its like she's obsessed with cookies.) Guy: What the?! *literally runs into Saruya* Agh! *face down in the ground* Tia: *catches up and forces a Psychic on him keeping him down* Ryuko and Konran: You got him!
Saruya: *Fell down about a foot away from him* Owwww. *Sees him* AHHH! *Tries to back up* Rei: Saruya?
Ryuko: *recognizes him* Thats the guy alright. Guy: Let me go! Konran: I don't think so... Do you know how long I've tring to track you down?
Saruya: *Runs over and clings to Rei* Hes really scary. Rei: Saruya, *Sweat Drop* You acting like a baby.
Konran: Hang on Tia, I'll bring in some back up. *takes out her flute and starts playing it to call a bunch of ghost types* Tia: *keeping him down with Psychic* Guy: *trying to force out but failing*
Saruya Rei and Luke: *Watching*
Konran: *called a bunch of Haunter and Dusklops and orded them to take him into custody* Guy: *glaring at Tia and Saruya* You haven't seen the last of me... I'll make sure of that...
Saruya: *Sacred* Rei: *Hugs Saruya* Itl be ok Saruya
Haunter: *used Hypnosis on him and put him to sleep* Guy: *gets taken by the ghost types and carried away to jail* Konran: Thanks everyone, you've been a great help. Haunter: Haunt haunter haunt haunt haunter. [Anything for you, Lady Konran.] Ryuko: *hugging Tia* You were great too. Tia: *giggling*
Luke: *Joins the hug with Rei and Saruya*
Ryuko: *looks back to them* Its ok Saruya, we won't let him get to you. *joins in the hug with Tia* Konran: Thats right. *joins also and cackles* Group Hug!
Saruya: *Is happy again* YAY! Group hug! Rei: *Sweat drop*
Ryuko: *giggles cutely* Konran: *cackles softly* (Mom's taking over the computer again... See you later.)
Saruya: *Giggleing* (Se ya later)
Ryuko: Oh yeah, since your here now I can ask you. Wanna come to my birthday bash this weekend? First it'll be a party then it'll turn into a sleepover with just us girls.
Saruya: It all depends, will there be cookies? Rei: *Another big sweat drop*
Konran: *sweatdrops also* Ryuko: Of course, what kind of party would it be without cookies.
Saruya: Of corse ill be there! (Hey i gotta go, ill try to post tomorow but i might be on later cause VRS is comin over xD)
Konran: *cackles* Ryuko: Hey, think Aisu can come too? (Ok...)
Saruya: I could go visit her and ask. (Hey! im sad cause VRS is being selfish ._. and how are we gonna get Hitohana or are we not gonna bring her?)
Ryuko: Great. Konran: Hey, I met a friend the other day who's very nice and needs a few more friends to be with. Think I could bring her along? Ryuko: Sure, I don't mind. Tia: *excited to meet a another friend* (<--- We'll include her like this, and why's VRS being selfish?)
(I called her and asked her if she wanted to come over but shes not going to ask her mom acuse shes asleep and shes playin gituar hero) Saruya: I wanna meet her too!
(Oh... /=) Konran: *cackles* Her name is Hitohana, and she's a pretty shy Shaymin. Ryuko: I see. Konran: Yeah, I'm gonna go tell her about the party. *goes to floating* I'll see you guys later.
Saruya: Bye! *Waves* Rei: See ya Konran.
Ryuko: Laters. Tia: Laah. [Bye.] Konran: *floats off waving goodbye*
Rei: *Is really forgetful* So whens the party? Saruya: *Giggles* And you say im forgetfull. Hitohana: *Sittin in the flowerfield*
Ryuko: This Saturday at 3. Konran: *floating to where Hitohana is*
(Ive been dying to ask a question. Is Guy gonna get out of jail, well eventually xD) Saruya: Yay! 2 more days! Rei: Kay.
(IDK, maybe Bob will break him out. I've actually been thinking of making a pic of Guy since we use him so much, but I don't know who to make him from.) Ryuko: *giggles* And the best part is that my parents are gonna be home for once. Konran: *arrives to the flower field* Hitohana, you out here?
(XD Make it some wierd guy but not old fat and ugly jst make it like a perverted guy in his 20's) Saruya: Horay! I get ta meet em! Rei: You must be really happy. Hitohana: *Sits up because she couldent be seen in the flowres* Over here Konran. *Waves*
Ryuko: Yeah, I am... I miss them all the time, but they're always busy traveling the skies. Konran: *floats over to her* Hey, how would you like to a party with me this weekend?
(Ok pink VRS told me to tell u hi and that she wont be on till wensday) Saruya: yea .... Hitohana: A p-party?
(Ok, tell her I said hi back it your still talking to her, and my mom's about to take over again.) Ryuko: My dad said he'd have a special present for me to make up for it... I wonder what it is. Konran: Yeah, it my friend Ryuko's birthday party and there will be a sleepover afterwards for the girls.
Saruya: I jiant cookie! Hitohana: I guess so.
Ryuko: *giggles* Is that all you think about? Tia: *thinking~ Seems that way. Konran: Great! There's gonna be some nice people there who I want you to meet, and I'm sure they'll be your friend.
Saruya: Ma~ybe. *Giggles* Hitohana: Really?
Ryuko: *giggles* Tia: *thinking of what to get Ryuko for her birthday* Konran: Yeah... There's Ryuko of course, she's very selfless and lots of fun in the water, Saruya who's very nice, and kinda addicted to cookies, her brother Rei who's kinda clumsy at times but also cool, Denki and Aisu will probably be there too.
Saruya: butt don't worry. I'm not getting u a cookie for your present but I'll make some for the sleepover. Rei: *thinkin about what he should her* Hitohana: Are you shure no one will be mean?
Ryuko: *giggles* That'd be nice. And as for presents go, you don't have to get me anything big... Tia: *gonna make her a necklace from the shiney stones in her cavern*
Saruya: kay! I'm gonna go tell aisu! See ya at the party! *runs off* Rei: so what do you REALLY want for your b-day?
Ryuko: *waved by to Saruya* Oh... Well one thing that I want is a nice waterproof camera so I can take pictures of some of things and Pok*emon in the lake. Konran: I'm positive, no one will be mean or hurt you. If anyone were to be mean to you I'll cast a curse on them.
Rei: Well when my birthday comes around I'm gonna get this really cool choker thad the colors of a Lucario. Hitohana: Thanks, your the best Konran
Ryuko: Cool! Tia: *laying down in the grass* Konran: *smiles* You're welcome.
Rei: Ya know, I'm getting you that camera. Hitohana: *giggles*
Ryuko: *blushes* Oh, well you don't have to... Konran: So what were you doing out here this time?
Rei: Well the reason I asked was to get you what you want so... *blushes* Hitohana: Just staring at the clouds.
Ryuko: *blushes and smiles* Thank you... You're very thoughtful. Konran: *cackles* Mind if I join you?
Rei: *blushes more* thanks ... Hitohana: Shure.
Ryuko: You're welcome. *giggles at Tia who's fast asleep* Konran: *lays down in the grass and cackles* Its funny, I'm usually in the sky but I don't usually gaze at it like this.
Rei: *laughs* Hitohana: I'm in it once in a while.
Ryuko: *looks around* Where's Luke? Konran: Really? But you're a grass type.
Rei: I dojo, where did he run off to? Luke!? You around!? Hitohana: Well actually I may not look it but I'm a grass and flying type atleast when I have the right flowers I can't turn int sky form and I can fly.
Ryuko: I didn't see him leave, did you? Konran: Cool!
Rei: Nope. (O.O Their alone xD) Hitohana: Yea, but sumtimes i just like to lay back and stare at the sky ya'know
Rei: Nope. (O.O Their alone xD) Hitohana: Yea, but sumtimes i just like to lay back and stare at the sky ya'know
(XD) Ryuko: Well I'm sure he's fine. *giggles* Especially if he's as strong as you. Konran: Well I prefer being in it, but it is nice to kick back like this.
Rei: *Blushes* Im not THAT strong ... Hitohana: Just dont fase through the ground ok? *Giggles- kows stuf on all sorts of pokemon*
Ryuko: Well you're pretty strong to me. *smiles* Konran: *cackles* Don't worry, I won't.
Rei: *Blushing* Really? Well your pretty talented yourself. Hitohana: *Giggles*
Ryuko: *blushes* You're just saying that. Konran: *cackles- still staring at the sky*
Rei: No no! Im serious, all that stuff u can do in the water! Its amazing! Hitohana: Hmmmm, its so warm today.
Ryuko: *blushes more* Thanks, but its just cuz I'm naturally flexible as a Dratini. Konran: Yeah... You must love this kind of weather.
Rei: Well your still awesome at it. Hitohana: I like all kinds of weather but yea, the sunny kind is my favorite.
Ryuko: *blushes a lil more* Thank you. *smiles cutely* Konran: *cackles* I like it sunny, but I prefer the night life. *cackles* Probably cuz I'm a Mismagius.
Rei: *Blushes more cause of the way she smiled* Hito: I bet you love sneaking up on people.
Ryuko: *giggles* Konran: Sometimes, but I don't like scaring people too much.
Rei: W-What!? Hitohana: Well i have to admit, i thought you were scary the first time i saw you. *Giggles*
Ryuko: I just remembered when I first met you at that party... You said you got hurt every moment of the day, but as far as I've seen your not like that at all. Konran: Alot of people are like that around me cuz I'm a ghost type... They hear me cackle like a witch and think I'm evil.
Rei: Oh uh yea ... i must have exzagerated just a little. Hitohana: They just need to get to know you like i did.
Ryuko: *giggles again* Konran: Yeah... I'm glad your not one of those people.
Rei: Well i bet ill get hurt at least once today. Hitohana: *Smiles*
Ryuko: Don't say that. Konran: *smiles- notices the sun starting to set*
Rei: Sorry, but its true. Hitohana: *Sits up* A perfect end to another perfect day.
Ryuko: *notices the sun starting to set* Hey, come back to the lake with me... I wanna show you how pretty the sunset is over it. Tia: *waking up* Konran: *sits up* Yup! And the start of a beautiful night.
Rei: Oh, Kay. Hitohana: *Giggles* You like the night A LOT dont you?
Tia: *hover back to the air* Ryuko: You can go on ahead if you want. Tia: *nods and flies off* Ryuko: *walking back to the lake* Konran: *cackles* Yeah, its the best to me... The only thing I don't like about it is that most of my friends can't stay out late enough to enjoy it like I can.
Rei: So ... Whats it like being a Dratini? Hitohana: Yea that stinks, but what about all of your ghostly friends too?
Ryuko: Oh its kinda fun cuz I'm very flexible and can do the tricks I can... Once downside though is that I have to shed my skin every few years, which can be embarressing... Konran: Yeah, I can summon a bunch of ghost Pok*emon to hang with me, and then there's Yoru...
Rei: *Blushes* So do you have to stay inside or something? Hitohana: Yoru? Your boyfriend or something?
Ryuko: I prefer staying inside when it happens, cause my skin gets all dried out... It only lasts for a day though and it shed right off into a newer skin. Konran: Yeah, and he's a great guy, but he can only come out at night.
Rei: Oh. Hitohana: But you get him all to yourself. *Giggles*
Ryuko: You think its gross don't you. Konran: Thats true...
(Waaa! Tell holly i gotta go again, i gottta take a shower! TT.TT) Rei: No! Everyones diferent in their own special was so ... Hitohana: See!
(-k-) Ryuko: Thanks... *almost back at the lake* Konran: *cackles* Yeah, I see.
Rei: So on a scale from 1 to 10 how beautiful is this sunset over the lake? Hitohana: *Giggles*
Ryuko: *giggles* I'd give it a 1000 if I could. The way the sun lights it up is magnificent. *walking out of the woods* Konran: Well now that its getting dark, he should be coming out soon.
Rei: Oh really? Hitohana: I could stay up and meet him if you like.
Ryuko: *nods* Just look at it. *points to the sunset over the lake as they walk to it* Konran: *cackles* That'd be great! I finally get to introduce him to one of my friends.
Rei: oh-oh my GOD! It's awesome! Hitohana: no problem.
Ryuko: *giggles* I told you it deserves 1000. Konran: *thinks for a moment* I know. *takes out her flute* He always comes when I play this song on my flute at night. *starts playing a eerie melody*
Rei: *Blushes* B-But you deserve 1 Million. Hitohana: Wow.
Ryuko: *blushes* Really? Yoru: *comes floating down* You called, princess? Konran: *stops playing and cackles* Don't call me that. Hitohana, this is Yoru.
Rei: Y-Yea. Hitohana: *Smiles* hello.
Ryuko: You'd be 1 million too. Yoru: Good evening. I actually get to meet one of your daytime friends? Konran: *nods* Yup, and this is Hitohana. Yoru: Nice to meet you.
Rei: R-Really? Hitohana: Likewise.
Ryuko: *nods blushing* You really are 1 in a million. Yoru: I'm jealous... You get to be out in the day and night Princess. Konran: Don't feel that way... I'm sure you'd enjoy the day too, but it hurts you.
(I is back!!!) Rei: *Blushes more* Well .... i think your as georgous as this sunset. Hitohana: I wish their was a way that all pokemon could enjoy day and night.
Ryuko: *giggles blushing* Wow, no one's ever said anything like that to me before. Konran: Me too... Yoru: Yeah, that'd be great...
Rei: R-Really? Hitohana: Yea ...
Ryuko: No... But I'm glad you did. Konran: I wish I could make it to where sunlight doesn't hurt you... But I can't... *looks sad* Yoru: Please, don't be sad over me Princess...
Rei: R-Really? Hitohana: ...
Ryuko: *nods* You're the first guy that I know that has cared so much for me. Konran: Fine... But I can't help it... Its not fair. Yoru: Life isn't fair... You just have to accept it like I have.
Rei: O-Oh. Hitohana: Yea, just try to live with it lke everyone else has to.
Ryuko: Yeah... And I don't think I've cared so much for anyone else like I have with you. Konran: *nods* I'll try... Yoru: Thank you, Princess. Konran: *cackles* Do you always have to call me that? Yoru: Pretty much.
Rei: R-Really? M-me neither. Hitohana: *Giggles*
Ryuko: *nods smiling at him* Konran: But you only call me that because of my family... Yoru: No, most of the other ghosts Pok*emon call you Lady Konran... I call you Princess, cuz I love you. Konran: *smiles*
Rei: U-Uh Ryuko. Hitohana: *Giggles*
Ryuko: Yeah? Konran: *cackles* I love you too. Yoru: *smiles*
Rei: W-Will you be my girlfriend? *Blushing insanely* Hitohana: *Watching them*
Ryuko: *giggles and nods* I thought you'd never ask. *hugs him* I'd love to be your girl. Konran: *cackles* Isn't he the best, Hitohana? Yoru: *blushing faintly*
Rei: *Blushing* Really!? Hitohana: Yea, i wish i had someonr to love like that. *Giggles*
Rei: *Blushing* Really!? Hitohana: Yea, i wish i had someonr to love like that. *Giggles*
Ryuko: *looks up at him* Yeah, I would love to be the girlfriend of a strong, handsome, and caring guy like you. Konran: You'll find someone, I know you will. Yoru: *nods*
Rei: *Blushing- smiles* Thanks. Hitohana: No i wont, im way too shy.
Ryuko: *giggles* You don't have to thank me... But you could kiss me. Konran: Well you just need to learn to come out more. Yoru: *nods*
Rei: *Kisses her* Hitohana: Ill try.
Ryuko: *kisses him back- giggles* My first kiss! Konran: *smiles* You just need a few more friends, and I don't think you'll be as shy.
Rei: *Laughs* Mine too.Hitohana: *Giggles* Thanks Konran
Ryuko: *giggles* Then we were each others first kiss. Konran: No problem. *cackles* Yoru: I'll be your friend.
Rei: Yep. Hitohana: Really!? Thank you Yoru.
Ryuko: *giggles and notices its getting pretty dark* Yoru: *chuckles* Any friend of Konran's is a friend of mine. *offers a handshake* Konran: *cackling softly*
Rei: *Want me to walk you to the short distance of your house? Hitohana: *Shakes it* Thank you.
Ryuko: *giggles* Sure. *holds his hand* Yoru: Its no trouble... And you're my first friend that isn't nocturnal.
Rei: *Walks with her* Is there anything else you want for your birthday besides a Camera? Hitohana: No problem.
Ryuko: Uh... Maybe a bracelet or something like that... But you don't have to get me anything else. Konran: *cackles* I love it when people make friends, especially when they're my friends. Yoru: THats cuz you got such a big heart Princess.
Rei: Nope, i know exactly what to get you. Hitohana: I bets its as big as a Bowling ball. *Giggles*
Ryuko: Ok... *arrives at the door of the cottage* Can you get back home alright? Konran: *cackles* Maybe not that big, around that size. Yoru: *chuckles*
Rei: I bet i can manage. *Pecks her lightly on the cheek* Hitohana: *Giggles*
Ryuko: *kisses his cheek back* I'll see you later then. Yoru: Oh yeah, have you seen any spirits out here? Konran: I haven't.
Rei: Yea, Bye. *Waves as he walks off* Hitohana: Nope.
Ryuko: *waves goodbye and walks inside* Konran: Why? Were you supposed to find one? Yoru: Yeah, a spirit of a young boy escaped from my house and I've been trying to find him.
Rei: *Thinking* OMG She actually said YES!! Hitohana: Its sad to see the spirits they alleays look so depressed.
Ryuko: *giggles* Tia~ I've got me a boyfriend! Tia: *flies up and hugs her* Lahh tias! [Thats great!] Yoru: Thats because they usually died of something tragic... Konran: Or if they still have ties to the living world.
Rei: *Walking home* Hitohana: Oh, i didnt know that much. *Giggles*
Ryuko: *giggling and hugging her back* I know, and I can't believe it. Tia: *still hugging her* Yoru: And if the spirit lingers too far from where they live... they'll eventually disappear into nothingness. Ghost boy: *close to where Rei is crying*
Rei: *walking- *Senses somethong* Hmmm? Hitohana: Then we should find him. (Hey i need to take a shower so ill be bac in a lil while but my little brother wanted to say he really liked Ikou cause he said "Woah thats like the lizard kamelion pokemon on my game!" My bros 10 but so adorable! xD brb xD)
Ryuko: *going to bed with Tia* Ghost boy: *same* Konran: Yeah... This is why we ghost Pok*emon usually make our home in haunted houses... To keep watch over the spirits. Yoru: C'mon, we've got no time to waste. (XDDD)
Rei: *Walks a little more and hears crying- Thinking* Whos crying all the way out here? Hitohana: *Stands up* Lets go.
(I'm gonna call the ghost boy Omi) Omi: *same- mumbling about wanting to go home* Yoru: *goes to floating* I'm gonna try to pick up any spirit signals so keep close. Konran: We will. *following him*
Rei: Hello? Hitohana: *follows*
Omi: *scared and tearful voice* Wh-who's there...? *below a tree very close to Rei* Yoru: I've got something... Its this way. *turns direction* Konran: *following*
Rei: My names Rei. Why are you crying? Are you ok? Hitohana: *follows*
Omi: I-I'm lost... Yoru: *stll leading them*
Rei: I could help you get home. Hitohana: *same*
Omi: R-really? Yoru: *almost there*
Rei: Yea. Hitohana: *same*
Omi: Th-thank you. *holds out his hand* (Rei won't be able to touch him) I'm Omi... Yoru: *floating from above* There he is... Konran: Where?
Rei: Nice to meet you *about to tahr his hand* Hitohana: *below out of view of Rei*
Omi: *still holding his hand out* Yoru: Right there. *points as he's floating down* He's with a Lucario boy. Konran: Oh, thats Rei... *looking around* Rei you out here?
Rei: *Still didn't grab his hand* Konran? Hitohana: *Watching*
Konran: *comes into view* Hey, you found him. Yoru: Omi, why did you run out like that? You got all the spirits worried about you. Omi: *still holding his hand out* Master Yoru... I'm sorry.
Rei: *confused* Huh. Hitohana: *watching*
Konran: *floats beside Rei* This boy is a spirit that ran away from home... Omi: *looks down kinda sad*
Rei: it's ok Omi, don't be sad.
Omi: *looks up* But I'm a spirit... Aren't you afraid of me? (I gotta let mom use the computer... DX)
(but if I don't reply I mustuve went to bed or meh iPod died) Rei: No. I really don't think spirits are that scary.
(-k- sorry if I took too long.) Omi: *small smile* Yoru: *floats up* Thank you for finding him... If he strayed too far he would've disappeared into nothing.
Rei: Well just don't go to far next time ok. *smiles*
Omi: *nods- tries to give him a hug but goes through him* Konran: ...
Rei: Its ok Omi.
Yoru: We should be getting you back now. Omi: *nods* Ok... Bye Rei, thanks for helping. *smiles*
Rei: *Smiles back* Your welcome.
Yoru: *picks him up* I'll see you later Princess. Konran: *nods* Yeah. Yoru: *floats off* Omi: *waving goodbye*
Rei: *Waving goodbye back* Hitohana: *Still watching*
Konran: Well this was an eventful evening I must say.
Rei: Yep. Hitohana: *Nods still hidden*
Konran: *looks around* Hitohana? Where'd you go?
Hitohana: *Still hidden* O-Over here!
Konran: *followed the sound of her voice* What are you hiding for?
(Ok i is bac xD all we had was mac n Cheese but were having fish stix when their done so i might dissapear xD) Hitohana: I-I dono
Konran: If you were scared of the spirit boy, he's gone now... So its just you, me and Rei.
Hitohana: Im sorry i hid, im not good with spirits .....
Konran: Remind me that if I ever invite you to my house... But there's nothing to be afraid of now.
Hitohana: Ok.
Konran: Wanna meet Rei, if he's still out here?
Hitohana: Uh, ok, i guess. Rei: *Still back where he was* Konran! You still there?
Konran: *step out* Yeah, I'm here with Hitohana... You know the girl I was talking about earlier that I'd bring to the party.
Rei: Oh yea. Hitohana: *Walks with Konran*
Konran: Hitohana, this is Rei.
Hitohana: *Waves* H-Hello. Rei: Hi.
Konran: *cackles* So what were you doing out here Rei, heading home?
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