Yoshi-Kun.png 956x505(560KB) Yoshi :D-875 viewsThis is Yoshi Kage :D
(Quiet Shadow)< --- meaning of his name
He is 14 :3 (but he looks older =.=III) xD
He is my special type of vampire, he can do anything a human can, but it take less time for him to get sun burnt, he acts completely the same as a human and other then the skin factor he does have fang- not very noticeable unless he opens his mouth wide,
He loves the night
He is from the shadow clan and never knew his real mom- the person he calls mom is his adoptive mother�.
-his clan is know to have great eyesight allowing them to see perfectly in the dark and great distances- the rest of his clan abilities -he refuses to tell me =.=�
Also- When he has time and no missions he likes to draw and sketch :3
--p.s. the background of this pic was made by me :D using pics from pb and changing how they look to like a sketch the pics are his sketches =/
Idk what else to say but ill answer and questions about him :3