GDG1.JPG 638x363(45KB) Cherudim Gundam-573 viewsCherudim Gundam SAGA, I think.
GDG2.JPG 636x364(49KB) Arios Gundam and GN Archer-785 viewshaha, Allelujah and Soma Peries/Marie Parfacy fighting together.
It's kinda ironic she develops like a sort of alter-ego.
GDG4.JPG 637x360(43KB) Seravee Gundam-1123 viewsHealing [or is it Hiling?] Care discovers Tieria Erde is not inside his Gundam.
GDI1.JPG 639x362(37KB) Regene Regetta; Ribbons Almark-576 viewsRegene Regetta 'killing' Ribbons Almark
Who came up with their names? -_-'
GDI2.JPG 636x360(41KB) Regene Regetta LOLing.-1432 views
GDI3.JPG 639x361(50KB) Too bad-1084 viewsyou didn't actually kill him. Haha.
Ribbons was always 5000 steps ahead of you, Regene.
GDI4.JPG 640x364(53KB) Healing Care-878 viewsTheir suits match the color of their hair.
Lol lol lol.
Silly Innovators.
gdi5.JPG 638x361(52KB) Humanity is being tested.-568 views
GDM2.JPG 637x363(40KB) Tieria Erde-947 views