aika and akihiko.PNG 436x385(20KB) Aika and Akihiko of the Sand-1125 viewsAika (Love Song) [the One With Horns] and Akihiko (Bright/Shining Prince) [With the Halo]
all of us 8D.png 1010x758(525KB) Naruto Girls.-901 viewsStarting from Right: A Small Glimpse of Sakura xD, Kagome, Lupa, May, Kita and Aki.
Hope I Got Them Right. X3 Is Gonna Be in the AMV, Which,I May Start Tomorrow, Cuz Im Still Getting All Your Pics. XD Im Watching the Lady and the Tramp, the Simpsons Style. Is Durn Stoopid. XD
crappy drawing.PNG 765x501(27KB) Kisuke Drawing.-743 viewsXD It Looks So Lame. I Drew This Pic of Kisuke All By Myself. ^^
Kisuke Likes to Smile,and Be Happy. So He Wants Everyone to Be Happy Too.
crying.png 500x382(61KB) Crying-523 views"SASUKE,YOU UNBELIEVABLE A$$!"
cursemark.PNG 625x399(23KB) Cursemark-270 viewsI Did the Gradient on Paint.
drawin.JPG 382x542(29KB) Take a Step. Smile. Kisuke.-179 viewsDrawn 100% By Me. ^^ With a Mouse! on MS PAINT! DUN DUN DUUUNNNN X3 Thats His Saying, "Take a Step,Take a Chance. You'll Never Know Until You Get There." and He Draws the "=] Smile." on Everything. X3 I Love Kisuke.
kagolee.PNG 629x481(358KB) Kagome and Lee-490 viewsKagome is Remembering What Lee Said. Or Did. o.0
kagome and kita.png 437x344(138KB) Kita and Kagome-640 viewsKita: You Like Sasuke,Huh?
Kagome: *Blushes* I....Yeah.... >////>
With Kagome's New Outfit X3 Ahahah Hope Yoo Like,Kira.
kagome asai.png 300x498(107KB) Kagome Asai-311 viewsI MadeThis at Koey's House [My Underwear Model Boyfriend >8D] With a Laptop Mouse Pad Thing
kagome crying.PNG 410x480(34KB) Crying T_T-988 viewsXD Shes Smiling and Crying... Dunno Why o_0 Oh,and the AMV Is... o_0 Getting There. XD Im At a Minute and... 12 Seconds. <.< Im Trying. XD
kagome.png 640x480(323KB) Kagome Orgasm <////<-825 viewsWith Sasuke..... >////>
kisuke 0w0.png 260x435(36KB) Kisuke Full Body Outfit 2-597 viewsXD He Changes his Coat to Blue Later.
kisuke and sis.PNG 555x430(20KB) Kisuke and a Sister? o_0-551 viewsXD I Was Bored, and Changed the Colors on Amika,and Did This. XD Yeeaahhh I Did This Along Tiem Ago.
kisuke shippuden.png 589x448(136KB) Kisuke in Shippuden~-381 viewsX3 His Fave Song is I Can Walk on Water,I Can Fly. 0w0 He Sings. X3
kisuke u.png 640x480(157KB) Kisuke-523 views"I Will Not Be Afraid Again." He's Fighting X3
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