cool kizune: um yeah
kizune; um yeah wat do yall want hey haruka and ehhhhhh!!! AH!! ITS KITE!!! * runs away*
Haruka:*traps Kite and runs after Kizune*
kite: LET ME OUT OZF HERE!!! * breaks free * kizune; AHHH * keeps running *
Haruka:*Jumps on Kizune's back* Hey Kite,dont you wish you could touch Kizune?
kite: YES! * comes really fast * kizune: NOO! * is down on the ground * AHHHH!!
Haruka:*gets off of Kizune and picks him up,then runs off to her house and locks all of the doors and windows*
kite: * bangs on door * LET ME IN!!! kizune; um why did you lock the door and windows?
Haruka: So she cant get in...
kizune; oh um why am i in here kite: * breaks down door * hehe
Haruka:*Grabs Kizune's hand and runs to her room and locks the door* You're here so she cant get you oh,I forgot! *Puts 10 padlocks on the door so it would much harder for Kite to get in*
kite: * really bangs on door * LET ME IN!! kizune: um what now
Haruka:Hmm..how about no?(To Kite) And Kizune,I think we should put more locks on the door...
kite: YOU BETTER NOT!!!!!!!!!!! kizune: ummm i dont know * starts panicing *
Haruka:She has the Byakugan,right? So we can do something that will make her leave us alone...and she can look through and see us!
kizune: ummm yeah she byakugan and what do you mean by do something to leave us alone
Haruka:I dont know..like,I dont know T^T
kizune: do you have a tv in your room
Haruka:Yeah it's right over there.*Points to tv*
kizune: wanna watch tv
kizune; * turns on tv * what do you want to watch
Haruka:I dont know.
kizune: um how about an action movie
Haruka:Ok.I wonder what Kite is doing...
kizune: i dont know lets see open the door a little
Haruka:Ok.*Opens the door and sees Kite asleep* -_- She's asleep.
kite: zzzzz kizune: wow i guess we should take her home i dont think she well bother us again
Haruka:Ok.*Picks up Kite* I think it will be best if I carry her...
kizune: ok ill show you wear she lives kite: * dreaming * zzz
kizune: ok * walking * you know kite used to be a really nice hyuuga until she got beaten kite:zzzzzzzzz
Haruka:Beaten at what?Checkers?
kizune: no when she was little she was playing in the park until someone started hitting her with there fist i should of stoped them but i ran away in fear * sad *
Haruka: Who was it?They should get their ass kicked!
kizune: all i saw was someone with red eyes and a black coat and they should kite: zzzzzzzz
Haruka:Oh.(I have to go.)
kizune: yeah * gets there 8 here we are ( ok bye
Haruka:^w^(Im back.)
kizune: * goes to the door * kite: zzz
Haruka:*Opens door and sets Kite on her bed* Lets go before she wakes up..
kizune: yeah * leaves * kite: * on her bed asleep *
Haruka:I wonder if she's dreaming..(Im making another sprite comic^^)
kizune: * walking * yeah she probaley is any way wat do you want to do now that shes home ( ok )
Haruka:Watch more tv at my house(It's going to have Beth,Kita,Naruto,and Kankuro in it)
kizune; sure ok but you pick this time ( you dont have to include my charater if you dont want to its fine )
Haruka:^w^ ok...Naruto movie! (I already put you in it,and it's fine!)
kizune: ok lets go* goes to her house * ( ok thxs )
kizune: * gets there * ok so witch naruto movie ? ( ^_^ )
Haruka:2nd (^o^)
kizune: ok * puts it in the dvd player and sits down on the couch * you wanna sit down too ( ^^ )
Haruka:^w^ ok (What was your favorite part of my 1st comic?)
kizune: * watching the movie * ( when sakura and ino said het to each other
Haruka:*same as Kizune* (My favorite part was when Naruto told Ino that he loved her and in the next panel,Naruto was all : ^w^ and Ino was all: O_O)
kizune: * still watching it * so haruka wats your favorite part in the movie ( cool ^^ )
Haruka:When Kankuro saves Shikamaru^^ (That was a real part in the movie,it was near the end)
kizune: cool my favorite part is when naruto got scratched by that weasle ( cool )
Haruka:Yeah that part was funny (That was also part of the movie-Im watching the movie right now)
kizune: ^^ ( really cool )
Haruka:I want to do something else now...
kizune ok wdo you want to do
Haruka:We could draw...
kizune: um ok
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