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AWWW!!! They both look adorable!! thank you 5/5
^^ Your Welcome! And Thanks
 your welcome
X3 Thanks Kita! ^^
x3 You're welcome!
X3 Tee Hee! XD
Kita:Where's Kisuke? I want to say hi :3
Kisuke: o_0 *Peeks* Yes?
Kita: Hi Kisuke! x3
Kisuke: X3 Hi,Kita!
Kita: :3 What have you been doing with Amika?
Kisuke: o_0 Nothing... XD You Make It Sound as If We Were Doing Something Wrong.
Kita: >.> You probably were xD
Kisuke: 0////0 WE WERE NOT!!!
Kita:Right...then why are you blushing? xD
Kisuke: Cause We Weren't!! DX
Kita:xD (Emily,can I make a picture of Kita and Kisuke? :3)
Kisuke: >////< WHy Must You Embarass Me? [X3 Sure,Kita!]
Kita: Because I can. :3 (Yay!)
Kisuke: DX Blargh. [X3]
Kita:x3 (It's up x3)
Kisuke: <.< What Now? [XD Ja!]
Kita:Did you try that gum I told you to try? xD
Kisuke: XD Yes
Kita:OwO Did you like it?
Kisuke: X3 Yush
Kita:You better.. xD
Kisuke: XD Why?
Kisuke: XD Yeah.
Kita:*Chews a peice of gum*
Kisuke: 0w0 Can i Have One?
Kita: :3 Ok.*Gives Kisuke some*
Kisuke: X3 Yay! *Eats It*
Kisuke: *Chewing* Why do You Like Gum So Much?
Kisuke: 0.0 XD Okaii
Kisuke: XD Yeah.
Kita: :3 What have you and Amika been doing lately?
Kisuke; XD You Still Make it Sound Weird, Kita-san. But Nothing Much Really.
Kita:xD I know.
Kisuke: XD Yeah
Kisuke: XD Im Boreddd
Kita: Where's Yosuke? Maybe you can hang out with him.
Kisuke: DX He's Out with His girlfriend!
Kita:Oh..then what about me? x3
Kisuke: XD OKaii Then....
Kita:Yay! So what should we do?
Kisuke: Hmm....I DUnno. WHat do You Like to do?
Kita:We could go to Ichiraku's Ramen...
Kisuke: Okaii. Lets Go
Kita:Ok.*Walks to Ichiraku's*
Kisuke: *Follows. They Get There. He SIts DOwn*
Kita:*Sits down also* Can I have Miso Soup?
Kisuke: I Want Extra Spicey
Teuchi:(Guy who owns Ichiraku's)*Gives them their Ramen*
Kisuke: Mmmm.... Smells Nice
Kita:*Smells it* It does!
Kisuke: *Grabes Chopsticks,and Starts Eating* Yummm ^^
Kita:*Eating* This is great!
Kisuke: XD Yeah! *Eats More,Like a Piggy o_0* XD Yummmm
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