kago.png 400x299(31KB) Kagome-882 viewsKago: Hello? I Came Back!
????: Who Are You?
Kago: Im...Im Kagome!
????: You Look Nothing Like Her!
Kago: Oh, Right! *Undos Transformation Jutsu*
??: How Can I Be Sure Your the Real Kagome?
Kago: =.=' I'll Show You.
kago.PNG 800x600(589KB) Kagome-chan-462 views
kagolee.JPG 707x1088(125KB) KagomexLee-6866 viewsKissing! 0w0
kagolee.png 604x397(127KB) Maybe Your My Love-438 viewsX3 The Song Sakura Kiss [Opening for Ouran High School Host Club]
This is The Colored Version! It Took Me So Long to Make It! <3
kagome for pink.png 525x396(177KB) Kagome!-568 viewsHappy B-Day,Pink! ^^ Its a Day Late,Tho! Hope You Like,and That I Got Her Right.
kagome in the land of snow.PNG 411x500(17KB) Kagome in The Land of Snow-1217 viewsXD Yeah,Nothin Special. Maybe, After Team Kakashi Comes Back From There, Team Kurenai Has to Go There, and Then Thats When They Find Out Kagome's Secret! 0o0 When They're There, They Meet a Guy Kagome Knows. [Hes an Assassin Whom Keeps Trying to Kill Her,and Her Family] Even Tho Shes In Disguise, He Recognizes Who She Is. Cause The Disguise Shes Using is a Girl Who is Kagome's Friend in the Kingdomy Thing... <.< I Dunno. XD Anywho,I Will Finish This Story Later,For I Must Go to The Medicentre! DX
kagome.png 600x450(328KB) Kagome- Pre-Shipp,and Shippuden-972 viewsIm in Lurve With Her Shippuden Hair. I Kinda Stole it From Lady Tsunday XD Im So Lame, I Cant Remember Mah Shippuden Outfit I Drew.... <.< When I Doo,I Will Re-edit This. X3 Im at Mah Mommy's Friend's House,Babysittin Fur Her,Soo..... Im Sorry, Amy,That Im Never Online. I Swear,Im Tryin ta Be Good! And,Im Sorry That Im STILL Workin on Ur Request! Its Hard! DX And,Im Sorry ta Yatta,Too,For Not Doin Naruto! Yous Have So Many RPCs! I Couldnt Find Him/Her. But I Wil Get On It As Soon as ICan.
-Lurve, Emily 8D
kagosaku.png 1024x359(317KB) The Two Great Kunoichi X3-1028 viewsKagome vs. Sakura 0.0 It'd Be a Scary Fight...
kago~0.PNG 416x539(16KB) Shippuden Kagome-675 views8D XD
kisaaa.PNG 348x337(180KB) Kisa Uchiha-1509 viewsXD I Had Fun Figuring Out What She Should Wear.... Anywhom,This is When She Was 12,or So... When She Returns to Konoha [Like,5 or 6 years after Itachi Kills the Clan] Shes Like,16 or something.....XD
kisuamkia.PNG 555x430(20KB) Kisuke and Amika-444 viewsFor Beth! ^^ Im Sorry that Sukaya Stole Naruto From You. I Hope I Got Her Right. And, I Hope You Feel Better Soon.
This is Mah Fave Pic XD Of Kisuke and Amika That I Did.
kisuke and hanako uzumaki.png 640x480(201KB) Kisuke Uchiha and Hanako Uzumaki-1696 viewsHanako Means Flower Child. She is Sakura and Naruto's Oldest Child. Her Sister, Azami [Thistle Flower], is Yosuke's Girlfriend. Hanako Has a Crush on Kisuke, But She Knows That He Has a Crush on Someone Else... o_0 And Whom is That? XD We Will Find Out Later... in Time! XD
kisuke yosuke.PNG 1276x478(192KB) Kisuke and Yosuke-1013 viewsX3 I Showed How to Edit This For a YouTube Video...Which is Why I Wasn't On Yesterday,or Today. XD
kisuke.png 319x244(111KB) Kisuke Uchiha-1452 viewsKisuke Uchiha is Sasuke and Kagome's First Child. He Also Has a Twin, Which I DO Believe His Name is Yasuke? Its Been Awhile Since I Edited Them. XD Why Is His Hair a Flamey Color? Cuz Kagome Has a Fire Demon in Her...So...I Guess...His Hair Came Out That Color.... >.> When.... <.< Yeeaahhhh... XDD
kisuke^.PNG 475x358(17KB) 1053 views"Hey,Kisuke?" Yosuke Asked.
"Yeah?" Kisuke Answered.
"Didn't You Notice How Dad's Been Acting Recently?"
"What Do You Mean?"
"....He's Been....I Dunno....Acting Strange..."
"Yeah...I Know What You Mean..."
"Kisuke?! Yosuke?! Get to Sleep! Its the Middle of the Night!!" Kagome Yelled From the Living Room"
"Yes,Mother!" They Both Yelled at the Same Time.
kisuyosu.PNG 240x305(8KB) KisuYosu-615 views"Im Kisuke..."
" And Im Yosuke!"
"And Together We're--" Kisuke Yelled
"THE UCHIHA BROTHERS!" They Both Announced at the Same Time.
XD Thats How They Introduce Themselves.
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