33dd8544fa_53241539_o2.jpg 700x1287(175KB) Midori-179 viewsMidori is a shinigami from 13-th division. She was sent in real world to watch over Aiko and Saburo. She and Ryuu really are alike and naturally..they are rivals. It seem that they hate each other, but they can work as a team too.
3cdbaa2ad2_53242859_o2.jpg 500x656(239KB) Mikoto Rei-29 viewsA character from our Bleach FF. Rei is a very good friend of Ryuu and a drumer in band Strangers. She�s a model too. Her real name is Leila, but she don�t really like it. Her mother is from England, but Rei grew up in Japan with her father
f17968ed3b_53306077_o2.jpg 700x521(269KB) Ryuu-226 viewsKasumi Aryuuna. My main character. She�s a quincy, but she isn�t in that guincy pride stuff like Uryuu. She�s not very friendly and she hates Ichigo at first..even Uryuu :D But later.... :D She loves fighting and killing hollows :D
Ryo.jpg 508x715(83KB) Kasumi Ryo-77 viewsRyuu�s twin brother.He�s calmer than his sister but he also likes to fight.They were always fighting when they were kids, but just for fun.He likes his sister very much and he takes a role as "older" brother very seriously and is alwyas ready to fight when someone just says something bad to her.
He�s a quincy too, but he�s powers are even weaker than Ryuu�s. He uses a bokuto or katana, because he isn�t able to form a quincy bow.
Ryo1.jpg 500x648(43KB) Ryo Closeup-40 views
Ryuu1.jpg 488x831(71KB) Kasumi Ryuu singing-332 viewsThis is my main character for our Bleach FF.She�s 15 years old student and singer in a rock/punk band called Stangers.She�s also a Quincy but not very powerful.But she is very skilled in fight with kwan dao, bow, katana and fists.She�s little bit agressive and she loves fighting, but she has a calm site too.She likes reading and can play violin.At first she hears just at her twin brother Ryo,but later she�ll build up friendship with other characters.Her full name is Aryuuna but she uses just Ryuu(Dragon)
Sayako.jpg 500x743(149KB) Kimura Sayako-65 viewsAlthough she�s a ghost, she�s Ryuu�s best friend.
She�s calm and quiet, and the reason, why Ryuu started to learn playing violin.
Untitled-2.jpg 673x237(63KB) Bleach FF Logo-265 viewsThis is logo to our Bleach FF Banned Gate: The HollowMaster