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Asa chan was just singing!.png

Asa chan was just singing!.png
Asa-chan ^-^-512 views
GASP! Asa-chan was just singing! And we missed it! =O

XD the lyrics u see here are part of a song called �Build God, then we�ll talk� by PATD amy got me addicted to it =___=� but then again when don�t I like panic a the disco? XD

Anyways in this pic asa was home on his laptop WEARING THE CHOKER ZANE GAVE HIM, and he was recording himself just to shut kiede up XD (and yes that one part is supposed to be all caps XD)

Im sooo happy with how this cmae out x3 =3
And yes this is one of Asa�s top ten songs now XD

Base by: Pockypixels on DA


lets see how well we knwo asa-chan ;)

Kiede-chan-1085 viewsok well.... For starters this is Kiede

Kiede is Asa-chan's Best Friend....

Yes that is their school they attend in the bakcground...

Yes those are the colors of the uniforms XD

Im not sur eif this is b4 or after school~

if anyone had realized this si the same bakcgorund in asa's hp picceh XD

Base by somebody on d.q. but i forget @-@

and uh yeah...

about kiede :D

-She's 15
-She's a girl
-She is very cheerful
-She lvoes pickign out asa's outfits
-She loves shooping
-Hates when ppl pick on Asa
-She lvoes to go dancing in her alaskin hooker boots (XD a weird hing i obtianed form tlakginw tih my friend sunny, shes weird XD)

x3-793 viewsthis is basically what asa's mommy looked like =3

lol imade htis off of taylor swift on a game XD
The youngest Chikas.png

The youngest Chikas.png
The Chika's younger days-1102 views
Ok�� so�� This is 10 year old Asa with his 14 year old sister Hoshi, and 13 year old Goro, plus their 18 year old cousin�. (who has no name XD) but this is one of Asa�s lost memories

They are all part of the Chika family, and In the chika family all of them can heal, but they use a small chant that is different for each one, BUT asa is like their ancestors and doenst need to say anything, which made people intimidated to know that, so while al lthe chikas wanted to protect hime, other ppl wanted him dead,

This si the reason their village was attacked, becuz the people wanted Asa dead, and they didn�t know which chika was the one so they went on akilling spree,
And I think u can get it fomr there, they thought they killed them all and that�s why theres only 3 left alive, so sad�.

On a side note, if u notice how asa is always wearing some type of stripe u wouldn�t realize, that its becuz he doesn�t even realize it since its habbit, all chika�s wear a stripe with either black, grey, or white, plus another color or two
Zane Asa-2.png

Zane Asa-2.png
x3-2002 views *snicker snickrs* i couldnt resist after their day at teh beach ;D

took me forever to find it tho @-@ tehn irealized i shoulda just types in Gravitation Yaoi
6 pictures on 1 page(s)

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