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Karin mommy watermarked.png

Karin mommy watermarked.png
Mommy Karin. :D-4479 viewsShe has the laundry(lol.)3 comments
play with me onii-san watermarked.png

play with me onii-san watermarked.png
"Play with me, Onii-san!"-3334 viewsKatsu(Karin and Sasuke's son): Play with me, onii-san!
???:....*smiles* Hello.
Katsu:*smiles back* Let's play!
Karin: Not now, first clean your room!
????: He can clean later, let's play Katsu!*runs outside*
Katsu:*smiles* Wait for me onii-san!*runs outside with him*

Katsu calls him Onii-san, even though they aren't brothers.
Sasuke and Karin_s son watermarked.png

Sasuke and Karin_s son watermarked.png
Katsu Uchiha(Karin and Sasuke's son)-7449 viewsLols, yeah I changed his name. >3 xDDD
Yeah, I decided to go back to this(Trying to think of why I deleted this in the first place.......)
Lol, anyways................Here's Katsu Uchiha(again)

Edit: Oh yeah, why the shocked facial expression?OoO Well, if you saw my old upload of him, it had the dialogue(I don't feel like retyping it now soo heres the story: Katsu was on a mission and met up with Osamu(Ochimaru's son) Osamu want's revenge on Katsu, because Sasuke(Katsu's father) killed Orchimaru
3 pictures on 1 page(s)

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