Gakuto_Watanabe.png 640x480(137KB) Gakuto Watanabe-2459 viewsGakuto(Gaku) Watanabe,He is part of the Middle Branch.Gakuto means educated person,he is far from that.He is a total moron.He also thinks he is a total rebel.He trys to seperate himself from the clan,by covering his eye,dying his hair,and not using the traditional puppet jutsu.Hisao secretly put the Watanabe clan symbol on the back of his jacket.Some of the Main branch members are trying to decide wether or not putting him in the Minor branch because he won't use any puppet jutsu.
Gaku_Pissed.png 639x480(115KB) Shippuden Gaku-895 viewsBefore shippuuden,Gaku decided to accept his fate as a Watanabe and started to follow clan tradition's. He let his roots grow out(that's why the fail fade effect is there ._.) and got peircings? It was actually that was Hisao's doing. Gaku turn to the future clan for help on changing his path. Hisao told him he had to get peircings,since he was soon going to make it a Watanabe fashion statement. While holding Gaku down he managed to peirce one of his ears,before Gaku decided to lash out(continued in below)
Hisao_Froggy.png 500x375(117KB) Rude Awakening-3560 viewsRandom Watanabe Clan Member:Hisao-sama!We need your assistance!
Hisao:Who the hell do you think you are?!?Waking me up!!
Random Watanabe Clan Member:I'm sorry!I'll solve the problem myself!Sorry for disturbing you!*slides door closed*
Other Clan Member:Was Hisao-sama wearing a frog on his head?
Hisao_Ghost.png 640x480(109KB) A Ghost?-3396 viewsHisao woke up one night unable to sleep. He thought maybe a little stroll around the Watanabe main house would put him at ease. While walking the wind started to moan,then a shadow like figure appeared before him. "Hisao-kun.",the Ghost said. "Y-y-yes?",said the frightened young Hisao. "W-wh-who are you?" "Think of me as your guardian angel,Hisao-kun.",the Ghost said with a sincere smile. "Guardian Angel?",Hisao said a little confused. "I'll always be watching you...",she said as she disappeared.
Hisao_Glare.png 639x480(20KB) Hisao Glare-2002 viewsHisao:Don't you dare fuck with me...
Hisao_Kaori_Uh_Oh.png 719x540(221KB) Uh Oh-4410 viewsAs part of Kaori's punishment she has to protect Hisao with her life.Basically because Hisao is the next Watanabe clan leader and he doesn't have any siblings to take his place.Kaori is a real clutz.She has no real control over her strength.She acidentally nailed Hisao in the face.
Kaori:I'm sorry Hisao-sama,I still can't control my strength.
Hisao:K-ao-ri...san.... D8
Hisao_Little.png 1280x720(532KB) Little Hisao-3645 viewsHisao developed Ryuzaki at a young age due to his abusive mother who would beat him everyday.One day Hisao was thrown against a wall and his head was hit pretty hard.He went into a coma for a few months.When he finally woke up he was Ryuzaki.Soon after he went back to being Hisao.The docters had concluded he had a split personality and often like to check up on his mental state.Ryuzaki is sometimes triggered because Hisao was hit in the head.
Hisao_Ryuzaki_Mode.png 640x477(178KB) Hisao's split personality Ryuzaki is now active.-4771 viewsRyuzaki(Hisao) has a way different personality than Hisao.Ryuzaki is more cheerful,outgoing,and tends to over react to everything.Ryuzaki is triggered randomly or if certain events occur.After Ryuzaki goes back to being Hisao,Hisao has no memory of what happened while he was Ryuzaki.
Hisao_Sexy_No_Jutsu_Hotspring.png 640x480(293KB) Sexy No Jutsu Hisao-6137 viewsHisao became his split personality Ryuzaki and ended up in the women's hotspring.Ryuzaki I guess is kinda a pervert.
Hisao:How the hell did I end up here?
Hisao_Ummmm.png 444x330(65KB) Ummmm....-932 viewsThe reason why he doesn't have his headband is because it's his day off.
Hisao_Watanabe.png 640x480(246KB) Main RPC-Hisao Watanabe-5729 viewsName:Hisao Watanabe
Advance Bloodline:???
Ninja Rank:Chunin
Team:None(Solo Ninja)
Personality:Somewhat Cold and Self Centered.
(Has Split Personality He calls Ryuzaki)
Junsui~0.png 730x550(258KB) Hisao's puppet Junsui-3371 viewsJunsui(meaning Purity) is Hisao's puppet.As you can see the top half of her is only made.*laughs* Hisao was pretty impatiant making her.Junsui weilds a scythe,she is rigged with poisonous needles and gases also.Some people refer to her as the Shinigami Puppet.
Kaori_Scolded.png 721x542(113KB) Kaori Watanabe-2463 viewsKaori is being yelled at for leaving to train without the consent of the Main branch.
Kaori_Watanabe.png 600x450(133KB) Kaori Watanabe-3662 viewsKaori is Hisao's Cousin(around the same age).She is apart of the Watanabe Minor branch.There are three branches in the Watanabe clan.The Main branch,Middle branch,and Minor branch.Each branch has their own eye combination.The Minor branch is quite weak in their abilities.They aren't strong puppet masters.Kaori doesn't show up till shippuden,the whole time before that she was training to bring honor to the Minor branch.The Watanabe clan symbol is on her headband.
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