Lodoss_Ashram_OVA.jpg 612x479(11KB) Ashram-60 viewsAshram with his hair blowing in the wind and wearing a serious and evil expression.
Lodoss_Deedlit_circle.jpg 707x1023(185KB) Deedlit-407 viewsPromo art featuring Deedlit with a woodland painted background and a gold circle.
Lodoss_group1.jpg 800x600(89KB) Group of Heroes-325 viewsThis is my album that features both Record of Lodoss War OVA and Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight TV anime. The album includes screencaps and promo art.
Lodoss_group3.jpg 800x600(154KB) Ashram, Deedlit, Pirotess and a black dragon-267 views
Lodoss_OVA_group_scene.jpg 640x480(31KB) More of the Heroes-140 viewsKing Kashue, Orson, Shiris, Parn and Deedlit from a scene in the OVA.
Lodoss_Slayn_OVA.jpg 720x540(37KB) Slayn-82 viewsSlayn peeking around a corner in a scene from the OVA.
Lodoss_TV_KardisNeece_cel.jpg 513x425(28KB) Little Neese possessed by Kardis-123 viewsA cel of Little Neese possessed by Kardis in Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.
Lodoss_TV_Leaf_cel.jpg 513x425(43KB) Leaf-110 viewsA cel of Leaf from Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.
Lodoss_TV_Leylia_cel.jpg 513x425(30KB) Leylia-121 viewsA cel of Leylia from Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.
Lodoss_TV_Neese_cel.jpg 513x425(32KB) Little Neese-143 viewsA cel of Neese from Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.
Lodoss_TV_Pirotess_cel.jpg 513x425(18KB) Pirotess-148 viewsA cel of Pirotess from Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.
Lodoss_TV_Shiris_cel.jpg 513x425(36KB) Shiris-122 viewsA cel of Shiris from Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight.