wow thats pretty
hate it, yuck yuck yuck
Geez oh w.e your a waste of time I wouldn't even spit on the ground you walk on hard to belive your so smart but oh well your dumb and theres nothing we can do about it!
Wow, look at this idiot who is bitching over comments I made about an ugly cartoon character. And he calls me dumb.
"She" dumbass shes just sayin that why would you click on this if you hate them so much? I mean it doesn't make sense -_-"
Yeah I agree she is a dumbass so are you!!
your a waste of time. You know go bitch about all you want say I'm dumb things about me and crap but when your life is over with all these things you said you'll go down to hell bitch so for now I'll stop cause your a waste of time
ahahaha, I like it when I aggravate dumb poeple to when they talk about utter nonsense
yes for now well leave you alone cause your going to burn in hell anyways
no, cursing a whore like ryoko will get you to heaven
And where is that written bitch?
w.e bitch
no point in arguing with idiots, they drag you down to there level and beat you with experience...
eh, i hate red ninja and schizo, but mostly Red Ninja! listen, if schizo wants to insult pics, let him. I insult pics most of the time, and none of u get mad at me, so just forget about it and let schizo do what he wants, K?
why you hate Nin?
because she said she didn't give damn what I thought!!
thought about what?
I hate this bankotsu lover more than ninja because she is a hypocrite. she supposedly supports my right to insult a pic, just a few days ago she insulted me for insulting some crappy pictures. that's how hypocritical and stupid she is.
Shows how stupid YOU are...it was today! Come on then, if you have something against Ban-Chan...you have something aginst me too
Schizo, I have one question: All comments you posted since you joined were mean. Are there ANY pics or persons you like? And one thing: How can you say you hate Nin? She's the sweetest person around here. And I don't care if you insult me now, too, since that's obviously the only thing you can do. I won't sink to your level and swear. That's too idiotic. AG is made for enjoying pics, not for insulting people or commenting how ugly pics are. Just to point it out in case you didn't know that.
'Come on then, if you have something against Ban-Chan...you have something aginst me too" because you guys share a brain? ahahhaand talee, i justdon't like her and bakotsu/tisha said the same thing! Why don't you ask them that question!!!!!!!!
I'm going to do. Nin is a sweety, and I won't let anyone insult her. One advice, though: If you keep posting comments like your former ones, you'll never finds friends here. And please stop swearing, all of you. There are little kids here who shouldn't read words like these.
thank you Talee chan ^^ and im sorry ba chan you have every right to hate me, i was in a bad mood cause one of my family members has just died. and im not very happy im trying to though. and schizo i can't argue with you cause this fights old and i think yur not much of time anymore. thank you very much for hating me ill make sure i go to hell.
Nin! Good to see you, little one *hug*. I presumed you and Ban would sort things out. I'm so sorry to hear about your family member *hug*. If you want to talk about it, just PM me. And now you and Schizo, stop that fight. You both said mean things. This arguement won't lead anywhere, so either apologize to each other or ignore each other. Will you? *hug*
yeah ^^ i realized with the death and all i realized i can't be a meanie all my life XD i have life and i should live it ^^ *hug*
Exactly, Nin-chibi. *huggles little Nin* ^^ That's one of the reasons why I like you so. You can stop a fight and admit if you behaved wrong (what is seldomly enough, just to point out). Have a cup of tea. Tea is always great for comforting a troubled soul (at least it works for me).
lol when im troubled i eat ice cream in pjs XD its just my thing lol
Ice cream doesn't really work for me. Cakes maybe. Or cookies with milk...
me like cakes ^^ cake gooood lol but kari chan is sweet ^^
What? Thank you! I think you're the first person ever calling me sweet. No wait... the second. But still it's so kind of you *hug*.
lol its wat my freind told me once ^^ yay me get hugs X3
^^ Uh, must be a friend who really likes you . Sure you get hugs from me. I thought you know I'm very generous with hugs. Especially towards dear friends like you *hugs Nin more and more and more ^^ *. Why... Hugs for all! *hugs Ban and Tasha and Schizo* ... *hugs Nin-chibi-chan again* ^^
Eh? Dylan likes me? Thats awkward! XD me like hugs =^^= oh yeah kari-chan i sent you the pm back ^^
Oh, thanks ^^. Need to look. I was just right now re-editing a Christmas story I wrote once, but I'm finished now. (Not the right season for doing sth like this, I guess ) Is/Was Dylan on AG, too? Was he MaddHatter? (I don't think he was... Just thought I might ask. I'm still gettign confused sometimes.)
XD i wrote a halloween story during the middle of may
Was it good?
in my oppion it ROCKED!!! but thats just me XD
Tenchi muyo is such a perverted show!
i watched it when i was 5 XD
You need to give it to me so I can read it, Nin-chan. Hi J! *waves* I've never heard of that show...
i did!
You did what? Give it to me? Via PM? *slightly confused* Where did J go? He came, said "The show is perverted", and disappeared . I didn't even have a chance to say hi to him... Nin, how can you watch a show like that at 5?
I saw it when I was 8!XD
my brother showed it to me XD
lol thank you Ba-chan ^^
no prob nin!^-^
but still im very very VERY sorry if i hurted yur feelings TT~TT
nah, tis okay! u were stressed and upset! I get the same way when I'm upset!♥
Well okay if you say so but here *gives Ba chan a cookie*
YAY!!!!!!!!COOKIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!*cookie disappears*
*cookie crumbs and spit lands on nins face* O.O wow.
me love cookies......♥♥♥
Excuse me...I NEVER said I hated Nin! I like Nin though I hardly know her! And I missed the conversation TT.TT
I thought you shared a brain with that stupid ass whatever her shitty name was
Tasha, I know you never said you'd hate Nin. I would have talked to you if you had . Schizo, why can't you just stop being mean? I even gave you a hug and asked you to stop it, so why do you keep calling people a$$?
coz s/he is one
I think cheese whip(schizo) is a guy, even though he fights like a 2-year-old whiny baby who acts stupid alot.
just like you did when we first met...j/k
boy u sure know how to get along with people stupid idot ass (aka Schizo)
thank u very much.......uh, who are u?
me i got a gallery, come take a look at it leave some comments when ur done
uh, thx! I'll be there in a second! I'll be sure to leave comments!
haha just priceless, dumb bankotsu just made friends with the resident pervert. LMAOROFL!!!!!
well she got more perv friends so no suprise there
yeah...I'd rather have them than no friends...you are such a dumbass!
haha, shows what u know schizo, I'm a pervert also so I dont care if he is!!!!!!!XD
-.-' now he'll take the mik
Well, schizo, I need to agree - at least Ban HAS friends. Can't say that from you here so far.
well Ban...I dunno and thanks for agreeing Kari
who wants to be friends with airheads? and you assholes are cluttering up the comments section with your stupid lame conversations, comment on the pic as I have done and have been doing. you asses are the ones who have dragged this conversation not me so stfu. There is a freaking forum. go there dumbheads.
how about you go die and I jump for joy you bitch?
Nah, how about YOU go burn and and i sit back and watch you damn slut?
thank u very much MaddHatter_185!!!!! I appriciate it!!!!!!!! GO BURN IN HELL SCHIZO!!!!!!!!!!
As much as I hate to say it, thank you superNaruto.......
Wow I bet his dumbass is trying to think of new insults.
Awww poor shizo, I bet he never had love in his life, poor thing I bet you never had affection from someone because your an ugly dick head with a very sad life, poor thing I guess you have just your hand then,,,
what J said.....
Shizo I bet you splattered cum on your nasty face, no wait leave it their as long as that thing you call a face is covered!
O___o what the-????uhhhh.....
you splattered cum on everyone's face, you're the village bicycle, everyone has had their turn on you. nasty you bring your business here.
Schizo, you are confusing.....first u say "plz forgive me" then you start insulting.....@__@
he was being sarcastic Ban, hellllooooo!
Oh ok bye! have fun with your dog! go easy on him!
Thank god he is gone! what a pest! ao how are you?
yeah, bye bye bitch! im fine, u????
yeah, hehehe, though I dont think he has the money since hes probably as poor as dirt....
lol!XD that was so mean of you Ban-chan! you should have said piss poor!
lol, thats me! fine, he's a poor piss who cant afford anything, not even a grain of sand!
Dylan (MaddHAtter) can be mean O.O
im so glad that im not on yur bad side XD
yeah, schizo should die in hell and rot there!
woo hoo! go Tasha!
okay, 3 things happened on this pic: 1, i became friends with J again. 2, J, me, and schizo argued like hell. 3, I met u Tasha!!!!
lol...well if that moron wants a fight...I'll give him one
lol! me and J did on this pic and one of J's pic! we are expecting more fights tomorrow.....
yes! I'll probably miss them...oh well I'll do what i did today...say wht i think the next morning
lol...right, i have to go to school...so i'll see ya later
bye bye!
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