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Gah so is Kakashi
(thinking) I have no idea what to say.... so many things that I can say, yet shouldn't.
Awww!! Iruka! <3
there is alot going on here. look where sakura is standing and kakashi face,you can see it .sasuke looks like he just woke up.
ooooo hot!!!!!!!!
Ah! Kakashi looks so gdm HoTT!  I wanna sit on his lap too  Sasuke looks cute here. I love KakaSaku
Hey! *Pushes Sakura out the window* It's my turn to sit on Kaka-kun's lap!! *smile*
poor kakashi!! he wants me on his lap not sakura!!!
your all funny BlooodReign is it fun to push sakura i wanna try. *pushes sakura into dog poo* LMAO!!!!
hmm...i want sum dango 2...(those dumpling things) this is hot
(sighs) i dont know what to say any more. . . not about the picture its like the first in hours i ve seen the mexican(iruka total inside joke) in a pic im talkin about u anime whores ur the ones the guys in the shows dont like. thats the gods honest truth. or whoever the hell you belive in.
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