grandpa.JPG 319x297(18KB) Shinichirou-1254 viewsShuuichirou's grandfather is a wealthy business man who lives in another country, but comes occasionally to visit his grandson. He is extremely caring and open with his affection for those he cares about. He takes an immediate liking to Kohaku, and here comforts her when he sees she is sad.
hotaru.JPG 255x381(29KB) Hotaru-3330 viewsShuuichirou's mother, who is blind & can't walk. But there is more to her than anyone knows. From the CLAMP manga Wish
ranshou.JPG 358x418(40KB) Angel Master Ranshou-891 viewsThe Angel Master of the Earth, Ranshou is very kind and friendly. In this picture he comes up to say hello to Kohaku.
ryuuki.JPG 221x474(20KB) Angel Master Ryuuki-1042 viewsThe Angel Master of Fire. Ryuuki has a killer temper, & a crush on Hisui.
touki.JPG 325x348(25KB) Angel Master Touki-2210 viewsThe Angel Master of Water. A hard-faced, but soft-hearted angel, he won't easily admit how much he cares for others.
usyagi-enter.JPG 320x315(11KB) Usyagi-10292 viewsA bunny with angel wings may seem like a strange messenger, but that's exactly what this little guy does in WISH. This fluffy flower-carrier is one of the highest servants of God, because he brings messages from God to the angels on earth. Usyagi never speaks, he bears his messages inside the flowers he carries.