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Kuchiki rocks all ur asses!
Urhhhhh! Yuck!
He rocks my socks too hahaha!
No way...
Just cause Kakashi is the 1 rockin' your socks dosn't mean you have to rain my parade...my byakuya parade!lmao
Sheeeeeesh... you're right about the Kakashi bit though! And I suppose Byakuya's ok... GO RUKIA'S BRO! Did I just say that? *sighs* I must be going mad...
Yes come over to our side ,lol.
I feel sorry for him now. Imagine losing your wife... that's sad.
Yeah I know it's good he kept his promise to his wife
Yeah... next episode airs on Jan. 10th... sooo long away!
Hmm....that is long. It's easier to read the manga ,lol, you can just read as you please.
Mmmm... I can't get it out the library... any idea where you could read in online?
Yeah just go to Degree Anime and they have 208 chapters done so far .Thats were I read it and many others..
Right... I just tried to go there... you don't think you could give me the address, do you? Put a space between each letter, otherwise it won't show.
Okay it's , h t t p : / / w w w . d e g re e - a n i m e . c o m /
Ur welcome
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