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Wow...NejixHina? I think I'm starting to like both that and NaruxHina.
Neji is Hinata's relative... that is gross! Neji and Ten Ten, Naruto and Hinata!
Kissed_by_Kakashi I agree its incest which is nasty!!!
She's your cousin Neji!
i find that disturbing plus hello you guys are related!!!!!!!!!!
whoa!sick and wrong guys, sick and wrong!
That is kinda gross....... i would never kiss my cosin (unless he was super hot!)
noperv just a anime lover
gross yes and i hate neji god i hate him when he fights her at the chunnin exsame @#$% you live alone you sonna of bitch!
Even if they're related. Its still cute and I like the idea of this pairing. Hey, I mean its legal in certain places >.>...gosh its so cute.
WHAT THE.....!!!! THEY'RE COUSINS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!! this is just sick and wrong!!!
i think its cute
Start looking less at the fact that they're cousins and more at the art. Stop bashing the art and respect it in all it's brutal and truthful intirity.The coloring is great and has great detail. If you saw this in a gallery and didn't know they were cousins you would appreciate it. Right?  It really makes me mad when someone works so hard and are proud of their work then people say they are sick in the head and wrong. How do they know what's wrong and right. Stop being simple minded and look at the bi...
pretty peice  and i like the hinata neji pairing.
I Think i Need To Go go to the Bathroom
Hahaha... I can image the scene after this.... awkward... Well, anyways, this pic is super cute. ^_^;; I like Hinata's eyes.. She's all like: O_O;;
its real cute!!!...except fpr the fact that they are cousins...its still real cute!
that really is cute
hmm i guess its cute >_<;;
aww but they look so good together ^^
Hey hey wait a minute this is all wrong.....in so many ways
yes it is so not cool. Neji and tenten forever.
 this is just wrong
ewwwwwwwwwwww man there cosins
It's a good picture but the fact that they're cousins really kills the romance...
ewww Neji an hinata thats very strange o well I think this pairing is better than Naruto and Hinata!
This is so so cuute ^__^ oh and btw to you personality changing freaks out there dont go changing ppls personal opinions, especially when its just the USA that considers cousion x cousion incest, oneday somebody will see you rant and rave and turn around and smack you right around the face.
It is a cute pic, and to add to what's above, did you guys know that Albert Einstien divorced his first wife and married his cousin? Weird but true, some cultures see it as completely normal... kinda turns my stomach, but that's their way.
they are relatives!! i agree it's so wrong!! naruto and hinata and negi ten-ten. that's how it should be.
in some countries cousin x cousin is ok... but i really like neji to go with tenten
i like Neji to go for someone he wouldnt be so ....... like if he want for someone like Iono I dont I guess thats weird, I guess what I am saying is someone who wont be quite ^^
Well if you look at it from a different viem it ain't that bad
nice... but their cousins... and thats weird....  srry, everyones posting that; i just have to repet it! ^^
Why are you all surprised? Yaoi fans do this all the time, and yet you all get surprised when you see two family member of the oppsite sex together you freak out? I bet if it were Itachi/Sasuke you would all say something a bit different.
Nah, they say the same things; "they're brothers!!111on3 Omfg!11", "sasuke's/Itachi's not gay!11" and the like. --;; I like ItaSasu though; and NejiHina. Hell, as long as I get used to any pairing, I can like it. XD
I don't hate the fact that they're cousins...but I like NejiTen-__-'
*snort* LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!  that's NEVER gonna happen  but actually, as twisted as it may seem, I'd rather support the this pairing than NejiTenten  but I'm a true fan of NejixSaku, it only seems fitting that saku will fall for Neji next ^_^ hah, this is funny
I never did like realitive pairings, like KoutaxYuka. Even though it's cute, I hate Neji with 1 fourth of my heart. 1 fourth for Lee. 2fourths for Sasuke.
SUPER CUTE!!!! but I still prefer her to be with Naruto....
..neji and hinata is sick, gross and wrong.. sicka-wrong...
i like the picture, its really cool, but I can't get over the fact they're cousins... yuck...bad parining, good pic
the picture itself is cute, but the couple..........grossssss
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