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Awww... look at Shikamaru's face! That is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen... <love heart eyes
Sasuke's face is awesome
Their faces! Sasuke`s like "Holy crap"! I love team 10. Ruining stuff is fun!
I agree with Daisy_Chainsaw. Ruining moments are fun! Heh, Sasuke is like "WTF?!"
wow, this is the first time i ever saw shika grin! He seriously looks cute! Also chouji and ino are so cute! Everyone's cute!
sasuke now hates ino-[and her team] even MORE...
wow you dont see shikamaru smiling very often...
he is cute when he does
haha! ino shika n choji r just like:HEY!!! lol
naruto:aahhh wtf?
sakura:ino get away!
shikamaru ish smileing? wow i guess hte worlds ending now
XD Team 10 is just the cutest.
kyaaaaaaaaaah go shika you are so cute smiling like dat
omg shikamaru scares me when he smiles like that  the world is coming to an end!!!!!!
sasuke's having a panic attack, it also looks like he has a parking cone stuck up his ass
Team 10 is the best!!! There so awesome, cute and funny! I think Ino is quite similar to naruto, there both so hyper!
Shikamaru should smile more. He looks nice when he smiles like that
Well nice that you pointed that out sweetpinkstuff! Ino and Naruto are cousins!
Team 10 is my favorite team too! they're funny! XD shika looks so adorable!!!!
kiss ino sasuke
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