007.jpg 640x360(25KB) Chained-13068 views
56.jpg 600x451(24KB) Wrath and Ed-10467 viewsWrath trying to choke Ed from Full Metal Alchemist.
56079.jpg 600x450(18KB) Sloth Hugging Wrath-12636 viewsSloth and Wrath from FullMetal Alchemist.
I just think this picture is just soo kawaii!!!
a48.jpg 800x600(62KB) Death Note-24062 views
Cloud kissed Kadaj.jpg 579x326(39KB) Cloud Kissed Kadaj-53271 viewsI randomly found thing and I was like WOAH!!! *drools*
dantewrathenvy.jpg 600x449(23KB) Envy Hugging Wrath-14279 viewsThe hug doesn't last long every time Wrath trys to hug Envy, Envy pushes him away. Nonetheless the picture where Envy actually has an arm around Wrath is kawaii!
EdRoy.JPG 530x576(33KB) Roy Snuggling Up To Ed-20641 viewsRoy and Ed from FullMetal Alchemist.
I laughed my butt off when I saw this, so kawaii!
envy%20and%20ed%20as%20pride.jpg 600x448(44KB) Envy and Ed/Pride-18808 viewsThis is an actual screencap from a FullMetal Alchemist video game where Ed died and was brought back to life as Pride. *drools over the hotness*
full_metal_alchemist_31_1.jpg 400x300(10KB) Envy and Wrath-12217 views"Shhh, I promise it will only hurt a little!" <- what he should have said. lol
grav6.jpg 400x574(70KB) Yuki Eiri and Chibi Shuichi-9572 views
hugs.jpg 532x480(19KB) Gimme Huggles-7066 viewsRiku wants Huggles!!! xD
Nana-ren2.jpg 609x1004(160KB) Nana and Ren-6264 viewsNana and Ren from NANA
roar.jpg 400x400(28KB) So Close...-10661 viewsAhhhh, I love this scene! I looks like Itachi is actually going to kiss Sasuke. Only in my fandom ne?
yaoi08.jpg 425x592(52KB) Entangled-12241 viewsummmmmmm ^_^;; hotness