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HIYA YATTA pretty indeed
LOL HIYA did u see WWE last night? AHHH
no! who won?! what happen!? why am I asking so many quetions today!?
I ASKED YOU>>>WILLEM REGAl came in the station after Chrash "disrespected" him after Willem being King of the ring...anyways he messed up stiff..like tvs and we couldn't find out who one..HHH vs. RANDY
its way more....I saw it with my bor's man its was freakin awesome yo my brother downlouded some on his laptop to whatch it on tv R BIG SCREEN TV
AWESOME!!! can he put it on youtube?!
...I don't know ...but he woulden't do it XD
Hey yatta-chan how'd the picture getting go?
Lol HI KAGOME oh Yatta an-other thing happen uh to HBK
aww... me want to see it! Kagome-chan! Youtube won't let me copy and paste thost sexy pictures of ed!!! (what happen on HBK?!)
It won't let you upload the pictures on here.
nothin big...he just Bi*** kick Y2J lol thats not right man.....and Matt Hardy beat M.V.P
DAAAANG!!!! not right indeed...tsk tsk tsk.
Hmm there should be a key on the keyboard somewhere that will let you make snapshots.If not google video has the episode on it.
well u know Chris J. is a Jack az..and Shawn is an even bigger one ...
(which buttons!?) right!
The prtscrn button,and I think you just have to pause it first.
okey dokey! I shall use it!
Ok heres the info again its episode 17,and the scene where Ed showers,and then talks to winry.
(soldier outfit) YES MA'M!
kagome..i worte a poem u wanna see them....YOU HAVE IT YATTA
Thanks Yatta-chan just let me know when there uploaded,and ready to go!
my poems sux don't they XD
Well I have'nt heard any of em.Go ahead and tell me one.
its in my album poems *only for father* you'll see O,O
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