lunei-chanadveninsanity.jpg 1275x1672(278KB) Lunei-chan-725 viewsthis is a drawing I did for a story I'm writing... dunno why I drew it really or why i drew it the way I did, but I still think it's scanning worthy and that I should put it up... NO STEALING!!
tenshilied.jpg 1664x1275(283KB) None-664 viewsJust a drawing I did when I was in more of my cryptic moods... don't steal please
terraexperiment.jpg 1700x2341(2630KB) Terra Nobody experiment-582 viewspicture for an rp I'm in. Please do not steal.
thefallen.jpg 1700x2341(580KB) The Fallen-531 viewsThis is a drawing I did for another rp. She doesn't have a name yet but all I know is that she looks cool ^^ Don't use this drawing or say it's yours or whatever or else I will eat you!!!