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What the heck is that guy talking about?
*Stare buffled* Why are you asking me?! I was just singing. >_> hey, you can't blame a girl for being hyper! ^_^
who drew this and don't shout at me but i don't think it's that good like the face, hair and how the shoulder bladejuts out a lot it looks horrible
I don't like the eyes. They look good on Sasuke, but on this girl, yuck.
I don't know who drew her... I found it when I was little, I think. I'm starting to keep track with pictures now that I found out that if you take picture and show it off; it's stealing and I hate stealing. That why I'm asking everyone if they seen it before. @_@ I tried to look for it.
Haha dont worry bout the stealing thing. Everyone finds a pic they want once in a while and take it but yeah i agree with Samanda the shoulder blade part is all kinda badly drawn. Like she has a wierd groth or something @_@;;;;;;
LOL! *Laughing at Hotgimmick's comment and stop* What's a groth?
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