Za.jpg 800x600(54KB) "Doll is what I love and is what I control"-13074 viewsClown is my life because I'm silly
I control doll just as I control people's body
as if they are a mely puppet
Zb.jpg 425x600(38KB) Sitting on the roof-41674 viewsFairy and the girl sitting on the roof
E. A. T. T. I. N. G!
First come the roof
Second come the ice cream
Thrid come to sleep! o/' *Singing* o/'
Zc.jpg 455x599(31KB) Nurse-17342 viewso_o I have no comment...
Whats your comment?
Zd.jpg 713x800(97KB) Water of Heaven-55679 viewsThe singer upon the water
thatt was once and forever my heaven
Ze.jpg 261x366(30KB) Warrior of the Water-72135 viewsThe look can be the innocent
but the sword made me powerful
and I'll forever walking upon the water
where it gave me the strength to fight over my fear
Zf.jpg 600x450(18KB) Ice Cone, Ice Cone-12388 viewsI wuv my ice cone
everybody wuv ice cone
If they don't then they like something eles
but I wuv Ice cone, I wuv Ice Cone. o/' *Singing*
Zg.jpg 402x550(60KB) Cross of the Child-19464 viewsWhat do you think that this picture is telling you...?
I think that it's the Cross of the Child because her heart
is trying to protect her friends and families.
Zh.jpg 800x477(552KB) Bubble of the Darkness-16929 viewsQuick Quiz!
What do you think is happening?
Don't you love her eye?
Do you think she's innocent or evil?
Zi.jpg 496x725(145KB) Darkness Slave-19304 viewsWings that sprod from my back
The innocent within my eyes
But forever the slave, bound by this chains...
Zj.jpg 499x627(49KB) Peek a Chocolate-11824 viewsPeek a Boo. o/'
I see yoooooou
taste it, first and YUMMY Weeee! *Singing*
Zk.JPG 534x400(144KB) The happy Side and angry Side-15715 viewsThe twin of the Two
The personal of Two
The happiness and the angryness.
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