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wow thats soo harsh
That poor little girl!
 *cries with AnimeRookie1245*
 sweet jesus!
That sad. How can you do that to a little neko girl?!
 That poor little girl was too young to die  That is such a sad way to die
Although it is sad, it is true, it happens and sometimes it is better for some one to take their own life than live on in pain.... it may be a little selfish but it is sometimes the best why. It is sad though
I agree with GundamGirlAC. The person that posted this is a sicko. Why would anyone want such a disturbing image as this unless they were a sadist or something...
they wanted to post this pic to get attaction
i agree with u Shoadow Tamer, that is life, life has pain, pain has life, some ppl cant take it and throw away there lifes others hold on to there life, but it get hard and more pain comes i try my best to hold on and try to make things better but i wish other ppl could do the same. thats why i am still her to help with life to help others when in need of help. this pic made me think, how do u die if u r in pain, do u fell anything?
Elly, I couldn't understand you. >>;; And the girl wasn't a neko girl; she had a ribbon in her hair. There's another pic of her playing with her stuffed animal-bunny. ..And why does everyone think that the girl commited suicide? It easily could've been murder; actually, it probably was murder. Notice the lack of a footstool? Of course, it could've just not of been drawn, but I digress.
whenever i see this I want to die!
i'm really sry this image disturbed some people i put it here to remind me of the place i was at one point in my life and i also had a close family friend hang herself this just helps me not forget that sometimes suicide isn't the answer
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