Kiba_19.JPG 640x480(20KB) 12240 viewsI like this pic, Kiba looks nice against the moon
Kiba_22.JPG 640x480(27KB) Sky Kiba-12666 viewsKawaii! He looks cute in this one.
Lera_1.JPG 640x480(24KB) Lera 1-10043 viewsIn the second episode we meet Lera, a young girl who connected wtih Toboe. I always liked her character though she changed after discovering what Toboe was (him killing her hawk didn't help( and I'd always hoped they would bring her back in.
Toboe_1.JPG 640x480(28KB) First Glance-12056 viewsToboe is my favorite character, he's just so sweet! Though when I first saw him I thought he was a girl...
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