Aion_1.JPG 640x480(19KB) Aion-4378 viewsHow I despise him... All points he might have for being hot are eliminated when he dissed God! Grrr... Aion....
Az_1.JPG 640x480(34KB) 7373 viewsMy favorite Chrno Crusade character, she is such a sweetie!
Az_10.JPG 640x480(18KB) Angel Azmaria-8157 viewsShe is an apostle, you go girl!
Az_15.JPG 640x480(30KB) 3352 viewsI like this pic, I think it really shows Azmaria's personality. She's such a sweetie!
Az_18.JPG 640x480(37KB) 5755 viewsI had to pause just right to get this picture, but it was worth it. I love how her hair is in motion.
Az_19.JPG 640x480(30KB) 4875 viewsAh! Azmaria has a gun, run!
Az_21.JPG 640x480(26KB) Wide Eyes-3373 viewsTeehee, what to say? So expressive
Az_23.JPG 640x480(29KB) Serious Azmaria-4272 viewsI think this one is serious, and therefore I like it.
Az_24.JPG 640x480(27KB) 3999 viewsIn this pic she is trying to bring the stone Chrono back to life, but she can't. Oh well.
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