A7X ROX!.jpg 380x241(16KB) A7X a.k.a. Avenged Sevenfold-596 viewsThey're one of my favorite metal rockers!
Billie Joe Armstrong Layout.jpg 700x700(350KB) My Favorite Rockstar-1897 viewsThis is Billie Joe Armstrong, He's my favorite rockstar. And he's really hot. The lead singer of Green Day!!!
can_t fail cafe.jpg 265x252(51KB) Green Day at Mike's Father's Cafe called the "RUDY'S CAN'T FAIL CAFE"-875 viewsThe cafe is in between Berkley and Oakland. If you ever want to see Green Day on weekends while their not busy with music. GO HERE!
Gabriel, the Fallen Angel.jpg 640x742(179KB) Gabriel the Fallen Angel-8544 viewsThis is Gabriel, the Fallen Angel. She pretended to love God, but ended up betraying Him, so her wings tainted, and soon they were taken away..burnt and sent to hell.
Joel.jpg 170x170(9KB) It's Joel Rubeus Madden from good charlotte-936 viewsHilary Duff does not deserve to be with him...He's too hot! Hilary Duff calls herself punk when she's with him! POSER!
M. Shadows.jpg 253x290(12KB) M. Shadows-656 viewsHe's really hot. he's the lead singer if A7X a.k.a. Avenged Sevenfold. His voice is smooth and nice in his melodies but powerful and intense in his screamings.
oh dude! now that_s hott!CHA!.jpg 155x226(6KB) HE'S NOT GAY! HE HAS A WIFE!-2808 viewsThis is what makes Billie Joe a man! Not ashamed or afraid to do anything. Especially this! It make him more attractive...
SLipKnot.jpg 200x199(19KB) SLiPkNoT is AWSOME!-1714 viewsSlipKnot is a Heavy metal Band who screams uncontrollably! You should see the way they dress onstage!
The Reverend.jpg 262x206(13KB) The Reverend-419 viewsA cute guy...People don't really notice him, I noticed him. He's famous in his own little world.
u must obey postulio!.jpg 320x240(19KB) yeah......-1246 viewsThis is really cool and disturbing. YOU MUST OBEY POSTULIO! Invader Zim is the coolest cartoon ever. It's so evil but cool.