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Sakura we all know that this pic is just tour dream!
That would be so cool if it really happened1 ^^
 wow they're sure getting buzy lol
wow that would be aswome if Sasuke really did like her. i mean think about all shes been though to help him there was in the Forest Of Death, and whenever he gets hurt and just ya
and this is based when there how old? not that it matters to me i love this pairing. i just wish i could be in sakuras place
I wish that was me and Sasuke
I think Sasuke really does have true feelings for her. Remember when Sasuke got mad when he saw her beat up in like episode 32 or 33? He said to Naruto save her at any cost in the fight with Gaara. He caught her when she fell from the tree. They saved each other coutless times.
Just because doesn't want her killed does NOT mean he likes her...I mean come on - his expression of total annoyness of her has been on his face for thousands of years...I can't blame him!
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