peacemaker1.jpg 467x350(36KB) Ichimura Tetsunosuke-7715 viewsIn desperation to find out who his parents' killer was, he joined the Shinsengumi in order to gather information and to become stronger. He is working there as Hijikata's page. His brother Tatsunosuke is also working for the Shinsengumi as an accountant.
peacemaker10.jpg 467x350(29KB) Yamanami Seisuke &... a women =P-7346 viewsThe other Vice Chief of the Shinsengumi. Hijikata is described as the Demon Vice Chief, Yamanami is the Buddha Vice Chief. Unlike Hijikata, he is very gentle and very personable and is liked by all the Shinsengumi members.
peacemaker11.jpg 467x350(23KB) Nagakura Shinpachi & Toudou Heisuke-11016 viewsNagakura - Shinpachi is a very skilled swordsman. A free spirit and loves to tease Tetsunosuke on all occasions.
Heisuke - He loves innocent cute little boys... or maybe he just loves talking about them. ^_~
peacemaker12.jpg 467x350(22KB) Hijikata Toshizo-12797 viewsThe Demon Vice Chief of the Shinsengumi xD He is known for his strict and coldhearted ness and is feared by even his own people and took Tetsunosuke in to become his page but does not allow him to become a Shinsengumi member.
peacemaker13.jpg 467x350(25KB) Kitamura Suzu & Yoshida Toshimaro-17296 viewsYoshida is the person behind the Choshu's activities in Kyoto. They're secretly plotting a revolution to overthrow the Emperor. He is very calm and have a very stoic personality.
peacemaker14.jpg 467x350(19KB) Saizou-9836 viewsSaizou is the resident pig in the Shinsengumi headquarters. He seem to like Souji the best so he's probably Souji's pet. He doesn't seem to like Tetsunosuke at all and always seems to chase him around xD
peacemaker18.jpg 467x350(22KB) Harada Sanosuke, Toudou Heisuke & Nagakura Shinpachi-9165 viewsThe Comedic Trio (Shinpachi, Sanosuke, Heisuke)
peacemaker2.jpg 467x350(31KB) Okita Souji-9781 viewsGenius swordsman, Souji is the most skilled fighter in the Shinsengumi. He's usually very happy and acts like a little kid, but when he grasps a sword, he became a difference person, fierce and merciless.
peacemaker20.jpg 467x350(22KB) Tetsu & Suzu-7569 viewsLmao! Is Tetsu being bullied or is he bullying? =p
peacemaker21.jpg 467x350(23KB) Suzu, Saya & Tetsu-8204 viewsThis is priceless!!! xDD
peacemaker3.jpg 467x350(32KB) Kitamura Suzu-9286 viewsSuzu is Yoshida's page. Suzu really looks up to Yoshida as his sensei wants to become his right hand man. He met Tetsunosuke several times under strange circumstances and became friends.
peacemaker4.jpg 467x350(22KB) Yamazaki Susumu-10576 viewsMy fav character!! =33 Being the Inspector of Shinsengumi, Susumu usually works at night to secretly gather information for Hijikate from the Choshu and of other members of the Shinsengumi. He hides his personality in order to work more efficiently as a ninja.
peacemaker5.jpg 467x350(28KB) Tetsunosuke & Tatsunosuke-6458 viewsTatsu is Tetsunosuke's older brother. Since their parent's death, Tatsunosuke took care of Tetsunosuke in their place, hence developing an extreme overprotectiveness of his little brother and chronic ulcer.
peacemaker6.jpg 467x350(26KB) Susumu & his sis-7338 viewsSuch a pity his sis had to die at the end =((
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