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He is so hot
Vegeta is WAY better
Vegeta is better. but Broly can KICK ASS. Hi Tasha ^_^
lol but Vegeta is cooler...hi Xzek
Yeah Vegeta Is Cooler. So how are you?.
I'm very happy...I passed my exams and are now going to college in 13 days ^-^ You?
I'm Good btw what age are you? I'm 13. I'll be 14 in September. Good For you. I want to go to college but I can't T___T
lol well whenever I mention college..people on here think I'm 18...I'm 16
16 huh?. I bet your very pretty ^_____^. I know I'm not TT__TT. my Cat is 6 or 7 O__o
There is no way I am >.< I bet you are though...aww there's a cat down my street...about 10 and she's so tiny...she won't grow anymore ^-^
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